Parade, festivities kick off holiday season (Local News ~ 11/29/06)
With cold weather in the forecast later this week, the second annual Old Fashioned Downtown Fort Scott Christmas parade couldn't have happened at a better time. With light winds and temperatures in the low 60s on Tuesday evening, parade enthusiasts of all ages lined up near the corner of Wall Street and National Avenue, and along portions of Main Street in downtown Fort Scott, to watch the annual holiday parade. ... -
State to assess Bourbon County Courthouse security
(Local News ~ 11/29/06)
State officials will conduct a security assessment March 13 on the Bourbon County Courthouse, a facility that some say lacks adequate security measures. The Kansas Department of Homeland Security, which is under the auspices of the Adjutant General's Department, will perform what it calls a "vulnerability assessment" on the building, said Sharon Watson, public affairs director with the Adjutant General's Office...
CDC says colder weather increases flu risk
(Local News ~ 11/29/06)
Winter does not officially begin until late December, but the dramatic drop in temperature and the snow expected to hit the area Thursday could be the beginning of winter weather. With the change in weather comes the increased risk of illness, particularly a cold or the flu...
Reese Marie Cullor
(Births ~ 11/29/06)
CULLOR -- Reese Marie Cullor, a girl, was born on Sunday, November 5, 2006, at St. Luke's South Hospital in Overland Park to parents Chandler and Cara Cullor. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. She joins siblings, Tyler Ann, age 3 1/2 and Landon Matthew, age 1 1/2. Maternal grandparents are Pete and Barbara Arensburg, Atchison. Paternal grandparents are Gary and Sally Cullor, Fort Scott. Paternal great-grandmother is Doris Cullor, Fort Scott...
Ethan Alexandar Hill
(Births ~ 11/29/06)
HILL -- Ethan Alexandar Hill, a boy, was born at 9:39 p.m. on Monday, November 27, 2006 at Mercy Health Center, to parents Garrett and Kaleigh Hill, Fort Scott. He weighed 7 pounds, 14.5 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Dean and Karen Hafer, Aurora, Ohio. Paternal grandparents are Billy and June Hill, Mapleton...
Hiattville Area News (Local News ~ 11/29/06)
Mr. and Mrs. John Coyan flew to California the weekend of Nov. 11 to attend the wedding of Joey Raines and his bride. Ideal chapter members attending an Eastern Star meeting in Chanute on Nov. 18 were Lynda Foster, Beverly Davis, Shirley J. Palmer and Clara Brewer. ... -
'Hounds put game away in second half (College Sports ~ 11/29/06)
Fort Scott women 73, Brown Mackie 48 -
Memories spring eternal (Local News ~ 11/29/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) H.G. Gates and family ate their last turkey in Fort Scott today and they left this afternoon for Iola where they will live. They have lived in Fort Scott 15 years and have a host of warm friends here who exceedingly regret the necessity of their removal... -
Hadley Marie Forester
(Births ~ 11/29/06)
FORESTER -- Hadley Marie Forester, a girl, was born at 5:25 p.m. on Monday, November 27, 2006 at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to parents Robbie and Jessica Forester, Garland. She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Jerry and Judy Wilmoth, Webb City, Missouri. ...