- Preliminary election results (Local News ~ 11/08/06)
Boyda, Palmer, Morrison take incumbent seats
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
On her first day after being elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, Fort Scott resident Shirley Palmer did what most people in her position would do. She spent the day answering phone calls. "It's been constant since about 7 a.m.," Palmer said...
The Beacon seeks sponsors for needy children
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
The Beacon is sending out a call for assistance for the nearly 300 less fortunate children in this area during the holiday season. Bob Eckles, the director of the non-profit community assistance agency, 525 E. Sixth St., said he and other local volunteers are preparing for The Beacon's Adopt-A-Child program, which helps children 14 years of age and under who come from low-income families. ...
Kids Voting project draws 560 participants in county
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
More than 560 local students participated in Kids Voting Bourbon County during Tuesday's midterm elections, committee member Tim Emerson said. Emerson said the total number was lower than he expected as close to 2,000 students were eligible to take part in the program...
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 11/08/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) Charles O. Bollinger, a former Bourbon County boy, and a brother of E.A. Bollinger of this city, was elected sheriff of Allen County by 1,100 majority, He was elected on a law enforcement platform and the law will be enforced. The city police department will make an example out of the first case of boot legging. ... -
Greyhound women shake off slow start (College Sports ~ 11/08/06)
The final score doesn't show how Fort Scott Community College's women had trouble pulling away from the Ottawa University junior varsity in the first half of the Greyhounds' home opener at Arnold Arena Tuesday night. Fort Scott, coming off a split in a classic at Moberly, Mo., over the weekend, trailed 12-9 after 5 1/2 minutes but used its transition game to build a 16-point lead at halftime and go on to an 80-47 victory... -
Judge rules suspect's rights not violated
(Local News ~ 11/08/06)
Bourbon County District Court Judge Gerald W. Hart has ruled that Fort Scott Police did not deny Paul S. Johnson's right to speak to an attorney, and police advised him of his rights prior to interrogation. Police arrested Johnson, 39, the day of a police interview, and he has since been residing at the Southeast Kansas Regional Correctional Center in lieu of $150,000 bond...