- Fort Scott Manor residents evacuated (Local News ~ 11/01/06)
Local employees donate to backpack program
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
Thanks in large part to a hefty donation from a group of employees at Mercy Health Center, grade school and middle school children in Fort Scott and Uniontown will have plenty to eat on the weekends throughout the school year. On Monday, a group of about 54 Mercy employees presented donations totaling $5,334 to the Kansas Food Bank for Independence's weekend food backpack program. ...
City, KWP release catfish into area lakes
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
There are going to be some big catfish waiting to be caught at Fort Scott area lakes and ponds. Kansas Wildlife and Parks Service biologists and Fort Scott Public Works employees restocked area lakes on Tuesday with 2-pound channel catfish raised at a rearing pond near Lake Fort Scott...
Local students learn about election process by voting
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
A local program is continuing its efforts to get young people to the polls on Nov. 7. The Bourbon County Chapter of the Kids Voting Kansas program, part of a state and national non-profit voter education program, is designed to allow kindergarten through 12th grade students across the country a chance to learn more about the election process through voting simulations and classroom learning...
Drake recognized as Kansas' National Distinguished Principal
(Local News ~ 11/01/06)
Eugene Ware Principal Billie Jo Drake made the first of two recent visits to Washington D.C. last week to be honored as Kansas' 2006 National Distinguished Principal. The event was conducted in association with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and was sponsored by AIG VALIC, a national leading provider of retirement plan services for profit and not-for-profit education, healthcare and government organizations and the NAESP...
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 11/01/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) A Halloween party was given last night by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall, 214 North Little Street, in honor of their daughter, Miss Cora. About 40 guests were present. W.S. Dial & Sons, Fulton, are equipping their large new store building with furnace heat. ... -
NJCAA fixes poll error; 'Hounds ranked 16th
(College Sports ~ 11/01/06)
Fans weren't the only ones confused when they went online to the National Junior College Athletic Association's web site Tuesday and didn't find Fort Scott Community College ranked despite it's victory over then No. 10 Garden City Saturday night at Frary Field...
Wildcats have way with Tigers in Bi-District rout (High School Sports ~ 11/01/06)
For most of the first quarter of Tuesday night's Class 4A Bi-District Playoff Game at Frary Field, it looked as if Fort Scott High would be able to give Louisburg everything it could want. But things changed in the blink of an eye. Derrick Rowan's 82-yard touchdown run with seconds left in the period gave Louisburg momentum it would never lose as the Wildcats went on to a 31-0 win that ended the Tigers' season at 7-3... -
(Obituary ~ 11/01/06)
Edward William Knoblich, age 70, a resident of Fort Scott, died Tuesday, October, 31, 2006, at Medicalodge of Fort Scott. He was born Oct. 19, 1936, in Fort Scott, the son of Edward and May McReynolds Knoblich. He graduated from Fort Scott High School and was employed at Tower Metals as a welder. He married Margaret Vinyard on May 1, 2004, in Independence, Missouri. Edward was skilled at woodworking and carpentry. He also enjoyed building and racing cars, and he loved to ride motorcycles.