FSCC trustees meet Monday to discuss Miesner's successor
(Local News ~ 11/03/06)
The Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees will begin the process of searching for a new chief administrator on Monday to replace current FSCC President Jim Miesner, who has recently announced plans to retire next summer. The board has scheduled a special closed meeting for noon Monday in the FSCC Board Room to begin discussing possible candidates for Miesner's position, FSCC officials said. ...
Maleigha Danielle Davidson
(Births ~ 11/03/06)
DAVIDSON -- Maleigha Danielle Davidson, a girl, was born at 10:37 a.m. on Monday, October 30, 2006 at Boone County Memorial Hospital in Columbia, Missouri, to parents Brandi Nichole Toole and Michael David Davidson, Sweet Springs, Missouri. She weighed 7 pounds, 7.5 ounces at birth...
Mykhael LeRoy Hack
(Births ~ 11/03/06)
HACK -- Mykhael LeRoy Hack, a boy, was born at 7:44 a.m. on Thursday, November 2, 2006 at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to mother Misty D. Hack, Fort Scott. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. He joins siblings Morgan Renee Hack and Sierra Rose Hack. Maternal grandparents are Diana Hack, Fort Scott, Mona Hedges, Ottawa, Jeff Hack, Moundville, Missouri, and Mary O'Brien, Fort Scott...
Memories spring eternal (Local News ~ 11/03/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) J.G. Bray, who resides in Bourbon County, near Walnut, takes the record of potato raising in this county, probably. He makes a statement to The Tribune concerning a yield of seventy-five bushels of potatoes from one pound of seed potatoes. Mr. Bray writes The Tribune as follows:...