FSCC Fine Arts Center plans redrawn to trim construction costs
(Local News ~ 11/21/06)
Fort Scott Community College officials have made some changes in their plans to build a new fine arts center on the FSCC campus. Plans for the exterior of the proposed $6.8 million, 33,000-square-foot facility have been redrawn to get the initial construction costs for the building down, FSCC Director of Business Development Daryl Roller told the FSCC Board of Trustees during their Monday meeting. ...
Re-enactors' attire essential to ambience of Candlelight Tour
(Local News ~ 11/21/06)
As visitors take part in this year's 25th annual Candlelight Tour on Dec. 1-2 at the Fort Scott National Historic Site, they will see nearly 100 area volunteers depicting life on the fort from the early 1840s to 1853. Each year, a major part of the tour is the 1840s-style attire worn by both men and women during the weekend. For the past 16 years, one woman has held the responsibility of outfitting the many volunteers for the Candlelight Tour and the various other events at the fort...
DOROTHY ELIZABETH DOTTS (Obituary ~ 11/21/06)
Dorothy Elizabeth Dotts, age 95, a resident of Fort Scott, died Monday, November 20, 2006, at Medicalodge of Fort Scott. She was born October 9, 1911, at Boicourt, Kansas, the daughter of Henry and Bessie Bulger Classen. Her family moved to LaCygne when she attended school, and she graduated from LaCygne High School in 1929. ... -
Sebelius names Ward 6th District Judge (Local News ~ 11/21/06)
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius selected Fort Scott native and long-time attorney Mark A. Ward, Monday, as the next Sixth Judicial District judge. Ward will fill the vacancy left by Judge Gerald W. Hart, who retired Oct. 31 after serving 21 years on the bench... -
Arcadia Area News (Column ~ 11/21/06)
After basketball practice in Arma on Saturday, Phoenix Crain and Cody Burlingham came home with Austin Bartmess to spend the weekend and attended the Arcadia Christian Church on Sunday morning with Greg Sisney. In the absence of Pastor David Peterson on Sunday morning, Emory Briggs filled the pulpit and taught the JOY Sunday School Class. ... -
Last minute tips for preparing the Thanksgiving meal (Column ~ 11/21/06)
Thanksgiving 8000 Calorie Poem May your stuffing be tasty -- May your turkey be plump, May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs! -
'Hounds pull away in second half (College Sports ~ 11/21/06)
Chris Clausen and Arsenio Williams each had double doubles as they helped Fort Scott Community College's basketball team pull away for a 90-52 win over the Ottawa University JV at Arnold Arena Monday night. It was Fort Scott's third home game in four days -- it's last until January 3 when conference play starts with a game against Kansas City Kansas. The Greyhounds don't play at all until December 2, when they'll face Northeastern Oklahoma A&M in the Jayhawk Shootout in Coffeyville... -
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 11/21/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) Col. H.B. Brown, who for 20 or 30 years, has been known as "Pawnee" Brown, has registered a formal demurrer to a change that has come about at this late date in the name of the town of Pawnee, which was named after HIM, if not named after IT. The Frisco railroad, some time ago, to avoid confusion between Pawnee, Kas., and Pawnee,Okla., changed the name of the Bourbon County town to Anna. Now they are calling Mr. Brown "Anna" Brown and he objects...