Local retailer celebrates 30 years in business (Local News ~ 11/09/06)
When he was in high school, Billy Webster took a small piece of technology and eventually grew it into his own business that is still very much alive 30 years later. The long-time Fort Scott resident is the owner of Shirt Shack Jeanswear, a screen printing business located at 11 E. 18th St., that opened in 1976. Webster and his staff are currently celebrating the 30th year of serving local customers... -
FSMS testing new teaching tool
(Local News ~ 11/09/06)
Keeping all students in a class of moderate-to-large size constantly alert and involved can often be a difficult task for educators. Some students may choose not to participate in class discussions while others may be too shy to take part. However, a new electronic classroom tool being tested out by Fort Scott Middle School math students may change all that...
Judge extends Grand Jury inquiry 3 months
(Local News ~ 11/09/06)
By Michael GloverA judge ordered an additional three months for grand jurors to investigate alleged wrongdoing by the City of Fort Scott. Sixth Judicial Chief Judge Richard Smith approved a motion Nov. 2 submitted by William Grimshaw, the independent prosecutor hired by the court to assist jurors deliberate the case. The order was filed with the court on Wednesday...
Annual Veterans Day Ceremony Saturday at U.S. National Cemetery
(Local News ~ 11/09/06)
Olson-Frary-Burkhart Veterans of Foreign Wars No. 1165 will host the annual Veterans Day Ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday at the U.S. National Cemetery No. 1 in Fort Scott. The service will begin with trumpeter Steve Harry sounding "Taps," after which Fort Scott National Cemetery manager Glenda Pavey will introduce master of ceremonies Daryl Roller...