Excellent fishing reports continue
(Column ~ 09/28/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Reports of excellent fishing continue to come in and the best catches of the season have been made within the last week. The smaller streams are reported exceptionally good for fishing at this time and a number of fine strings of bass and crappie have been taken from Paint and Pawnee. It is the theory of fishermen that the fish ran up into the smaller streams during the recent high water, remaining in them when the water went down...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/28/11)
To the Editor: The Bourbon County Arts Council's 24rd annual fundraiser, GARAGARAMA and Silent Auction, is over for another year. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the many people who made this event a great success! To our donors who provided us with merchandise to sell and to our buyers who came and found just the item they'd been looking for. Thank you...
4-Hers place in state Junior Livestock Show
(Local News ~ 09/28/11)
Eighteen Bourbon County 4-H members exhibited in the Kansas Junior Livestock Show in Wichita Sept. 23-25. There were more than 1,234 entries during this three day show held at the Kansas Coliseum. There were 102 steers, 257 heifers, 264 barrows, 229 lambs, 197 ewes, and 185 goats exhibited during the 79th annual event...
ALBERT PIKE (Obituary ~ 09/28/11)
Albert Pike, 83, of Girard, died at 12:20 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011, at his residence in Girard. He was born Aug. 18, 1928, in Mulberry to Andrew and Mary (Eichorn) Pike. He grew up on a farm north of Frontenac and attended schools in Cockerill and Arma and mechanics school at Pittsburg State University. He served two years in the U.S. Army Company G-30th Infantry, 5th Army in Colorado Springs, Colo., and Fort Benning, Ga... -
Arrest reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/28/11)
Gerod William Wiggans, Jr., 24, 301 Steen, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office at 2:43 a.m. Tuesday for transporting an open container and released at 4:38 a.m. the same day on a $250 bond. Anthony Dewyne Adkins, 26, 423 S. National Ave., Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 3:15 p.m. Monday for burglary, criminal damage to property and criminal trespass and is still being held...
(Births ~ 09/28/11)
Deanna and Roscoe Lewis, Hume, Mo., along with siblings Jeremy, Blake, Dalen, Bryce and Evie-Lyn, are pleased to announce the birth of their son and brother Roscoe "Lincoln" Lewis on Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, at 2:37 p.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott. He weighed 6 pounds, 3.5 ounces...
Postal service faces questions from Arcadia residents
(Column ~ 09/28/11)
The Morning Sun has announced there will be no more delivery service, but Arcadia folks will receive the daily newspaper via the postal service. It is hoped that this will influence the government to help us keep the Arcadia Post Office. The night the district manager of the post office held a meeting in Arcadia and over 80 patrons attended the session and asked questions...
Hammond Community Center sets fundraiser
(Local News ~ 09/28/11)
The Hammond Community Center Board of Directors would like to invite the community to a soup and dessert fundraiser for its building from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1. The Hammond Community Center is in desperate need of donations to keep its doors open, a news release said. Due to funding cuts and increasing expenses, it needs to raise as much money as possible to pay its bills...
Genealogy seminar scheduled
(Local News ~ 09/28/11)
Genealogist Barnett Ellis will speak at a genealogy seminar, sponsored by the Fort Scott Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), scheduled for 10 a.m. Oct. 8 in Room A-A 127 of Fort Scott Community College, 2108 S. Horton. The public is invited, including DAR members, SAR members, genealogical societies, families and friends. The seminar should be over by noon. Those attending can learn more about genealogy research, where to look and what to look for. There is no charge...
Fort Scott homecoming royalty (Local News ~ 09/28/11)
Okla. firm takes over Fort Scott Inn (Local News ~ 09/28/11)
The current owners of the Fort Scott Inn want people to know the hotel is open and it's been spruced up for visitors. Mike R. Craddock, managing broker for Hotel Broker One, said his firm took over the hotel in June and is currently running the establishment as an interim step to selling it. The former owner was Bhupinder Singh "Bob" Dhillon. Sunflower Bank of Salina bought the inn at auction April 22 and it was purchased by Hotel Broker One in June... -
Annual Parks celebration features variety of activities (Local News ~ 09/28/11)
Organizers of the 8th annual Gordon Parks Celebration of Culture and Diversity, scheduled for Oct. 7-8, have packed four days' worth of activities into a two-day time frame. The celebration was cut from four days to two due to a recent cut in funding after the elimination of the Kansas Arts Commission, but still includes many of the same events and activities that are part of the festival every year. ... -
Funding infusion; Ten local teachers receive gift cards to buy items for classroom use. (Local News ~ 09/28/11)
A group of Fort Scott Middle School teachers got a monetary surprise Tuesday. Ten teachers at the campus were drawn from a jar during Tuesday morning's Team Leader meeting as recipients of a $100 Walmart gift card, through Walmart's Teacher Rewards Program. The funds can be used for any school-related purchases... -
Pittsburg drops to 4A in other sports
(High School Sports ~ 09/28/11)
The Kansas State High School Activities Association has changed its method of determining the classes in all sports other than football and it may have affected Pittsburg. In the past, the six classes were determined by a count of students in grades 10-12. Beginning year, the KSHSAA is counting students in grades 9-12...
Frontenac moves into 4A football
(High School Sports ~ 09/28/11)
Who would have ever thought it would be possible for Fort Scott and Frontenac to be assigned to the same district in football? It could happen depending on how the Kansas State High School Activities Association carves up the 64 Class 4A schools when it makes its football district assignments next week. Frontenac, which will be the second-smallest Class 4A football school, moved up from Class 3A after gaining 20 students since the last time football classes were determined two years ago...
Uniontown sees positives in switch to 8-man
(High School Sports ~ 09/28/11)
The Kansas State High School Activities Association released its football classifications for the next two school years Tuesday morning. And as expected, Uniontown will switch to the eight-man version of the sport next season. "There's been other times through the years where we were close," Uniontown Athletic Director Jim Mason, a former Eagle head coach and currently an assistant for Chad Stroud, said. ...