Longtime local attorney retires
(Column ~ 09/13/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) It's dangerous to experiment with all kinds of drinks. Bottle Coca-Cola is save, refreshing, invigorating, thirst quenching. Telephone 201, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. -- C.J. Getsinger, Proprietor. American Beauty roses, carnations, asters -- Reynold's Palace of Sweets, 110 S. Main. Phone 1127...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/13/11)
To the Editor: Exach year, the Fort Scott Chapter of Kansans for Life sponsors the local Life chain joining hundreds of thousands of people across America (and in other countries) for one hour on the first Sunday in October in support of the most defenseless members of our society, the preborn. This year is no different...
SARA SUE WILSON McCLURE (Obituary ~ 09/13/11)
Sara Sue Wilson McClure, 24, died Thursday afternoon Sept. 8, 2011, as a result of a public transportation bus accident on Hwy. 3, Uniontown, Kan. Sara and her fiancée, Jonathan (Jo) Joyal were residents of Fort Scott, Kan. Sara was born on May 16, in Fort Scott, the daughter of Bryan Anthony Wilson and Paula Sue McClure. She is the step-daughter of Pam Wilson... -
SE Kansas legislators seek summit to boost economy (State News ~ 09/13/11)
TOPEKA -- Four Republican senators have asked Gov. Sam Brownback's administration to host a summit aimed at jumpstarting the economy in southeast Kansas and to install a long-term strategy for maintaining growth and development in the region. That part of the state is in dire need of new jobs and improved conditions, the four said in a statement Monday. Several southeastern counties are beset with some of the highest unemployment rates in the state... -
Hixon Anniversary (Anniversary ~ 09/13/11)
Bob and Shirley (Ruby) Hixon of Redfield, Kan., will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception hosted by their children and their families on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Redfield Community Cener. Robert and Shirley were married Sept. 24, 1961, in Fort Scott at the home of Shirley's aunt Thelma (Ruby) Rohnke... -
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/13/11)
Kyle Ross Segler, 25, 2108 S. Horton, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 12:50 a.m. Friday, Sept. 9, for driving under the influence and released at 6:52 a.m. the same day for time served. Curtis Wayne Creamer, 27, 317 Cleveland, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office at 7:13 p.m. Saturday, Spet. 10, for driving under the influence and is still being held...
(Births ~ 09/13/11)
Suzanne and Brian Colvin, Fort Scott, along with siblings Nathan, Chase, Hayes and Brock Howser and Avery Colvin, are pleased to announce the birth of their son and brother Dax Corbin Colvin on Friday, Sept. 9, 2011, at 7:39 a.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Dax weighed 7 pounds, 10.5 ounces...
THOMAS A. MILLER (Obituary ~ 09/13/11)
Thomas A. Miller, 69, of North Little Rock, Ark., passed away Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011. He was born Oct. 17, 1941, in Fort Scott, Kan., to the late Joseph Donald and Shirley Casebier Miller. Mr. Miller was a U.S. Army veteran, having served during Vietnam. He graduated from the University of Kansas in 1963 with a degree in journalism, where he was also a member of Phi Delta Theta... -
Hiattville 4-H Club meets, elects new officers
(Local News ~ 09/13/11)
The Hiattville 4-H Club met Tuesday, Sept. 6. Members were reminded of several upcoming events: National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8, County Achievement Banquet Nov. 4, Officer's Training Nov. 6 and 4-H Garage Sale Nov. 5. During the business of the meeting, members decided to conclude National 4-H Week by attending services at the Evangelical Covenant Church...
Kansas State Fair; state fun (State News ~ 09/13/11)
Hannah Fry, left, and Cassidy George, both of Uniontown, face off in the Kansas Army National Guard's Gladiator pit at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson Saturday. -
Sidewalk sales still an addiction
(Column ~ 09/13/11)
It's time I come clean and admit I have an addiction. Some people are addicted to booze, drugs and gambling (there are lots of addictions). Folks, mine is garage sales. As you know, we are in the process of trying to sell our house, which means that for the past few months I have been cleaning out closets, rooms, drawers, every place I can think of to begin downsizing, so that if we ever do sell our house, it won't be such a big job at the last minute...
Thirty and seeking a will
(Local News ~ 09/13/11)
Yes, I just admitted my soon-to-be age. While I am looking forward to some aspects of this milestone, such as celebrating the event, the maneuver to the next decade has got me thinking about other aspects of life ... and its ever-changing ways. I will soon be embarking on a professional venture outside the country...
World's largest traditional circus coming to Fort Scott
(Local News ~ 09/13/11)
The 75th edition of the Carson & Barnes Circus will perform at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds. The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the event as a fundraiser to support many of its local community projects...
Mercy: 125 years of compassion (Local News ~ 09/13/11)
Editor's Note: The third of five weekly articles reflecting on Mercy's health care ministry in Southeast Kansas. As a young woman Catherine McAuley couldn't help but notice the poor who called out for help from the alleyways while she returned to her middle-class home in Dublin, Ireland. In 1798, she would find herself an orphan at age 20... -
City to join 'Meltdown'
(Local News ~ 09/13/11)
Bourbon County is now on board a Southeast Kansas program aimed at helping people live healthier lifestyles. The Visioning a Healthier Bourbon County Committee, Mercy Health for Life, Buck Run Community Center and THRIVE Southeast Kansas have partnered to offer locally the SEK Meltdown program, a six-week communitywide weight loss program that promotes healthy lifestyles through local and regional fitness centers and services...
School district board discusses new money-saving initiative
(Local News ~ 09/13/11)
USD 234 Superintendent Rick Werling informed members of the USD 234 Board of Education that the district has a new initiative geared toward saving money. Werling's Dollar Saver Challenge is an initiative with the goal of finding ways the district can save money through suggestions from various teacher groups. The objective is to find cuts that may be small but add up to a big savings...
Aerial acrobats take to the skies of Fort Scott (Local News ~ 09/13/11)
Remembering 9/11 (Local News ~ 09/13/11)
Remembering 9/11
(Column ~ 09/13/11)
September 11, 2001 Woke up that morning to start the day Got ready as usual, then left on my way Went straight to work to put in my hours Not a thought crossed my mind about Twin Towers The day started out going quite well When the silence was broken, by an emotional yell...
Columbus' move to CNC will drop SEK membership to 7
(High School Sports ~ 09/13/11)
The school board of Columbus Unified School District 493 has voted to petition the Crawford-Neosho-Cherokee League for membership for Columbus High School. If the CNC approves Columbus' application, it will become the second school to decide to leave the Southeast Kansas League in as many years. Iola's school board voted last year to switch its high school to the Pioneer League beginning with the 2012-13 school year...
'Hounds smash past Indy 35-14
(College Sports ~ 09/13/11)
INDEPENDENCE -- Fort Scott Community College's football team just wanted to come out and play some good old-fashioned smash-mouth football here Saturday night. The approach paid off as the Greyhounds got their first victory of the season, 35-14, over Independence at Emmott Field...
'Dogs spoil home opener (High School Sports ~ 09/13/11)
Visiting Independence spoiled the home opener for Fort Scott High School's soccer team Monday night, taking the Tigers down by a 2-1 score in a Southeast Kansas League match at Ellis Park. The Bulldogs (1-0 SEK, 2-2 overall) controlled play, possessing the ball roughly 70 percent of the time. But the Tigers (1-1, 2-2) still had chances to at least pull out a tie as time was running down...