RUTH ILENE CARPENTER HINES (Obituary ~ 09/15/11)
Ruth Ilene Carpenter Hines, 88, of Salem, Ore., passed into the arms of the Lord on Sept. 9, 2011. She was born on Nov. 17, 1922, in Moundville, Mo., to Jess F. and Nora E. (Dickey) Carpenter. She married James Hines on Oct. 6, 1941, in Liberty, Mo. They resided for many years in the Arcadia, Kan., area before moving to Sheridan, Ore., in the spring of 1962. In August 1963 they relocated to Salem... -
(Obituary ~ 09/15/11)
Winfred "Win" Jent, 94, of Fort Scott, died Tuesday evening, Sept. 13, 2011, at the Medicalodges Nursing Home. Funeral arrangements for Win Jent are incomplete and will be announced later by the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home.
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/15/11)
Richard Dean Vanatta, 57, 621 N. Chestnut, Apt. 10, Iola, Kan., was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 12:48 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, for possession of simulated controlled substances, possession of paraphernalia and no liability insurance and is still being held...
Professor examines latest predictions of the apocalypse
(State News ~ 09/15/11)
From almost the beginning of time, some people have been fascinated with the end of time. Thankfully for the species, each successive prediction of the end of the world as we know it has been a dud. Cynthia Woodburn, a professor in the Pittsburg State University mathematics department, will examine the next predicted disaster for mankind in a presentation she has titled "Apocalypse 2012? What do Mayan Calendars and Mathematics Tell Us?" Woodburn's talk is set for 2 p.m. ...
Eagle JV sweeps Southeast quad
(High School Sports ~ 09/15/11)
CHEROKEE -- Uniontown's junior varsity softball team swept a quadrangular here Tuesday night picking up victories over Galena, Riverton and Southeast. The Eagles defeated Galena, 25-8, 25-15. Britney Stokes had 3 kills for Uniontown. The Eagles swept Riverton, 25-8, 25-20, as Stokes had 2 kills. They finished the night with a 27-17, 25-18 sweep over Southeast with Torrie Hathaway recording 7 kills...
Tiger tennis mixes lineups at Indy
(High School Sports ~ 09/15/11)
INDEPENDENCE -- Fort Scott High School's tennis team used different lineups in a non-medal event here thursday with head coach Lynn Barr bringing up a pair of junior varsity players -- Brittany Burns and Krista Hightower -- to give them some varsity experience...
Football players get a surprise
(Column ~ 09/15/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Four large concentrators, for use in mines in Old Mexico, were completed yesterday by the Eagle Foundry and Machine Company and shipped to the southern destination. These are of a new design and are expected to prove very successful in treating the ores taken from the Mexican mines. Each concentrator weighs about 1,200 pounds...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/15/11)
To The Editor: There is a new (as of June 1) business in Fort Scott, Hill Street Recycling, located just west of the railroad tracks across from the depot. The owner, Mr. Leon Hester, is providing a wonderful opportunity for everyone to recycle. They take plastics (loosen or remove lids), aluminum including pans and food containers, tin cans, newspaper and magazines (please separate), phone books, cardboard and card stock, plastic bags, appliances, metal shelving, tires and "pretty much anything you want to get rid of." The only charge is for regular size tires at $3 per tire.. ...
Concert features local performers
(Local News ~ 09/15/11)
The Friday concert at the Heritage Park Pavilion will feature Fort Scott native Rick Hite on the guitar and vocals and Mike Lundeen on the keyboard. Event organizer Ralph Carlson said time will be set aside for an open mic for anyone who would like to perform a song. Also featured will be Tim and Patty Pruitt, a gospel duet from Nevada, Mo., and The Sekannaires Singers with Ray Mauck...
Drug charges filed against local man
(Local News ~ 09/15/11)
The Bourbon County Attorney's Office filed a criminal complaint Wednesday in Bourbon County District Court against Kenneth Ray Springston, a news release said. Bourbon County Attorney Terri Johnson's office charged Springston, 30, with sale or distribution of opiates, opium, narcotic drugs or stimulants; unlawfully arranging sales or purchases of controlled substances using a communication facility; and no tax stamp...
Fort Scott Planning Commission meeting set
(Local News ~ 09/15/11)
The Fort Scott Planning Commission will meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3, at City Hall, 123 S. Main St. The meeting is open to the public.
Marmaton Watershed Dedication is Friday
(Local News ~ 09/15/11)
There will be a dedication ceremony for the Marmaton Watershed District will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16, at Ag Engineering, 1000 Promontory Drive, in Uniontown. There may be a quorum of the Bourbon County Commission present, but no county business will be discussed...
Grand champion pig (Local News ~ 09/15/11)
Getting the inside view (Local News ~ 09/15/11)
Winfield Scott Elementary School students learn about muscles as they pass through the different stages in the Body Venture exhibit Wednesday afternoon. The display represents the human body in a 45-foot by 50-foot exhibit with different stages for the mouth, stomach, small intestine, heart, lungs, bones, muscle, skin and brain. ... -
Flu clinic serves as emergency exercise (Local News ~ 09/15/11)
After eight years of hosting the drive-up flu shot clinic, the Southeast Kansas Multi-County Health Department and Bourbon County Emergency Management gave this year's event a new twist. Bourbon County Emergency Manager Keith Jeffers said the clinic also served as a full-scale regional exercise meant to test the ability of local and regional health departments to provide a mass vaccinations to the general public in case of a pandemic flu... -
Future teamwork? Fort Scott hosts Nevada chamber for after-hours mixer. (Local News ~ 09/15/11)
For the first time most could recall, the chambers of commerce in Fort Scott, Kan., and Nevada, Mo., held a joint Business After Hours event at the Buffalo Grill on Tuesday. Approximately 63 people -- 20 from Nevada and 43 from Fort Scott -- attended, and organizers hope this could be the start of more teamwork between the two entities -- and cities. ... -
KU AD provides insight into his job (Local News ~ 09/15/11)
Sheahon Zenger provided some insight into his job and philosophies during a special appearance Wednesday at Fort Scott Community College. Zenger, the new athletic director at the University of Kansas and a Kansas native, was the guest speaker at a joint meeting of the Fort Scott Kiwanis Club, Pioneer Kiwanis Club and Rotary Club at the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center on the FSCC campus...