EPOCH introduces new team members (Local News ~ 09/22/11)
The management team at The EPOCH Group, also known as Epoch MedPlans, a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield Kansas City, recently announced the addition of two new team members. Holly Woods joins the team as a trainer and quality analyst. She brings over 12 years of managed health care experience to the team. ... -
Sept. 18-24 is National Farm Safety and Health Week
(Column ~ 09/22/11)
National Farm Safety & Health Week is an annual promotion for the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety commemorating the hard work, diligence and sacrifices of our nation's farmers and ranchers. The 2011 event marks the 68th consecutive signing of a proclamation by U.S. presidents, beginning with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944...
GRAND OPENING (Local News ~ 09/22/11)
Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce members and other local residents joined the owners of eNVy Babies and Kids and NV Photo, 122 S. Main St., Erin Vann (center, left) and Trisha Newton for the business' grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony Saturday morning. The business offers baby registry and gifts, baby products and gear, kids' apparel, nursery bedding and decor, and many other items and services... -
Surviving the good times
(Column ~ 09/22/11)
I read an article in a national magazine earlier this summer entitled "Want to Make More Than a Banker? Become a Farmer!" The content of the article was pretty well defined by the title, as the strong prices and yields of recent years were noted. While reading this, I was compelled to stop for a moment to think this through. ...
County's oldest case filed in 1867
(Column ~ 09/22/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) For rent signs are out of fashion. They are becoming obsolete, for they have been suspended by the more modern method of securing tenants through the Want Ad Columns. Prospective tenants no longer walk the streets seeking the for rent beacons that used to denote that an owner or an agent had property for rent...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 09/22/11)
Editor's Note: The circus was in town Tuesday and was in Girard on Wednesday. To the Editor: The Carson & Barnes Circus is coming to town, and if caring area residents know more about the cruel treatment of animals used by the circus, they'll think twice before buying a ticket...
Branchy Boys to perform (Local News ~ 09/22/11)
The Branchy Boys -- Johnny Kendrick and his sons, Jackson and Sam -- will perform western and bluegrass music at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, in the Round Room at Fort Scott Community College. The event is slated as an Appreciation Concert for supporters of the annual Echoes of the Trail Cowboy Poetry Gathering at FSCC... -
Country music show going strong; popcorn to return
(Local News ~ 09/22/11)
Long gone are the days of the Fort Scott Jubilee that occupied the stage at Memorial Hall for 14 years -- or are they? After two attempts by different groups to resurrect a country show after Fort Scott Jubilee organizers Jack and Lil Sanders walked away from their event in 2008, local residents Steve and Nancy Cliffman think they have found the secret to keeping such a show alive in Fort Scott...
Circus comes to town (Local News ~ 09/22/11)
From March to November, members of the Carson & Barnes Circus bring the big top to communities around the country. The Bourbon County Fairgrounds in Fort Scott was the stop on Tuesday. Office assistant Josie Loyal said 110 people travel with the Hugo, Okla.-based circus, providing two shows a day -- every day -- to each city that brings them in. ... -
(Obituary ~ 09/22/11)
Nancy Irene Hartman, 59, of Blue Mound, Kan., died Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, at Blue Mound. Services will be held at 2:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 23, at the Federated Church, Blue Mound. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Thursday at the Coffel-Schneider Chapel, Mound City, Kan...
(Births ~ 09/22/11)
Amber Nicole Minchew and Andrew Levi Woods, Mound City, Kan., along with siblings Kameron, Jared and Emee, are pleased to announce the birth of their son and brother Keegan Andrew Woods on Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, at 3:39 p.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Keegan weighed 8 pounds, 8.5 ounces...
(Births ~ 09/22/11)
Janelle Roberts and Jose Rodriguez, Fort Scott, along with sibling Kandi Elizabeth Lynn Rodriguez, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter and sister Isabel Rose Rodriguez on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, at 8:06 a.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan...
Northeast Scott 4-H Club elects officers
(Community News ~ 09/22/11)
Election of officers was held at the Sept. 14 meeting of the Northeast Scott 4-H club. Grant Hill was elected preisident, Cassidy Westhoff, vice resident, Ryann Allison, secretary, Mallory Westhoff, treasurer, Dawson Minor, reporter, Christen Guilfoyle, parliamentarian, Hayden Cole and Laryn Thompson, council members, Anna Guilfoyle and Mary Gladbach, recreation leaders, Wil Wunderly and John Emmerson, song leaders, and Lauren Madison and Emily Hill, historians...
Tiger debaters kick off season with victory
(Local News ~ 09/22/11)
The Fort Scott High School debate team kicked off their new season on the right foot as they traveled to Independence for a two-division tournament Saturday. The tournament was held in conjunction with a nation-wide tournament in which high school debaters from across the country debated whether or not the federal government should increase its development and exploration of space...
UHS Homecoming (Community News ~ 09/22/11)
Uniontown High School will celebrate homecoming this Friday, Sept. 23. The crowning of the homecoming king and queen will take place at 6:30 p.m. before the game with McCauley. -
Family and Community Education members elect officers, learn how to keep food safe
(Community News ~ 09/22/11)
The September Starlite F.C.E. meeting was held Sept. 15 at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Ten members were present. Southwind Extension Agent Ann Ludlum was also present. Vice President Wilma Endy opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Club Collect was then read. The secretary and treasurer's reports were given and approved. The members were reminded that Oct. 25 is the Fort Scott blood drive. Each member is to bring three dozen cookies to that event...
Bone marrow wanted; Information will be available on becoming a donor to help save the lives of people with leukemia and lymphoma
(Local News ~ 09/22/11)
A new Fort Scott event will give residents a chance to learn about the potential to save a life and more about becoming a bone marrow donor. The SEK Multi-County Health Department, Fort Scott Community College and Mercy Health Center are partnering with the Be The Match Foundation to hold the first Bone Marrow Donor Drive from 8 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Sept. 28, in the commons area of the FSCC Academic Building, 2108 S. Horton...
JV volleyball 2-2 at home
(High School Sports ~ 09/22/11)
Fort Scott High School's junior varsity volleyball team went 2-2 in the Fort Scott Junior Varsity Tournament, held here Saturday. The Tigers lost to Jayhawk-Linn in their first match, 25-18, 24-26, 17-15. Jillian Lattimer served 7 aces and had 3 blocks. Rikki Butler had 12 digs and Katie Jo Hull had 11. Meredith Hill was credited with 13 assists. Lattimer and Jessie Combs had 3 blocks each...
Uniontown posts TRL sweep at Northeast
(High School Sports ~ 09/22/11)
ARMA -- Uniontown's volleyball team sept its way through a Three Rivers League triangular here Tuesday night. The Eagles (4-0 TRL, 10-2 overall) began the night with a sweep of defending champion Northeast, 25-4, 25-11. Hayden Rathbun had 5 kills and Ashley Nietfeld had 3. Tayler Shook handed out 18 assists...
Sellers 13th at Doc Stiles Invitational
(High School Sports ~ 09/22/11)
IOLA -- Fort Scott's Robert Sellers finished in 13th place here Tuesday at the Doc Stiles Invitational hosted by Iola High School. Sellers ran the 5K varsity course in 19 minutes, 9 seconds to claim one of the medals given to the top 15 finishers. Kyle Altic finished the course in 23:27...
'Hound volleyball receives votes in poll
(Local News ~ 09/22/11)
For the first time possibly going back to as far as Kerry Messersmith's tenure as head coach in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Fort Scott Community College's volleyball team has received votes in a National Junior College Athletic Association poll...
2 doubles team wins home tourney (High School Sports ~ 09/22/11)
Fort Scott High School's No. 2 doubles team of Kenna Savage and Ashlyn Baugher won their pool of the Fort Scott Invitational Tuesday. The pair, who played together for just the third time this season, lost just 5 games all day. "Kenna and Ashlyn had a solid tournament winning all three matches," Fort Scott head coach Lynn Barr said. "Both of these players are continuing to improve and we will need good strong performances from them going into the SEK Tournament."... -
Pioneer Fiesta royalty (Local News ~ 09/22/11)