Battlefield Dispatches No. 281: 'Marauding, atrocities and plundering'
(Column ~ 09/09/11)
Even before the infamous Kansas "Lane Brigade" invaded the "Land of Misery" ("Union" soldiers' nickname for Missouri), its reputation had already been established by small groups of marauding Jayhawkers who crossed the "line" in small groups killing Missourians and plundering their homes...
Hepler High School holds reunion Sept. 3, 74 alumni attend
(Community News ~ 09/09/11)
The Hepler High School Alumni Association met Sept. 3 at the Hepler Community Building. There were 74 people present and six no-shows representing classes from 1933 through 1961. President Maude Stringer Burns opened the meeting with the flag salute led by Kenny Armstrong...
Nickelson receives PSU academic scholarship
(Local News ~ 09/09/11)
Whitney Nickelson, daughter of Jenny Loden and Chris Nickelson of Mound City, Kan., has received a scholarship from Pittsburg State University for the 2011-2012 academic semester. Nickelson was awarded the scholarship based on her outstanding academic achievements as well as future potential. Nickelson is majoring in justice studies and minoring in history...
Memory Gardens Cemetery lot owners urged to attend meeting Sept. 13
(Local News ~ 09/09/11)
A meeting for Memory Gardens Cemetery of Bourbon County lot owners will be held Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the Community Christian Church in Fort Scott. The southeast door will be open at 7 p.m. All lot owners are urged to attend.
Many stay over for show
(Column ~ 09/09/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Earl Bowman, fire department member, has designed and executed a very nice sign showing the location of the fire alarm boxes and their numbers. The paper has been framed and hangs in a prominent place at headquarters where the firemen can see it as they go out of the barn. It is done in two colors and blocking of the letters was quite nicely done...
Tales from the Trails
(Column ~ 09/09/11)
Several months ago, we traveled across the heartland of America from Michigan to St. Louis and I remarked about the lack of crops on Indiana and Illinois farmlands. There was a paucity of corn and soybeans which are crops one normally sees about that time of the year...
Rienbolt reigns over girls' varsity division (High School Sports ~ 09/09/11)
Fort Scott High School sophomore Katren Rienbolt has run in exactly two cross country races. Last week, in her first race ever at Labette County, she won the junior varsity race by two minutes. She was placed into the varsity girls' race at the Fort Scott Invitational. She won it by 1 minute... -
FSCC to offer theatrical trips starting next month
(Local News ~ 09/09/11)
Six different performances will be offered through Fort Scott Community College community service theater trips this school year. FSCC's Theatrical Trips give community members a chance to enjoy the theatre. Whether it's just one night or a weekend in Branson, there is a show for everyone to attend...
Friends of the Fort to meet on Monday
(Local News ~ 09/09/11)
The Friends of Fort Scott National Historic Site and the community are invited the Friends of Fort Scott National Historic Site Inc. Annual meeting, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12 at First Christian Church. During the annual meeting, officers for the coming year will be elected. The program will highlight the accomplishments of the Friends of Fort Scott NHS. Light refreshments will be served...
New Tri-Valley house hosts 70 for weekly Chamber coffee (Local News ~ 09/09/11)
The new Tri-Valley Developmental Services home was the site of an open house and Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Coffee Thursday attended by some 70 community members. The residence in the 1400 block of East First Street features five bedrooms, including a separate two-bedroom apartment, two bathrooms, two kitchens, two common areas, three laundry rooms and a storm shelter, Tri-Valley Director of Public Relations and Grants Anna Methvin said. Everything is wheelchair accessible... -
The 'Flying Babe;' Stunt pilot appearing at Airport Day talks to kids at Fort Scott Middle School about her career. (Local News ~ 09/09/11)
Kelly Pietrowicz shared her passion for flying with Fort Scott Middle School students during a special assembly Thursday at the school. Pietrowicz, an aerobatic pilot from Oklahoma, will be one of the performers during Airport Day on Saturday at the Fort Scott Airport, located one mile south of the city on U.S. Highway 69 and three miles west on Indian Road. Clad in her pilot jumpsuit, she talked about her career as a pilot and answered several questions from students... -
FSCC offering clinic for community to learn football rules
(Local News ~ 09/09/11)
If you've ever wanted to learn the rules and strategies of football, Fort Scott Community College is offering a chance to do just that with a special class from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sept. 17. The class will begin in the Round Rooms of the Bailey Academic Hall. Those that want to save their parking spot for the 'Hounds game against Garden City can be picked up in the parking lot of Frary Field at 9:15 a.m. and take round-trip shuttle service for the clinic...
Uniontown accident kills two (Local News ~ 09/09/11)
An accident at Kansas Highway 3 and Maple Road in Uniontown has killed two area residents and left another injured, Kansas Highway Patrol Master Trooper Jeff Scott said. The accident occurred at 3:35 p.m. A semi flatbed truck was northbound on K3 and a General Public Transportation van was southbound on K3. Scott said went to make a left turn into Uniontown and turned in front of the semi... -
Like tennis, prayer takes discipline, commitment, practice
(Column ~ 09/09/11)
Several years ago, after a 25-year hiatus from the activity, I signed up to play tennis. My previous experience with the sport had been when I was 12, but then, not knowing how to keep score, my girlfriend Chris and I simply would count how many times we hit the ball. (Not to boast, but our record was 16 volleys.)...