It's official (Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Progress at the community level reaches the individual
(Column ~ 02/02/13)
Progress -- for some that's a dirty word. For others, it's a necessary part of the natural evolution of people, towns, states, and the country. Progress is about change. Carefully managed, it can be a positive thing. Left to expand on its own, progress can become uncontrolled expansion that brings what many towns don't need. ...
Wonders of the wildlife
(Column ~ 02/02/13)
Cold weather and the snow are famous for bringing some entertainment to the back yard. It's kind of like the Field of Dreams theme -- "if you build it they will come." In the case of the birds and wildlife, we can say, "if you feed them, they will come"...
Letters to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/02/13)
To the Editor: Last evening I attended the Fort Scott vs. Independence basketball game on the campus of Fort Scott Community College. I am very concerned about the conduct of the student atheletes (mainly baseball players) and the reponse given me when I talked to the athletic director. ...
New guidelines prompt replacement of county signs
(Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Bourbon County Public Works Director Marty Pearson told county commissioners on Friday that all but about 75 to 100 stop signs in the county have been replaced with new, more reflective ones as mandated by the federal government. After attending informational meetings in October about the new federally mandated signage, Pearson said local governments must replace all damaged signage with the new, more reflective type. ...
Tickets to Tri-Valley gala are still available
(Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Tickets are still available for the eighth annual Friends of Tri-Valley Foundation Mardi Gras Gala set for Feb. 5 at the Liberty Theater, 113 S. Main, Fort Scott. The evening's proceeds will help the Friends of Tri-Valley Foundation build homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities. ...
(Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Dr. Randall Holloway, 4 S. National, did not move his office. A story on the flea market building purchase in Wednesday's Tribune led some readers to believe he had.
Bourbon County rocks (Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Benefit auction planned for Findley
(Local News ~ 02/02/13)
John Findley has been battling leukemia for about two years, and during that time he has amassed a mountain of medical bills. He also has amassed a lot of friends who want to help his family through the financial crisis that befalls most families when a lengthy illness strikes...
Martins mentor local youngster (Local News ~ 02/02/13)
For single parents like Trish Daniels, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bourbon County can be a big help. For more than a year, City Manager Dave Martin and his wife, Jara, have served as mentors in the BBBS program for Daniels' son, Ben, a seventh-grader at Fort Scott Middle School. And their volunteer efforts have given Ben the additional adult guidance and relationships he might not otherwise get... -
Fort Scott native wins Medal of Science (Local News ~ 02/02/13)
Fort Scott native M. Frederick Hawthorne on Friday received the prestigious National Medal of Science from President Barack Obama in a White House ceremony. The medal is the highest honor bestowed by the country to scientists, a news release said. Hawthorne is the director of the International Institute of Nano and Molecular Medicine at University of Missouri, as well as Curators' Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Radiology... -
Uniontown girls rally to beat Marmaton Valley
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/13)
MORAN -- Uniontown's girls rallied from 5 points down to beat rival Marmaton Valley in Three Rivers League action here Friday night, avenging a season-opening 48-40 loss at Uniontown. The Eagles (3-3 TRL, 6-10 overall) trailed 33-28 after three quarters but outscored the Wildcats 23-14 in the fourth...
Defense does it for Tigers (High School Sports ~ 02/02/13)
Who gave Fort Scott High's boys a chance to beat Labette County, the eighth-ranked team in Class 4A, Friday night? The Fort Scott High boys did. By outrebounding the Grizzlies, forcing twice as many turnovers as they committed and allowing LCHS to shoot just 33 percent from the field, the Tigers (3-4 SEK, 6-9 overall) managed to "uglify" the game and came away with a 38-34 stunner in Southeast Kansas League play... -
Tigers take lead in SEK (High School Sports ~ 02/02/13)
Fort Scott High School's girls started the season 0-4. The last team the Tigers lost to during that streak was Labette County at Altamont by 2 points in overtime. Since then, Fort Scott has won 10 of 11 games. The most recent result during this run was Friday night's 60-48 victory over Labette County at the FSHS gymnasium that pushed the Tigers into the lead of the Southeast Kansas League...