Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary
(Column ~ 02/01/13)
100 YEARS AGO (1913) Last night at the Y.M.C.A. the largest crowd to have ever watched a basketball game of local players witnessed three exciting games of the Commercial League. It was stated that there would be many changes in the averages of the teams, but this did not run out. ...
Battlefield Dispatches No. 354: Destitute and starving
(Column ~ 02/01/13)
During the Civil War, or for that matter in any war, the civilian population in a combat zone suffered beyond belief. Such was the case in the Indian Territory, Missouri and Arkansas between 1861 and 1865. Whenever possible, the civilian refugees tried to escape from the war zone to a "friendly" safe location and this is what Fort Scott became "a haven for refugees."...
Forensics team off to good start
(Local News ~ 02/01/13)
On Jan. 26, the Fort Scott forensics team kicked off its season by splitting into three teams and heading in three directions. By day's end, the Tigers had captured three team sweepstakes awards, had 36 medalists with 12 of those qualifying for the state tournament by finishing in the top two...
JV scholars go undefeated in recent Scholars Bowl (Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Chamber coffee (Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Students do well at FBLA conference
(Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Thirteen members of the Future Business Leaders of America chapter at Fort Scott High School attended the District I Conference at Cherryvale High School on Friday, Jan. 25. District I is comprised of FBLA chapters from 21 high schools. Local chapter members placing in various events were:...
Verizon closing (Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Chamber Coffee offers community information
(Local News ~ 02/01/13)
As is the custom at Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce coffees, the host of the social gets to tell the group a little bit about itself. In this case, Zack Reynolds offered a bit of information about his law firm to a crowd of about 50 chamber members meeting Thursday morning...
Giving back; Businesswoman gains satisfaction from being a CASA volunteer (Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Like many people, Deb McKenney leads a busy life. But according to her, not too busy to be a volunteer for the Bourbon County Court Appointed Special Advocates, an agency formed in 1990 that provides trained volunteers who advocate for children who have become involved in juvenile court proceedings as a result of abuse, neglect or divorce... -
No sign of chili-ness here; Fourth annual Wheeler family feed brings Fort Scottians together (Local News ~ 02/01/13)
A strong sense of community was readily apparent as Fort Scottians gathered to enjoy fellowship, chili, soup and desserts at the Fourth Annual Wheeler Family Chili Feed to benefit The Sharing Bucket/Care to Share at Community Christian Church on Thursday... -
Prayers needed for return trip after Mexican sojourn
(Column ~ 02/01/13)
My husband Dave remained in Mazatlan when I returned to Kansas City on New Year's Day. His call upon my arrival was two-fold: to ask about my flight ("Nothing out of the ordinary," I told him), and to tell me he was praying for my drive home. Little did I know how much those prayers would be needed...
'Were you there when they crucified my Lord?'
(Features ~ 02/01/13)
For the next several weeks, we (the 15th and Crawford Church of Christ) will be stating several Bible principles and asking the questions: Have you heard? Do you agree? Do you follow? And would you like to know more, giving everyone the opportunity to hear and believe (Romans 10:17). It is also an opportunity to learn (Acts 8:30-35). If you would like to write in, email any questions, or responses to be answered or published, feel free to do so...
Human vs. spiritual: Where does your power come from?
(Column ~ 02/01/13)
There has always been a debate about the difference between Spiritual power and human power. Human power can do many things, but relies on such things as a proper pedigree, positions of status and connections among those in the human power structure. In my personal experience, those who are scrambling for human power tend to know very little about Spiritual power...
Bethel Community Church sets events
(Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Bethel Community Church's theme for the month of February is "Wholly Whole in the Home." (Theme verse: I Thessalonians 5:23) Pastor Greg Stine will be bringing a series of messages on God's plan for our homes, beginning this Sunday morning with the topic, "Wholly Whole Heads."...
Nazarene Church slates celebrations
(Local News ~ 02/01/13)
Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene, 1728 Horton, has several events coming up. The Soup-er Bowl Drive for the Beacon: People may bring cans of soup and boxes of crackers to donate to The Beacon food pantry. Ignite Teens is sponsoring Balloon-A-Gram's again this year. Balloons and candy bouquets will cost $10 and can be delivered anywhere in Fort Scott. Orders can be made through the church office, or by calling Wayne Racy...