Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/26/11)
Ivory Brant Ward, 61, 419 S. Eddy, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department on Oct. 24 at 8:01 p.m. for violation of a protective order and is still being held at this time. Dawn Marie Adams, 39, 407 Randolph, Apt. 8, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office on Oct. 24 at 8:44 p.m. on a Bourbon County bench warrant. She is still being held at this time...
Uniontown Jr/Sr High School releases first quarter honor rolls
(Local News ~ 10/26/11)
Submitted to The Tribune Uniontown Jr. High Quarter 1 Honor Roll David Bradbury Ty Covey Gavin O'Brien Kaitlynn Sampson Sabra Stoughton-Wray Colton Sutterby Ella Sympson Megan Blythe Zachary Davis Draven George Lindsay Nietfeld John Reed All A's and B's...
(Obituary ~ 10/26/11)
Pamela J. "P. J." Self, 17, daughter of Dr. Max and Karen Self, died Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011, at her home. Funeral services will be announced by the Cheney Witt Memorial Chapel, 201 S. Main, Fort Scott.
Gordon Parks Center fifth grade poetry contest winners (Local News ~ 10/26/11)
Fifth grade students from Eugene Ware and West Bourbon Elementary pose with their teachers, principal and Fort Scott Community College President Clayton Tatro (back row, right) during the Gordon Parks Celebration. The students were at the college for a pizza party, a reward for their selection as poetry finalists. ... -
Fall perfect time for wiener roasts, Halloween parties
(Column ~ 10/26/11)
On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 22, a birthday party was held at the Shead Farm, rural Garland, to honor Cademon Ray, 4, the grandson of Larry and Vickie Shead. Special guests for the weekend from Tulsa were Mondo and Leeca Jenkins and three children, Roman, Paislee and Tyson. ...
Kansas AG comes to town (Local News ~ 10/26/11)
Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt discussed the functions of his office and answered questions from local residents during a visit to Fort Scott Tuesday afternoon. Schmidt, a Republican, talked to a crowd of about 30 people in the lobby of Citizens Bank during a listening stop that was open to the public. He is touring Kansas through November with a goal of visiting all 105 counties in the state... -
Fort Scott tops Take Charge Challenge: Brings home $100,000
(Local News ~ 10/26/11)
Fort Scott took the lead in the middle of August in the Take Charge Challenge and never looked back as the community was announced as the winners of a $100,000 grant in the Southeast division Tuesday during an announcement ceremony in Topeka. Under the direction of the Youth Activities Team, Fort Scott beat Chanute, Iola, Pittsburg and Parsons in the region to bring home the $100,000 grant to be used for energy efficiency projects in the community...
Zombies needed for safety patrol
(Local News ~ 10/26/11)
This coming Halloween on Monday, Oct. 31, the Bourbon County Community Emergency Response Team or CERT, will be doing a Safety Patrol to assist children and families to cross busy streets and intersections in Fort Scott. The CERT Team members and other volunteers will be dressing as zombies, as part of the Center for Disease Control's Zombie Preparedness Month...
Fort Scott native has 'big role' in Joplin Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (Local News ~ 10/26/11)
For years, millions of people have watched that crowd of blue T-shirts march their way toward creating a new life for a family on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. For one Fort Scott native, that march became a reality as ABC's Emmy Award-winning television show came to Joplin, Mo., this past week... -
(Obituary ~ 10/26/11)
Dollie Elizabeth Moore, 65, and Robert Lee Moore, 59, husband and wife of Hume, Mo., died Friday, Oct. 21, 2011, as the result of an automobile accident. Graveside funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Hume Cemetery, Hume. Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Coffel-Schneider Funeral Home in Pleasanton, Kan...
The breakthrough (High School Sports ~ 10/26/11)
It's been a long time coming. But Fort Scott High School's soccer team won a Regional playoff game for the first time in the program's history Tuesday afternoon, beating Coffeyville 4-0 at Ellis Park. The soccer program began in 2000. The Tigers had never had a home playoff game until two seasons ago. But they lost in 2009 to Paola in double overtime as darkness overcame the pitch. Last season, they lost to Baldwin...