100-year flood
(Column ~ 10/04/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) "Break the glass, unlock the door, and pull down the lever at once," is the instruction on the front of the fire alarm boxes over the city and that is exactly what a lady did this afternoon at 3 o'clock when she wished to mail a postal card at the corner of Main and Wall streets. ...
Letters to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 10/04/11)
To the Editor: Please accept my sincere congratulations to you for yet another successful and enjoyable gala benefiting the Fort Scott community. I have had the pleasure of attending several of your past galas as a guest of Ken Lunt, and I am always impressed with the fun atmosphere, the classy ambiance, the stimulating conversations and the clear love of community that is everywhere evident...
CARL E. WILLARD (Obituary ~ 10/04/11)
Carl E. Willard, 78, former resident of Fort Scott, Kan., died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011, at the Harmony Gardens Home in Warrensburg, Mo. He was born March 16, 1933, in Mapleton, Kan., the son of Clyde Marion Willard and Mildred Harris Willard. He graduated from Bronson High School where he excelled in football, basketball and track. He later attended junior college at Independence, Kan., prior to being drafted into the Army... -
(Obituary ~ 10/04/11)
Jeffrey Scott Cannon, 48, of Prescott, Kan., died Sunday, Oct. 2, 2011, at Olathe Medical Center, Olathe, Kan. Services will be held at 10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the Coffel-Schneider Chapel, Pleasanton, Kan. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the chapel. Contributions are suggested to the Jeff Cannon Memorial Fund. Interment will be in the Prescott Cemetery...
WILLIAM NEIL BEDENBENDER (Obituary ~ 10/04/11)
William Neil Bedenbender, 85, of rural Neosho Falls, Kan., went to be with our Lord on Oct. 1, 2011. Neil was born Feb. 24, 1926, on a farm in southeast Coffey County, the son of Oscar and Ethel Kate Bradley Bedenbender. He graduated from Colony High School and served in the United States Navy in the Pacific during World War II... -
(Births ~ 10/04/11)
Amanda and Todd Ehrlich, Fort Scott, along with siblings Benjamin Garrett, Noa Ashlyn and Jacob Nathaniel, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter and sister Hannah Elspeth Ehrlich on Monday, Sept. 12, 2011, at 8:05 a.m. at Menorah Medical Center, Overland Park, Kan. Hannah weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches in length...
(Births ~ 10/04/11)
Tara Campbell and Alexander Lessley, Fort Scott, are pleased to announce the birth of their son Chandler Reed Lessley on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011, at 4:02 p.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Chandler weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Joni Richards, Redfield, and Tim Judy, Fort Scott. Paternal grandparents are Sandra Lessley, Fort Scott, and Patrick Lessley, Oceola, Mo...
College enrollment decreases slightly
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
Fort Scott Community College has a total of 2,051 students this fall, a slight decrease of six students from last year at this time, school officials said in a news release. This is the third straight year that the college's fall enrollment has exceeded the 2,000-student mark...
(Births ~ 10/04/11)
Sara and Kevin Black, Fort Scott, are pleased to announce the birth of their son Nathan Lee Black on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011, at 11:22 a.m. at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Nathan weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Becky Kellum and John Kellum. Paternal grandparents are Robin Black and Ken Black...
(Births ~ 10/04/11)
Jackie and Philip Gorman, Parsons, Kan., are pleased to announce the birth of their son William LeRoy Gorman on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, at 9:41 p.m. at Labette Health, Parsons. Will weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Carla and Tom Stanley, Dodge City, Kan. Paternal grandparents are Lissa and Kevin Gorman, Fort Scott. Maternal great-grandparents are Patricia Stanley, Dodge City, and Carol and Duane Steeples, Zurich, Kan. Paternal great-grandmother is Martha Pitt, Topeka, Kan...
City, PROSEAL to begin sealing streets
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
The city of Fort Scott, in conjunction with PROSEAL, will be preserving several streets recently asphalted by the city. Reclamite, a surface sealer that extends the life of the pavement, will be applied to the streets. All affected property owners in the area will be notified with a door hanger on their front door. According to a news release from the city, the following streets will be closed sometime during the day Tuesday:...
Chili dinner, meeting scheduled at Scottish Rite
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
All members of the Fort Scott Scottish Rite, 110 S. Main, Fort Scott, are asked to attend the regular meeting and dinner on Oct. 6, at 6:30 p.m. The dinner menu is chili, vegetable tray, cornbread, cinnamon rolls and tea or coffee. For those wishing to attend, RSVP by no later than Wednesday, Oct. 5. Call (620) 223-1330, fax (620) 223-3851 or email fsscottishrite@sbcglobal.net...
Parade theme ideas wanted
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
Christmas is right around the corner and so is the Christmas Parade and Holiday Festival in Downtown Fort Scott. The parade is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29. The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce would like submissions for a theme for this year's parade...
First United Methodist Mission Committee to host chili and soup lunch on Oct. 21
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
The First United Methodist Church will hold a Friendship Soup Lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the church's fellowship hall on Friday, Oct. 21. The menu will include chili, vegetable soup and potato soup, dessert and a drink. The lunch is being sponsored by the Mission Committee. Free will donations will be accepted. Everyone is welcome...
Design Review Board convenes
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
The Design Review Board will meet at 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, at City Hall, 123 S. Main St. The meeting is open to the public.
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/04/11)
Ricky Lee Quick, 48, 1002 S. National Ave., Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 12:56 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, for transporting an open container and driving in violation of restriction and released at 7:15 a.m. Sunday for time served...
Golf Course Advisory Board to meet
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
The Golf Course Advisory Board will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Woodland Hills Golf Course. The meeting is open to the public.
SAFE team hopes to build on last year's success
(Local News ~ 10/04/11)
Following the success of last year's inaugural campaign, local students will try again to promote seatbelt usage among Fort Scott students. Last year, the student-driven, community-based law enforcement project known as Seatbelts Are For Everyone (S.A.F.E) was in its first year and a group of 13 students took on the task of increasing the seatbelt use among Fort Scott students from 69 percent of students to 90 percent. ...
Extension Medicare minute; Prescription drug plan assistance
(Column ~ 10/04/11)
October is officially here. You have probably already received your "Medicare and You" handbook in the mail and should be watching your mail for information from Medicare about changes in 2012. Did you know that there are new dates to remember for Medicare's fall open enrollment period? Starting in 2011, fall open enrollment (also known as the Annual Coordinated Election Period, or AEP) begins on Oct. ...
Annual fall festival attracts hundreds (Local News ~ 10/04/11)
Hundreds turned out for Saturday's fifth annual Fall Festival at the home of Lavetta Simmons. The event benefits the local Relay for Life Chapter, which raises money for the American Cancer Society and its services, and The Sharing Bucket, a cancer support group that provides emotional and financial assistance to cancer patients and their families... -
Childhood games hard on shoes and feet
(Column ~ 10/04/11)
As Paul Harvey would say, "and now for the rest of the story." On that path of 1938, I told you that there were three things that almost always destroys kids' shoes, the second one being taking an old tin can and placing your shoe very carefully right in the middle of the can and stomping down on it. (Of course, doing this with both shoes.) And now the fun would begin...
Bronson Ruritan club travels to Elsmore for a combined zone 1, 2, 3 meeting
(Community News ~ 10/04/11)
Bronson Ruritan Club had 13 members and one guest attending a combined zone meeting 1, 2 and 3 held at the Elsmore Community Building Sept. 22. The meal was catered by Kay Lewis. Zone One Gov. Glenn Smith called the meeting to order. National President Jayson Duncan was introduced and gave the evening message. Door prizes were given...
FSCC inducts new members into Phi Theta Kappa (Community News ~ 10/04/11)
The Fort Scott Community College chapter of Phi Theta Kappa inducted a group of new members during the fall induction ceremony on Friday, Sept. 30. Phi Theta Kappa is the official international honor society for two-year colleges. PTK promotes scholarship, leadership, fellowship and service. Students who earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher over 12 hours of study are invited to join PTK. This fall FSCC inducted 41 students into the PTK organization... -
New signposts to be installed downtown (Local News ~ 10/04/11)
Thanks to a project by the Phoenix Committee, new signs and signposts will soon be included in the historic downtown district. The project, scheduled to begin this week, involves the replacement and enhancement of about 35 street signposts and signs in the downtown area from Third Street to Skubitz Plaza near the Fort Scott National Historic Site, and from National Avenue to State Street. ... -
Greyhound volleyball drubs Hesston in three games (College Sports ~ 10/04/11)
In its last home match, a stunning loss to Coffeyville last Wednesday, Fort Scott Community College's volleyball team got off to a strong start then faded quickly in a five-game loss. Saturday in Nevada, they swept host Cottey College, 25-23, 25-12, 25-16, and Stephens College, 25-21, 25-23, 25-14, starting off a bit slow as the first game scores suggest but getting stronger as the match went on... -
Tigers fifth at SEK; Parsons wins title
(High School Sports ~ 10/04/11)
INDEPENDENCE -- Fort Scott High's No. 2 doubles team of senior Ashlyn Baugher and sophomore Kenna Savage finished in third place here Saturday at the Southeast Kansas League Tennis Tournament. The Tigers finished fifth as a team, not as high as coach Lynn Barr had hoped for but one spot better than last season. ...
Dragons outrace 'Hounds, 69-36 (College Sports ~ 10/04/11)
After a game during which Fort Scott Community College scored 36 points and rolled up 480 yards of total offense, the crowd could only walk out of Frary Field's stadium in silence. Hutchinson, the nation's 11th-ranked team, quieted the crowd by opening the fourth quarter with three unanswered scores, putting an end to what hope the Greyhounds might have had of a rally and went on to a 69-36 victory...