EQIP, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program deadlines looming
(Column ~ 10/20/11)
Eric B. Banks, state conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), announced recently that the application evaluation cutoff date will be, Tuesday, Nov. 15, for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)...
Although weather is lovely now, it's time to winterize
(Column ~ 10/20/11)
With the beautiful fall weather we have had lately, you may not be thinking about getting your home ready for the cold, winter air that will be here all too soon. However, right now is actually the perfect time to winterize your home and prevent air leaks or frozen water pipes...
Getting to know your cowherd
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
A "Getting to Know Your Cow Herd" workshop has been set for Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Fort Scott Livestock Market, Fort Scott, Kan. The program begins at 6 p.m. with topics which will include body condition scoring, changes in cow size, effectiveness and competitiveness of Kansas herds and winter feeding sites...
A little Halloween shopping (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Local resident Nancy Karleskint browses items on a Halloween-themed display at Iron Star Antiques and Such, 3 N. Main St. Several displays of merchandise reflecting a Halloween theme and ranging from small to large in size can be found throughout the shop. Owner Barbara Trimbur said she recently put her Halloween merchandise on display for the occasion... -
DAR meets for first time at Memorial Hall
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
By Bernita Hill Special to the Tribune In 1922, Mayor W.E. Cassell, commissioners Elmer Coe and Frank Davis were asked to call a special election for the purpose of constructing a memorial building to honor all servicemen. The site selected was at Third and National Avenue. That corner lot cost $10,000. Bonds for the purchase of the land and construction of the building were issued in the amount of $185,000 with an interest rate of 4.5 percent...
DAR gives H.T. Wilson documents to state historical society
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
By Bernita Hill Special to the Tribune The Molly Foster Berry Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presented three original documents to the Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, on Aug. 10, 2006. These included an original 1844 Day Book, similar to a ledger, an 1851 Day Book and a letter written to the Fort Scott Post Sutler Hiero T. Wilson in 1853. The Wilson documents were in DAR's possession because Wilson's daughter, Elizabeth Goodlander, was a member of DAR...
Seals recognized (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Dr. Larry Seals, OB/GYN at Mercy Health Center, was recognized last Friday night during the FSHS --Iola High School football half-time as a great activity supporter for Fort Scott High School. "Seals was awarded (Kansas State High School Activities Association) KSHSAA's 'Award of Excellence' for exemplary display of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity," according to Larry Fink, FSHS activities director... -
Job fair scheduled
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is making plans for a Job Fair to be held Thursday, Nov. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center on the Fort Scott Community College campus, 2108 S. Horton.
MPG presents check to FSHS (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Submitted to the Tribune Representatives of Mercy Physician Group presented Fort Scott High School Activities Director Larry Fink with a check for $1,640 during a halftime ceremony Friday, Oct. 14. Annually, Mercy Physician Group hosts sports physical clinics for area middle school and high school students. In 2011, these physicians and their staff examined 263 students on two scheduled dates... -
Tigers seeded sixth at 4A Sub-State
(High School Sports ~ 10/20/11)
Fort Scott High School's volleyball team will be the No. 6 seed at the Anderson County Class 4A Sub-State Tournament, which begins at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon. The Tigers are 16-18 and will face No. 3 seed Girard (24-12) at approximately 3 p.m. Two courts are being used with the tournament starting at 2 p.m. with side-by-side matches...
Eagles sweep, clinch top seed
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
UNIONTOWN -- Uniontown's sweep of Pleasanton and Marmaton Valley here Tuesday night allowed the Eagles to clinch the top seed at Saturday's Oswego Class 2A Sub-State Volleyball Tournament. Uniontown (23-9) has two fewer losses than second-seeded Jayhawk-Linn (23-11). The Eagles will face Marmaton Valley (12-22) in the first round at 1 p.m...
Fort Scott wins in baseball
(Column ~ 10/20/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) In this issue of the Tribune-Monitor will be found an advertisement of the Primel Company. The people of the city are already familiar with the product manufactured and handled by the company and they need no introduction. The principal product is what is termed Primel -- a breakfast food that has an excellent health-giving appetizing quality, a food that no table in Fort Scott should be without, not alone because it is a local product but for the further good reason that it is good, wholesome food made of the very best cereals. ...
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
It was incorrectly reported in a story that appeared in the Wednesday edition that utility vehicles would be included in an ordinance recently approved by the Fort Scott City Commission allowing golf carts on city streets. In fact, the only stipulations that were included in a motion approved Tuesday by the commission are the requirement that no person under 18 years of age will be allowed to operate a cart on city streets and a $50 annual registration fee. ...
Loan filing deadline coming up
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
The deadline for Bourbon County farmers and ranchers to file emergency disaster applications is Nov. 23, Farm Service Agency Farm Loan Manager Robert E. White said in a news release. White said those needing farm credit as a result of severe winter storms and snowstorms from Jan. 1, 2011-Feb. 5, 2011, and think they are eligible for FSA assistance, should make their applications at the FSA County Office, 207 S. Summit, Girard, before deadline...
It's a Girls' Night Out -- for health
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Mercy Health Center's Spirit of Women Initiative is hosting the fourth annual Spirit Girls' Night Out on Monday, Nov. 7, at Fort Cinema. This year's event, titled "Your Best Health is in the Bag," will focus on back and spine health, a news release said...
Trick or treat (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Barbara Trimbur, owner of Iron Star Antiques and Such, organizes items on a Halloween-themed display in her shop at 3 N. Main St. Several displays of merchandise reflecting a Halloween theme and ranging from small to large in size can be found throughout the shop. Trimbur said she recently put her Halloween merchandise on display to mark the celebration. (Jason E. Silvers/Tribune)... -
Dealership reveals new car (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Back in the 1950s and 60s when automobile models changed yearly, there was a sense of excitement and wonder when the new cars were unveiled. On Friday, Shepherd Team Auto Plaza returned to those days with a reveal of the 2012 Toyota Camry. The event was part of a Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce coffee attended by 60-65 people. The unveiling was just one of the events going on nationwide Friday for the car's introduction... -
Forks and Corks offers variety of eats, treats
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Some of the tastiest food and beverages in Fort Scott can be sampled during an annual event Friday, sponsored by the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce. The 7th annual Taste of Fort Scott event, titled "Forks and Corks," is scheduled to take place from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Friday at the Liberty Theatre, 113 S. Main St. Attendees can taste food specialities provided by 14 local restaurants and caterers, as well as unique beverages and liquors provided by a beverage distributor...
Road improvements on the horizon (Local News ~ 10/20/11)
Big changes will be coming to two busy U.S. 69 intersections, and community input is being sought. An open house is scheduled for 4-6 p.m. on Oct. 27 at Fort Scott City Hall, 123 S. Main St., to answer questions and hear comments and concerns from residents regarding the proposed improvements to U.S. Highway 69's intersections with 23rd Street and 18th Street/South National Avenue. The occasion is being hosted by the city of Fort Scott and Kansas Department of Transportation... -
105th Devon Methodist Church Annual Harvest Festival
(Local News ~ 10/20/11)
The 105th Devon Methodis Church Annual Harvest Festaval is tonight at the Devon Community Center. The members will start serving the meal at 5 p.m. The menu includes turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, chicken and noodles, dessert and drink. Meals for adults are $5, children $3 and children under the age of 5 are free. There will e a country store, grocery basket raffle, fish pond and auction. Evereyone is welcome...
Stories from Thursday, October 20, 2011
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