Jayhawk-Linn draws No. 3 seed
(High School Sports ~ 10/24/08)
Jayhawk-Linn will be the No. 3 seed at the Central Heights Class 3A Sub-State Volleyball tournament at Richmond Saturday afternoon. Central Heights is using a "two-court" option, meaning two games will be played simultaneously in the first round. The Jayhawks (27-10), who advanced to the Class 3A State Tournament last year, will face No. 6 Pomona-West Franklin (21-15) on the north court at about 3 p.m. They will follow a 2 p.m. match with No. 2 Osage City (23-5) and No. 7 Eureka (13-18)...
Uniontown sweeps on Senior Night
(High School Sports ~ 10/24/08)
UNIONTOWN -- Uniontown's volleyball team concluded the regular season with a sweep of Pleasanton and Marmaton Valley in a non-league triangular here Tuesday night. The Eagles (22-12) defeated Pleasanton, 25-23, 25-12, and Marmaton Valley, 25-7, 25-9. The Blu-Jays (10-24) swept Pleasanton in the middle match, 25-15, 25-13...
Ogran, Brown earn all-area status
(High School Sports ~ 10/24/08)
Cassie Ogran and Kacie Brown were named to the All-SE-Kan golf team by area coaches Thursday morning. The All-SE-Kan team serves to give girls' golf players season honors as none of the area schools have league play since not enough schools in each of the area leagues -- such as the Southeast Kansas League or the Three Rivers League -- have enough schools playing to allow their leagues to sanction the sport for championships...
FSNHS hosts historic tour Saturday
(Local News ~ 10/24/08)
"He had taken a loaded pistol from his holster with his right hand and passed it to his bridle hand ... the horse jumped to the right, the pistol was discharged and Capt. T fell to the ground." Thus was the tragedy that took the life of Capt. Burdette Terrett on March 17, 1845 in Fort Scott...
Wondrous works honored: Parks' Legacy named one of 8 Wonders of Kansas Art (Local News ~ 10/24/08)
It was announced Thursday morning that Gordon Parks' legacy was voted one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Art. Parks was a finalist due to the racial barriers he overcame while achieving greatness in art with his photography, film-making, writing and composing... -
DeMott challenges Long in county clerk race (Local News ~ 10/24/08)
Longtime Bourbon County Clerk Joanne Long will face a challenge in next month's election. Long, who has served as county clerk for eight years, will defend her seat on Nov. 4 against local resident Jackie DeMott. According to information on the Bourbon County Web site, www.bourboncountyks.org, the county clerk is the secretary to the Board of County Commissioners. ... -
Assault victim taken off ventilator
(Local News ~ 10/24/08)
A Fort Scott resident who was recently the victim of a violent assault offered his family an optimistic sign Thursday. At 3 p.m. on Thursday, doctors were able to take 85-year-old Frank Hereford off a ventilator -- which was previously keeping his health stable -- making his progress evident...
Stranger danger
(Local News ~ 10/24/08)
Every Halloween parents worry about the safety of their children. Usually the concern is focused on if the candy they receive is safe but a new Missouri law focuses on those who potentially give out that candy. The new law, Revised Statutes of Missouri 589.426, regulates sexual offenders on Halloween. ...