Shirley Towles
(Obituary ~ 10/04/08)
Shirley Towles, 86, of Fulton, Kan., passed away Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008, at the Guest Home Estates in Fort Scott, Kan. She was born Oct. 9, 1921, in Kansas City, Mo., the daughter of Karl Theodore and Pauline (Heins) Seested. She married Robert Towles, Feb. 3, 1940, in Topeka, Kan. He preceded her in death March 18, 1996...
Brynley Jae Hedges
(Births ~ 10/04/08)
Angela and Jason Hedges, of Nevada, and big brother, Isaac, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Brynley Jae Hedges. Brynley was born on Sept. 18, 2008. She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 19 inches. Maternal grandparents are Larry and Joyce Joggerst, of Nevada. Maternal great-grandmother is Opal Joggerst, of Ste. Genevieve, Mo...
Sophia Dawn Stewart
(Births ~ 10/04/08)
Beth and Geoff Stewart, of Nevada, and big brother Grady, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Sophia Dawn Stewart. Sophia was born at 2:09 a.m., on Sept. 27, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 20 1/2 inches...
Tickets from Sept. 22 to 30
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/04/08)
Sept. 22 Harold G. Hunt, Nevada, no proof of insurance. Brandon L. Bates, Neosho, Mo., speeding 28/15. Michael E. Cash, Nevada, speeding 25/15. Aaron K. Dade, Nevada, speeding 40/15. Kylene M. Marchiano, Hume, Mo., speeding 44/30 and seat belt law. Larry D. Weeks, Fair Grove, Mo., speeding 54/40...
Sheriff's Report Oct. 2
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/04/08)
Oct. 2 There were reports of loud music in the Schell City area, a prowler in the Sheldon area, a traffic stop in the Sheldon area, an alarm in the Walker area, a domestic dispute in the Harwood area, fraud in the Nevada area, a suspisious person in the Nevada area, threats in the Schell City area, and property damage in the Sheldon area...
Police Reports Oct. 1 and 2
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/04/08)
Oct. 1 An accident occurred at 8:21 p.m., at Austin and Osage, involving a pickup driven by Scotty W. Bough, of Nevada, and a car driven by Symantha L. Helm, El Dorado Springs. No injuries were reported. Oct. 2 There was a report of a petty theft from a motor vehicle, in the 600 block of east Hickory, made by Joshua Seltz, of Nevada, Mo. He reported a .32 auto Kel-Tec pistol, and a compact disc case containing 100 compact discs stolen...
Shindler -- 50 years (Anniversary ~ 10/04/08)
Ernie and Elaine Shindler, Fulton, Mo., formerly of Nevada, will celebrate their 50th anniversary in October. The Shindlers were married Oct. 19, 1958, at the Nevada Church of the Nazarene by the Rev. Floyd Hess. The couple will be spending the day with their three children and their families, Mike Shindler, Fulton, Mo.; Karen Threlkeld, Moberly, Mo., and Mark Shindler, Republic, Mo... -
Holland -- 50 years (Anniversary ~ 10/04/08)
Linn and Carol Holland, Bronaugh, Mo., will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Oct. 5. Linn Holland, son of Vernon and Gladyce Holland, and Carol Weis, daughter of Clarence and Irene Weis, were married Oct. 5, 1958, at the Bronaugh United Methodist Church. The Rev. Brooks Shook performed the ceremony. Jane Dowers and Earl Weis were attendants... -
Charley Bales - Christine Spencer (Engagement ~ 10/04/08)
Darrell and Diane Spencer, Fort Scott, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Christine, to Charley Bailes, son of Jon and Rosetta Bailes, Fort Scott. Christine is the granddaughter of Richard and Marie Marshall and Charley is the grandson of Charles and Rose Anna Workman, all of Fort Scott... -
Cpl. Williams completes seven-month deployment
(Military News ~ 10/04/08)
Marine Corps Cpl. Robert E. Williams, son of Robin and Scott Williams of Adrian, Mo., along with fellow Marines and sailors of 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, recently completed a seven-month deployment to Al Anbar province, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Global War on Terror...
Airman Hyder deploys to Iraq (Military News ~ 10/04/08)
Airman First Class Brandon Athel Hyder deployed to Iraq Friday, for a four-month tour of duty. He works with Aerospace Ground Equipment. Hyder is stationed at Ft. Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina. Hyder is the son of Gean and Cathy Hyder and grandson of Athel and Jeraldine Hyder, and Roger and Velma Crane, all of Nevada... -
Kennedy -- 90 years
(Other Record ~ 10/04/08)
Helen Marie Kennedy will celebrate her 90th birthday on Oct. 8. An open house to celebrate this occasion will be held on Sunday, Oct. 5, at the home of Jenise and Jerry Burch, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The family welcomes all of Mrs. Kennedy's friends and family to help her celebrate this memorable occasion. The family notes that the omission of gifts would be appreciated, with the presence of friends and family being gift enough...
Baldwin -- 90 years (Other Record ~ 10/04/08)
The family of Georgia O'dell Key Baldwin announce a 90th birthday celebration open house on Sunday, Oct. 12, 2008. She will receive guests from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m., at the American Legion Building, in El Dorado Springs, on east Broadway. The family notes that Mrs. Baldwin is looking forward to visiting with all her friends and relatives, their presence being her most precious gift... -
Chiseled in Stone
(Column ~ 10/04/08)
Hi neighbors. Have you ever had to fill out insurance forms? You would think there could be an easier way than having to toggle between a CD and an Internet site; printing out a page and/or e-mailing it to the insurance company. Nothing is easy these days...
Life in a Small Town (Part LXXIX)
(Column ~ 10/04/08)
A few months ago, Mel Glenn, my professional writer friend from Brooklyn, N.Y., the "best man," some 47 years ago, at Ginny's and my wedding, had just determined to write his next novel -- an addition to the "adolescent literature" category he's been specializing in -- on the topic of "life in a small town." Many years ago, he'd come out to visit us for a week, as part of a longer trip he was making to take part in an "adolescent literature festival" at a branch of the University of Kansas. ...
Love, Attention and Respect
(Column ~ 10/04/08)
The following is an excerpt from Dr. James Dobson's book "Home with a Heart," a compilation of encouraging commentaries for today's families: I remember sitting in my car at a fast-food restaurant eating a hamburger and French fries, when I happened to look in the rearview mirror. ...
Deerfield congregation marks 100 years
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
The Church of God Holiness held its first service on Oct. 8, 1908, two miles north of Deerfield at the Old Bethel Church. Members of the church were; Amos Hamaker, Hattie Welch, Emma Sheets, Carrie House, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley James, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carpenter, Ben Moberly, Carrie James and pastor E.S. Parmele...
Dangerous Formidable Foe
(Column ~ 10/04/08)
By early October 1864, there was no doubt in the mind of the Union commanders in Missouri and Kansas that Confederate Major General Sterling Price and his "Army of Missouri" were heading north into eastern Missouri. No one knew what Price's ultimate goals were. ...
Pearce to offer legislation to require private jails fully report to local law enforcement
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
HOLDEN, Mo. -- State Representative David Pearce, R-121 and candidate for the Missouri State Senate District 31, is proposing legislation that will require private jails to report certain incidents to local law enforcement. The legislation would require private jails to notify local law enforcement immediately upon the escape of prisoners. ...
CROP Walk fights hunger
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
For almost 30 years, the local community has stepped up to help fight hunger locally, throughout the United States and around the world. This year is no different as several area residents, church groups and other youth organizations plan to come together for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty Walk. The CROP walk is an annual event in which people of all ages walk together to take a stand against world hunger and to raise awareness and funds for international relief and development...
'As Time Goes By' for the Nevada Tiger Pride Marching Band (Local News ~ 10/04/08)
At 8 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 27, more than 90 students gathered at Nevada High School. These students are the members of the Nevada High School Tiger Pride Marching Band and they assembled together to make the trip to Webb City, Mo., to compete with 26 other high school marching bands at the Webbstock Marching Competition... -
Fort Scott native's shining star visible in the distance
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
For one former Fort Scott youth, a childhood dream may not be too far off in the distance. Since Autumn Schoneberg, who relocated to Prescott a few years ago, was about two years old, she was hooked on performing in front of people. During her early years, her mother entered her in various pageants, which helped prepare her for her long-term goal of becoming a professional singer...
The naked truth: 'We're all beautiful'
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
"The human form just is. We are the ones who put meaning on it." So said Larry Kirkwood, while many of the college and high school students listening nodded their heads thoughtfully. Kirkwood was giving a presentation before a crowd of about 200 at Cottey College, relating to "The Body Image Project," an effort that has become Kirkwood's mission. ...
An image all her own
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
Jo Byrnes met Larry Kirkwood in 1999. He'd been working on his Body Image Project for about six years at the time. Using casts of nude bodies of all shapes and sizes, the effort is meant to explore and illustrate that bodies are beautiful because they're individual, because they don't look like the "Hollywood ideal" they're uniquely special...
Roundtree's Choice: Film (Local News ~ 10/04/08)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- "This man meant a lot to me," said Richard Roundtree as he looked at the photo of Gordon Parks, which decorated his Gordon Parks Choice of Weapons award Friday night. "Next to my dad, this is singularly the most important, pleasurable ... person."... -
You be the Editor
(Local News ~ 10/04/08)
October 5-11 is National Newspaper Week, and we've brought back popular feature in honor of the occasion. It's You Be the Editor. Here, and online, you'll find a set of three scenarios that can pose ethical dilemmas for newspapers. Take a look at the questions raised, then let the Herald-Tribune know what you'd do, either by commenting to this story online, by sending an e-mail to editor@nevadadailymail.com, or by bringing or mailing your response to the Nevada Daily Mail, 131 S. ...