Community Sing has good turnout
(Column ~ 10/08/08)
The Coffee House for God fundraiser will be taking place Saturday, Nov. 8, begining at 5 p.m., in the old Community Building in Arcadia on the corner of Race and Main Streets, south of Arcadia City Park. Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, chips, cake and drinks will be served at the event. There will be a raffle and drawing that evening for two sets of jewelry...
Uniontown sweeps TRL foes
(High School Sports ~ 10/08/08)
UNIONTOWN -- Uniontown's volleyball team swept through its Three Rivers League competition in a home triangular Tuesday night. The Eagles defeated Pleasanton, 25-8, 25-23, and Crest, 25-17, 25-18. No information was available on the Pleasanton-Crest match. The Pleasanton perspective on the night may be available in time for Friday's edition...
Independence sweeps Greyhounds (College Sports ~ 10/08/08)
Fort Scott Community College's volleyball team was swept once again Wednesday night, this time by Independence in Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division play. The visiting Pirates took 25-15, 25-11 and 25-11 wins. Fort Scott (0-7 East, 0-23 overall) dropped its 28th straight match. The Greyhounds have been swept in every one of those matches...