Historic church open for events (Business ~ 10/13/06)
One of the oldest church buildings in Fort Scott, which has not conducted religious services for several years, is now slowly coming back to life. The old St. Andrews Episcopal Church, located at 123 S. National Ave., was purchased earlier this year by local residents Dale and Cherrie Norton, who intended to use the old structure, built in 1903, as a wedding chapel and as a venue for a variety of other events... -
Selecting, maintaining pumpkins
(Business ~ 10/13/06)
With Halloween nearly upon us, the fall decorations of jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins are increasing. Some may display round, squatty, or oblong pumpkins; each with their own character. They can be found in a wide variety of colors and feels. They can be bright orange or dark orange, with textures of smooth or rough. The shape or color of the pumpkins does not effect how long the pumpkins will remain in good shape; the maturity does...
Local student contracts Pertussis (Local News ~ 10/13/06)
A female elementary school student at Fort Scott Christian Heights has been diagnosed with pertussis, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease, commonly known as "whooping cough." Bourbon County Public Health Department Director Alice Maffett said that the diagnosis has been confirmed by lab tests... -
USD 235, teachers agree to new contracts
(Local News ~ 10/13/06)
UNIONTOWN -- A three-year agreement between teachers and USD 235 was approved by both sides this summer. The agreement for the 2006-07 school year between the district and about 45 local teachers and UTA members, which is the Uniontown chapter of the Kansas National Education Association, includes an increase of $1,000 in base teacher salaries each year, beginning this school year, district officials said. ...
Benefit ride Saturday for Ragan family
(Local News ~ 10/13/06)
A benefit ride to raise money for the family of Donnie Ragan, who died as the result of a motorcycle wreck last month, is scheduled for noon Saturday. A caravan of motorcycles and cars will assemble at shortly before 1 p.m. at Rusty's Sports Bar and Grill, 16 N. ...
Reese Erin Gorman
(Births ~ 10/13/06)
Reese Erin Gorman, a girl, was born at 3:38 p.m. on Thursday, Oct.12, 2006, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to parents Mike and Tara Gorman of Mapleton. She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. She joins one sibling, Rhian Gorman. Maternal grandparents are Marva Hardesty, Branson, Mo., and Steve and Rita Hardesty, Joplin, Mo. Paternal grandparents are Beverly Gorman and the late John Gorman of Prescott...
Zoe Louise Taylor
(Births ~ 10/13/06)
Zoe Louise Taylor, a girl, was born at 3:52 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, to parents Jason and Tiffany Taylor of Mound City. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. She joins three siblings, Chance Conley, age 8; Alex Conley, age 5; and Samuel Taylor, age 11 months. ...
(Obituary ~ 10/13/06)
Kenneth Eugene Snyder, age 75, of Fulton, Kansas, died while combining on his farm Thursday evening, October 12, 2006. He was born February 13, 1931 in Fulton, Kansas the son of Milton and Bessie (Townsend) Snyder. He married Earlene Pinkerton October 18, 1953 in Fulton at the Methodist Church...
Hiattville Area News (Column ~ 10/13/06)
The Bourbon County Fire District No. 3 will host a hog roast from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14 at the Hiattville Fire Station. Bingo will start at 6:30 p.m. Free will donations for the meal will be welcomed. Rachel and Kole Wagner ate supper with Clara Brewer on Wednesday evening Oct. 4... -
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 10/13/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) Grant Hornaday is putting in a new pump at the Hornaday farm northwest of the city. He has spent several mornings at manual labor on the farm. Stock water is getting scarce out there and they are putting in a pump and windmill in an old abandoned well, which will supply the want... -
Burnt-out buildings an eyesore
(Editorial ~ 10/13/06)
To the Editor, Everybody I talk to is sick and tired of looking at those burned up, ugly and dangerous looking shells downtown the city calls historic buildings worthy of saving. To believe these ruins could ever inspire any feelings of nostalgia now or in the future in anyone is ludicrous.To advertise them on eBay as restorable buildings in a vibrant community is absurd...
STOMP program coming to First Presbyterian Church (Local News ~ 10/13/06)
In addition to all the joys that go along with having children, being a parent can also be costly and time consuming. In an attempt to relieve some of the time restraints put on parents of young children, the First Presbyterian Church, 308 S. Crawford, is starting a new ministry for the community called STOMP (Some Time Out for Moms and Pops)... -
Tigers swept in home finale (High School Sports ~ 10/13/06)
Senior night at the Fort Scott High School gymnasium didn't end in the way the Tiger volleyball team would have liked Thursday night. Chanute and Iola both posted sweeps in Southeast Kansas League play. In the middle match, Chanute dashed any hopes Iola had of tying for the league title with a sweep of its rival...