Kline may hire attorney for drug cases (Local News ~ 10/12/06)
Federally earmarked money totaling $70,000 is expected to be applied toward funding a prosecutor from the Kansas Attorney General's Office to litigate drug-related cases. Attorney General Phill Kline, who is battling Johnson County Prosecutor Paul Morrison for re-election next month, announced late last week in Pittsburg that his office received a Congressional Earmark Award to aid in the fight against methamphetamine trafficking and drug prosecution in southeast Kansas... -
Libertarian candidates raising awareness (Local News ~ 10/12/06)
In federal and state elections, the majority of the votes are cast for the Democratic and Republican candidates. Rarely does a third-party candidate get enough votes to be considered a major player in any political race. However, two third-party candidates are out on the campaign trail trying to buck that trend in Kansas... -
(Obituary ~ 10/12/06)
Ina Hazel Beaman Nicolini, age 90, died on October 7, 2006, at the Medicalodge, Fort Scott. She was born October 30, 1915, in Uniontown, the daughter of Ray George and Ruth Carolyn Turner Beaman. She graduated from high school in Uniontown in 1932 and was a star basketball player and an outstanding golfer in later years...
CHERIÉ SCHUBERT (Obituary ~ 10/12/06)
Cherié Christine Schubert, 16, of Uniontown, Kansas died Tuesday, October 10, 2006, in Uniontown as the result of a motor vehicle accident. She was born December 21, 1989, in Emporia, Kansas. She attended Uniontown High School until the beginning of this school year, when she transferred to Fort Scott High School... -
JIM SINN (Obituary ~ 10/12/06)
Jim Sinn, age 76, retired Wahling Sash and Door Co. carpenter and maintenance supervisor at Westview Manor in Derby, died October 10, 2006. Jim was born July 23, 1930 in Fort Scott, KS the son of the late Fred and Elsie (Eberle) Sinn. On July 23, 1982 he married Ruby Jane Herdt in Derby... -
Malachi Dane Larson
(Births ~ 10/12/06)
LARSEN -- Malachi Dane Larson, a boy, was born at 5:48 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006, at Mercy Health Center to parents Danny and Jamie Larsen, Fort Scott. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. He joins one sibling, Noah Christian Larsen, age 3. Maternal grandparents are Larry Bolden and the late Deanna Bolden, Fort Scott, and the late William "Bill" Dobry, Fort Scott. Paternal grandparents are Dan and Cindy Larsen, Fort Scott. Paternal great-grandparents are Ray and Mary Larsen, Fort Scott...
Memories spring eternal (Local News ~ 10/12/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) The brick and cement plants of the Guthrie Mountain Portland Cement Company at Mapleton will be a bigger institution than many people of the county anticipated. Mr. McDermott, who is interested in the proposed company, was in the city this morning consulting with Hubert Lardner, and when seen by a reporter for The Tribune, stated that the brick plant was already in operation and he expected to have the cement plant running shortly after the first of the year. ... -
District play begins Friday (High School Sports ~ 10/12/06)
The second season begins Friday as district play begins in Kansas high school football. For those unfamiliar with districts, the last three games of the regular season are essentially a four-team, round-robin tournament to determine two of the 32 qualifiers into the playoffs (16 qualifiers in Classes 6A and 5A)... -
USDA announces settlement
(Business ~ 10/12/06)
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Teresa Lasseter said on Oct. 5 that in some states USDA will limit managed haying and grazing on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres from once every three years to once in every ten years. The change is part of a settlement that also changes the definition of primary nesting and brood rearing season back to pre-2002 Farm Bill dates...