Brandt Cooper Meech
(Births ~ 10/11/06)
MEECH -- Brandt Cooper Meech, a boy, was born at 7:34 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 to parents Marci Myers and Keith Meech, Fort Scott. He weighed 8 pounds 2.6 ounces at birth. He joins one sister, Brooklynn Louise Meech. Maternal grandparents are Wayne and Pam Hightower, and Tim and Debbie Myers, all of Fort Scott. Paternal grandparents Bill and Joyce Meech, Fort Scott...
Cato School now on national register (Local News ~ 10/11/06)
Not quite a year after its placement on the Register of Historic Kansas Places, the Cato School is about to receive national recognition. Members of the Cato Club, a group that has worked to raise money the last several years to preserve the history of the school and the small northern Crawford County settlement of Cato, recently received word that the school has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places the country's official list of historically significant properties... -
Federal official to present blue ribbon to Eugene Ware (Local News ~ 10/11/06)
A U.S. Department of Education official will visit Eugene Ware Elementary School on Thursday in recognition of the school's academic progress. Mary Cohen, a regional representative for the federal agency, will be present to congratulate the school on the progress made under No Child Left Behind and honor them as a Blue Ribbon School... -
(Obituary ~ 10/11/06)
Leslie Eugene Blubaugh, age 82, resident of Fort Scott, Kansas, died Tuesday, October 10, 2006, at the Mercy Health Center. He was born March 23, 1924 in Fort Scott, the son of Ivan Francis Blubaugh and Lilly Carmen Smith Blubaugh. Following graduation from Fort Scott High School, he entered the United States Navy and served during World War Il...
(Obituary ~ 10/11/06)
Ann Marie Price, age 72, of Fort Scott, died Saturday, October 7, 2006, at the Mercy Health Center. She was born June 23, 1934, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the daughter of Marcellius Peter and Marie Schmidt Kobs. She married Gerald R. Price on May 30, 1953, in San Diego, California...
Alex Henry Button
(Births ~ 10/11/06)
BUTTON -- Alex Henry Button, a boy, was born at 5:57 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 9, 2006, at Mercy Health Center to parents Barry and Dana Button, Fort Scott. He weighed 8 pounds at birth. He joins one sibling, Alissa Button. Maternal grandparents are Bryan and Tammy Davidson, Redfield, and Denton and Annette Hixon, Uniontown. ...
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 10/11/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) Ladies, do not fail to attend the great closing out sale of my entire stock of tea sets, water sets, Roger knives, forks and spoons, cut glass and china, solid sterling goods; also a fine line of watches, both in ladies and gents. All must go at your own price. Commences October 13th.--F.P. Buarkholder, 24 North Main Street... -
Fort Scott High School student dies Tuesday in traffic accident (Local News ~ 10/11/06)
A 16-year-old Uniontown teenager was killed Tuesday on her way to school on Maple Road after the vehicle entered a ditch and struck a tree on the side of the road, according to the Kansas Highway Patrol. The official report said around 6:44 a.m., Cherie C. ...