Governor Kelly adds new phase to “Ad Astra” plan
(Local News ~ 05/14/20)
Thursday afternoon, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-32, which establishes a new phase to the “Ad Astra: Plan to Reopen Kansas.” The new “1.5” Phase, effective May 18, 2020, continues reopening efforts while preserving some data-driven restrictions necessary to prevent community transmission of COVID-19...
Mary Barrett Irvin (Obituary ~ 05/14/20)
Mary Barrett Irvin, 99, of Fort Scott, formerly of Rogers, Ark., passed away Wednesday, May 8, 2020, at her home in Presbyterian Village. She was born in Murdock, Minn., on Aug. 1, 1920 to Agnes and Earl Barrett. She was preceded in death by her parents, six of her eight siblings, and Willis Hugh Irvin, her husband of 74 years...