Animal shelter looking to future with new director (Local News ~ 11/28/13)
Fort Scott's no-kill animal shelter has a new director, and the future is looking good. "I'm highly optimistic about the future," said Harold Hicks, president of the board of Lee's Paws and Claws Animal Shelter. Ann Clarkson, who had served on the board as treasurer, was selected as the new director at the monthly board meeting on Oct. 29, following her stint as interim director beginning July1... -
Making a pitch for bringing tournament back (Local News ~ 11/28/13)
onson, the same location of the first-ever horseshoe pitching World Tournament in 1909, is long overdue for the sport to return to its roots. Monday evening, Bronson Ruritans discussed the possibility of making that happen. Dave Mathewson of Gas originally proposed the idea of holding an official horseshoe pitching contest in the city during Bronson's November City Council meeting. Mathewson is a member of the Topeka 2015 World Horseshoe Tournament steering committee... -
Never too cold for fishing . . . or ducks (Local News ~ 11/28/13)
Jeff Richardson of Fort Scott uses spoon bait, a fishing lure designed to wobble when pulled through the water, while fishing on a cold Wednesday afternoon at Gunn Park. Richardson, the only angler at the time, said he caught a couple of fish during his outing...