Red Cross offers tips to prevent kitchen fires
(Local News ~ 11/22/10)
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the Bourbon County Chapter of the American Red Cross encourages families to prevent kitchen fires by taking some basic safety measures. In the United States, Thanksgiving is the peak day for cooking fires -- 90 percent of which are caused by unattended cooking...
FSCC Mediterranean cruise (Local News ~ 11/22/10)
Fish salvaging begins
(Local News ~ 11/22/10)
The city of Fort Scott and Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks are working together to drain the second lake in Gunn Park for fish salvage. Fish can be taken by hand, seine net, fishing pole and snagging. Firearms and explosives are prohibited. The draining of this second lake will be completed in about a week. Fish available for harvest are channel cat, bass, carp, flathead and crappie, among others, Park Supervisor Russ Hughes said...
State agencies set tax seminars
(Local News ~ 11/22/10)
Two tax seminars will be held in Chanute on Thursday, Dec. 2 at Neosho County Community College, 800 W. 14th, Student Union, Chanute. Sponsors of the seminar are the Kansas Small Business Development Center (KSBDC) in the Business and Technology Institute at Pittsburg State University and the Kansas Department of Revenue...
Fort Scott teacher, coach wins prestigious award (Local News ~ 11/22/10)
Local coach and educator Pechone Stepps is one of two recipients of the 2010 Peter John Loux Memorial Award for courage and perseverance in the face of disabilities. The Peter John Loux Memorial Award provides an annual recognition to Kansans who have demonstrated an exceptional desire and dedication to overcome difficulties caused by a physical or neurological disability... -
Youngster gets gift of a little Walt Disney magic (Local News ~ 11/22/10)
Not everyone gets the opportunity to experience Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., the way Holden Guilfoyle and his family did two weeks ago. Along with more than 50 other families, the Guilfoyles were selected to participate in the 2010 Kidd's Kids trip, put on by the nationally syndicated radio show Kidd Kraddick in the Morning. ...