Fort Scott Scottish Rite meeting, dinner
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
All members of the Fort Scott Scottish Rite, 110 S. Main, Fort Scott, are asked to attend the regular stated meeting and dinner on Nov. 4, at 6:30 p.m. The dinner menu is turkey dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry salad, hot rolls, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and tea or coffee...
West Bourbon Elementary honor roll
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
West Bourbon Elementary would like to announce the results of the 2010-11 first quarter honor roll. The results are published below. Honor Roll Second Grade Jada Allen, Clayton Brillhart, Blake Fernandez, Rhian Gorman, Aiden Holt, Paige Mason, Isabella Needham, Jessica Peck, Andrew Perry, Libby Schaaf, Karleigh Schoenberger, Heather Sherwood, Brianna Stokes and Clay Sutterby...
The beginning of the annual girls' get together
(Column ~ 11/03/10)
Once again our "girls'" (I use that word loosely) annual "get together" arrived. It is always during Halloween weekend. We have had it at daughter Susie's cottage on Lake Sherwood several times, but we all decided to have it down at Susie's home in Middleton, Wisc., this year. Again there were three of us around the Pittsville area, myself, Renn and her mom Joyce and we all rode down together...
Hunter Education Course offered
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
There will be a Hunter Education Course offered, Nov. 9, 11, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Nov. 13, from 8 a.m. to noon, at the Uniontown High School cafeteria. The course is sponsored by the Uniontown FFA Chapter and the Uniontown Ruritan Club. Important facts to consider:...
Mapleton shootout team roping results (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
The Roy A. Shields Mapleton Community Arena was the site of a Shootout Team Roping Series this summer as a fundraiser for the city of Mapleton. Originally planned to be a series of four ropings, it was shortened to three after a rainout late in the season. Cowboys could compete in either a No. 10 or No. 12 series and had to participate in at least two ropings to be eligible for the prizes... -
Pawnee 4-H Club Halloween meeting (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
The Halloween meeting of the Pawnee 4-H Club was held Oct. 12 at the home of John and Carol Hill. A total of 38 current and new members along with their parents and siblings attended and enjoyed the fall get together, which included games, a bonfire, roasting hotdogs, treats, and a hayrack ride at dusk provided by Rocky Brown. ... -
(Obituary ~ 11/03/10)
Forestine Minnie Hall, age 99, formerly of Devon, Kan., more recently of Fort Scott Manor, died Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010, at the Mercy Health Center of Fort Scott. Services for Forestine Minnie Hall will be announced by the Cheney Witt Chapel.
(Obituary ~ 11/03/10)
Levi "Sam" Thompson, Fort Scott, passed away Sunday morning, Oct. 17, 2010 at KU Med Center in Kansas City, Kan. Graveside memorial services will be conducted at 2 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 6, 2010 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Fort Scott, Kan.
(Obituary ~ 11/03/10)
Lawrence Russell Parker, 83, of Fort Scott, Kan., died Tuesday morning, Nov. 2, 2010 at the Medicalodges, Fort Scott, Kan. He was born March 20, 1927 in Fort Scott, Kan., the son of Raymond Russell and Nellie Jane (Love) Parker. He is survived by his children, David Parker and wife Judy, of Richards, Mo.; Glenna Wagenhacht and husband Bob of Fort Collins, Colo.; Darrell Parker and wife Jean of Fort Scott; and Garen Parker and wife Stacey of Mulvane, Kan.; seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and the extended family of staff and caregivers at Medicalodge.. ...
Charles Grant 91st birthday
(Other Record ~ 11/03/10)
Charles Grant, will celebrate his 91st birthday today, Nov. 3. Those who would wish to send him birthday wishes and greetings may send cards to him at 920 S. Evergreen Ave., Chanute, Ks. 66720.
Aldean to appear at concert
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Capitol Records Nashville artist Luke Bryan will headline the 2nd Annual Ropin' and Rockin' for Pennies for the Park fundraising event. However, he will not be the only performer. In a news release from Hilary Abbot, a publicist who works with event host and Arizona Diamondbacks first baseman Adam LaRoche, it was announced Tuesday that last year's headliner Jason Aldean will also be making an appearance. ...
Warren wins District 1 Bourbon commission spot (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
With the unofficial final results tallied, Republican candidate Allen Warren has won the Bourbon County District 1 commission seat. Warren, who was facing Democratic candidate Clint Walker and Republican write-in candidate Lynne Oharah, remained humble when he learned the results while standing outside the Bourbon County Clerk's Office Tuesday evening... -
Tyson ousts Palmer in District 4 contest (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
A longtime local legislator was defeated by a wide margin while another state representative race was "too close to call," according to unofficial election numbers released late Tuesday. In the District 4 Kansas House of Representatives race, retired educator Shirley Palmer, D-Fort Scott, who has represented the district since 2007, lost her seat to her challenger, Caryn Tyson, R-Parker... -
Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce schedules coffee today
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce will host a weekly Chamber Coffee at 8 a.m. today at Care to Share Cancer Support Group, Mercy Medical Plaza, 900 S. Horton. Chamber members can make an announcement about their business, organization or the community by donating a dollar toward "dollars for dolly."...
County needs more volunteer firefighters
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Local rural fire departments are looking for more volunteers, according to Bourbon County Emergency Manager Keith Jeffers. Jeffers said that for many reasons the number of volunteer firefighters in the county is dwindling. He said factors causing the decline are age and volunteers moving out of the county...
School board member, community leader recognized (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Local resident Janet Braun has many fond memories of her longtime friend, Becky Weddle, who died Oct. 14 at the age of 68. Braun said when she moved to Fort Scott in 1975, Weddle was already living in the house next door. The two women would be neighbors and friends for the next 35 years. They supervised each other's three children, gave them rides to activities, and answered their questions, Braun said... -
Grant gets win in District 2 state House race
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
A 17-year veteran of the Kansas Legislature, Bob Grant was one of the few Democrats to emerge victorious Tuesday night by defeating Republican candidate Jeff Locke for the Kansas House District 2 seat. Grant is a businessman who lives in Cherokee. Locke is a Fort Scott Community College instructor who lives in Arma. ...
T-shirt blitz winners could get chance to meet country star
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Following the success of the their ticket blitz, the Youth Activities Team is at it again. They will be hosting a T-shirt blitz. According to YAT Co-convener Clayton Tatro, anyone who buys a T-shirt for the Second Annual Ropin' & Rockin' for Pennies for the Park concert featuring country singer Luke Bryan, now through Nov. 6 will have their name entered in a contest to win a Nov. 13 meet-and-greet with Bryan and Arizona Diamondbacks first baseman Adam LaRoche...
Aligning the lights (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Forestine Minnie Hall (Obituary ~ 11/03/10)
Forestine Minnie Hall, age 99, formerly of Devon, Kansas, more recently of Fort Scott Manor, died Tuesday, November 2, 2010, at the Mercy Health Center of Fort Scott. She had lived her entire life in the Devon area before moving to the Fort Scott Manor nursing home in December of 2009. ... -
Birth announcements
(Local News ~ 11/03/10)
JEREMYAH BLAEC VANDENBURG VANDENBURG -- Ashley Vandenburg, Fort Scott, and siblings Tison Wayne Ellifrits and Mason Earle Ellifrits are proud to announce the birth of their brother, Jeremyah Blaec Vandenburg. Jeremyah was born at 5:18 p.m. Nov. 2, 2010 at Mercy Health Center in Fort Scott...
Gone fishin' (Local News ~ 11/03/10)
Enrollment for federal crop programs progresses to next year
(Column ~ 11/03/10)
Don't know how you might feel about it, but I have been enjoying the fall weather from the past couple of weeks! Spring is often nice too, but there is just something about the pleasant fall days that appeals to my senses. The only thing that bugs me is that it gets dark so early!...
Time for producers to assess grazing distribution, pasture use
(Column ~ 11/03/10)
The grazing season for rangelands will soon be over for the year, and this will give producers the opportunity to assess grazing distribution and utilization in their pastures. A rangeland assessment at this time will allow producers to identify where grazing distribution problems exist and to start thinking about how they can be improved...