Aggie Days scheduled for March 27
(Local News ~ 03/20/09)
Fort Scott Community College will once again host the largest and longest-running agricultural competition in the region. The 28th Annual Agriculture Interscholastic Contests, or Aggie Days, which takes place Friday, March 27 at FSCC, 2108 S. Horton St., will draw about 1,300 students from several states, including Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. ...
Female inmates return to SEKRCC
(Local News ~ 03/20/09)
Following a decrease in population, female inmates have been brought back to the Southeast Kansas Regional Correctional Center. Earlier this month the eight female inmates housed in Cherokee County due to over population were returned to the SEKRCC. According to Bourbon County Sheriff Ron Gray, SEKRCC population had decreased because inmates from Linn County had been returned, thus making it possible to return the inmates...
Drug card saving residents money (Local News ~ 03/20/09)
Since its implementation in August, the Bourbon County Prescription Drug Discount Card Program has generated thousands of dollars worth of savings in the local area on prescription medications. The discount drug program, which is being offered to county residents free of charge, is sponsored by the National Association of Counties. ... -
'No Better Cause' to perform at FSHS Tuesday
(Local News ~ 03/20/09)
The E.C. Gordon Fine Arts Series will present a free concert by No Better Cause, a vocal band from Lincoln, Neb., at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24 in the Fort Scott High School auditorium, 1005 S. Main St. The concert is sponsored by the Bourbon County Arts Council and is supported by Mid-America Arts Alliance with generous underwriting by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kansas Arts Commission and foundations, corporations and individuals throughout Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas.. ...
McCord hits second hole-in-one
(Community Sports ~ 03/20/09)
Golfers consider a hole-in-one the ultimate trial of their skills and techniques, and it is the single most difficult and rare achievement a golfer can accomplish at any level. Former Nevada High School golfer Logan McCord fulfilled every golfer's dream Tuesday afternoon by completing that rare and difficult feat-- for the second time...
CHARLES "CHUCK" SHELTON (Obituary ~ 03/20/09)
Charles L. "Chuck" Shelton, age 62, a resident of Uniontown, Kan., died Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at the Kansas City Hospice House in Kansas City, Mo. He was born Feb. 1, 1947, in Elsmore, Kan., the son of Richard Shelton and Beulah Alderman Shelton... -
Law enforcement reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 03/20/09)
Jackson, James Edward, 34, of 502 Thomas St., Westphiala, was arrested by the Kansas Highway Patrol on Thursday, March 12, at 3:20 p.m. for possession of a controlled stimulate and was released the same day at 7:30 p.m. on a $1,000 bond. Meriman, Steve Keith, 21, of 1447 Maple, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office on Saturday, March 14, at 12 a.m. for driving while suspended, no registration, and no insurance. He was released the same day at 1:08 a.m. on a $1,250 bond...
Listening: Most important part of communicating
(Column ~ 03/20/09)
Two weeks ago I flew to Florida to see my husband and two of our sons who are all in the middle of baseball's spring training. It was an early morning flight and going on three hours' sleep is never fun, so I was grateful to find an available window seat where I could lay my head and catch up on my sleep. ...