Culbertson picked as Honrable Mention wrestler
(High School Sports ~ 03/10/09)
Fort Scott senior Lee Culbertson was the Tigers' only pick on the All-Southeast Kansas League wrestling team. Culbertson, a senior, was a Class 4A State Tournament qualifier who wrestled the majority of the season at 152 pounds. The full list was not available for publication...
Four receive honors on All-SEK hoop teams
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
Two boys and two girls from Fort Scott High School were named to the All-Southeast Kansas League basketball teams, which were released Tuesday. All four players received First Team honors. The boys named were Alex Barner and Gary Floyd. The girls selected were Kori Page Rienbolt and Jolee Sharp...
Bourbon County Arts Council exhibit Wednesday
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
The Bourbon County Arts Council will open the 17th Annual Fine Art Exhibit and Sale with a reception honoring the artists and judge at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Scottish Rite Temple, 110 S. Main St. About 50 artists from Kansas, Missouri and North Carolina will have their work on display and for sale in the multi-media exhibit...
Deadline nearing for disaster loan applications
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
The expiration date for filing applications for Emergency Disaster (EM) loans by farmers and ranchers in Bourbon and Crawford Counties is March 18, 2009 according to Robert E. White, Farm Loan Manager, for the Farm Service Agency (FSA). White advised that those needing farm credit as a result of Severe Storms and Flooding, occurring June 1, 2008 to July 18, 2008 and who think they are eligible for FSA assistance, should make their applications at the FSA County Office, 207 S. ...
GNAT accepting applications through Friday at SEK-CAP office
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
The Good Neighbor Action Team (GNAT) is taking applications beginning this morning from low-income, disabled or elderly residents as it begins work on its goal of renovating and repairing 40 houses within Fort Scott city limits during a five-day period June 25-30...
Hopes in Kenya begin in Fort Scott (Local News ~ 03/10/09)
Salvation Station--Fort Scott will soon be operational, offering hope to girls in Kenya, Africa. Local humanitarian Charles Lifer and Kenya resident Jane Imbuye have been working diligently for many months to create an orphanage for some of the children in Kenya who have lost their parents to AIDS. Because of the help from many Bourbon County residents, Lifer and Imbuye were able to load and ship a container full of beds and various supplies to Kenya in late February... -
Gardener's Christmas event is March 28 (Local News ~ 03/10/09)
It could be paradise for many local gardening enthusiasts later this month. Tri-Valley Developmental Services officials are currently making plans for the annual Gardener's Christmas event, which is scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 28, at the TVDS Service Center, 4305 Campbell Dr. The main focus of the event will be a silent auction featuring a wide variety of flowers, plants, gardening and interior design accessories, books on related topics, and many other items... -
Tickets available for April 18 performance
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
The Kansas City Symphony will perform on April 18 at 7:30 p.m. as the premiere event for the new Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center on the campus of Fort Scott Community College. The schedule of events for the evening include doors opening at 6:30 p.m., remarks beginning at 7:10 p.m., and the Symphony's performance at 7:30 p.m. Building tours will be available following the performance...
Life is like a box of chocolates
(Column ~ 03/10/09)
The other morning after I woke up, stretched and looked out the window, what to my wondering eyes should appear but three heifers trotting down the north side of the highway. I hollered at Bob, who was in the bathroom all lathered up and just starting to shave, to tell him to look out the window, he did and called out neighbor Mike Fox to see if he knew who they belonged to. ...
Prepare to live in a global world
(Column ~ 03/10/09)
We only have to go to the grocery store and notice where our food comes from, or look at the "made in..." label on products we purchase to know that we do live in a global society. When my husband and I visit our daughters in Washington DC it is very evident that America really is a melting pot. The variety of ethnic restaurants, the different languages one hears spoken, and the diversity within neighborhoods reflect the many different nationalities and cultures that call the city their home...
Photo shows history of resident's home in Arcadia
(Local News ~ 03/10/09)
The Class No. 10 Feb. meeting held on the third Wednesday of the month was hosted by Judy Rawlings with the valentine theme in decorations and lesson given by Patty Peterson. She read from James l:l7 asking us to share our love! We are to live a new life and Love each Other...