Ideal Chapter 369 O.E.S. meets, members receive pins
(Column ~ 11/21/08)
Ideal Chapter 369 OES met Nov. 13 with Beverly Davis and Charles Gift presiding in the East as worthy matron and worthy patron. The worthy matron thanked everyone for coming, in her welcome. Plans were finalized for the Masonic luncheon that the Eastern Star ladies would be serving on Saturday, Nov. ...
Redfield Ruritan Club news
(Column ~ 11/21/08)
The Redfield Community Ruritan Club met Nov . 13 in the Redfield United Methodist Church Annex. The new 2009 club officers were announced: Skeet George, president; Letha Johnson, vice president; Maryetta Hixon, secretary; Lewis Williams, treasurer and Gary Judd, Freida Mackey and Larry Graham, directors...
Ministerial Alliance Community Thanksgiving
(Local News ~ 11/21/08)
Members of the community are invited to participate in a celebration of thanksgiving and fellowship. The Fort Scott Ministerial Alliance is conducting a Community Thanksgiving Service at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 25, at the First Baptist Church, 123 Scott Street...
Hammond UMC to host meal, music
(Local News ~ 11/21/08)
Everyone in the community is invited to a Community Thanksgiving Supper, Sunday, Nov. 23, at the Hammond United Methodist Church, in Hammond. The meal will consist of Turkey with all the trimmings, which will begin at 6 p.m. Gospel music program will follow, beginning at 7 p.m. by Ken and Jennie Woods...
Local generosity helps hundreds in Haiti:Team gives medical care, food (Local News ~ 11/21/08)
With the help of area residents and churches, Jon and Rosetta Bailes, former missionaries to Haiti and local physician Max Self were able to minister to many needy families in Haiti recently. Monetary donations contributed to help provide food and medical attention to families in Haiti devastated by several hurricanes totaled more than $17,000, according to Jon Bailes. The Bailes and Self were able to deliver about $6,500 of the assistance on the trip they took on Oct. 30...