Schools, others honor veterans
(Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Schools in Vernon County and in the Fort Scott school district will be conducting various programs in honor of the men and women who have served in the United States Armed forces, fighting for this country's protection and freedom. Local Vietnam veteran Staff Sergeant James E. ...
Fund-raising event set for ThursdayBy Jason E. Silvers
(Local News ~ 11/08/08)
The arrival of November brings chillier temperatures, and also an opportunity for area residents to come in from the cold and warm up during the Fort Scott Kiwanis Pioneers Club's annual chili feed. This year's event is scheduled to take place from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, at the Scottish Rite Temple, 110 S. Main St. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Pioneer Kiwanis Club, an organization that has served the community and worked to assist area children since 1988...
Quantrill: An Elusive Foe
(Column ~ 11/08/08)
During the week of Nov. 1-5, 1862; Colonel William C. Quantrill and his guerrillas were elusive foes of some Kansas and Missouri "Blue Belly Billy Yanks". This was not an official combined operation, nor was it a cooperative venture between the Union "Hounds" from Kansas and Missouri. ...
Hoffman Financial Services contributes to leadership program (Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Billy Jack Coverdale
(Obituary ~ 11/08/08)
Billy Jack Coverdale, 23, Brunswick, Ga., passed away on Saturday, Nov. 1, 2008, in Brunswick, Ga. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada. View obituary and send condolences online at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Sheriff's Report Nov. 5
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/08/08)
Nov. 5 There were reports of trash in the Nevada area, a road closed in the Harwood area, a medical in the Nevada, a gas drive off in the Deerfield area, harassment in the Nevada area, a controlled burn in the Richards area, a juvenile in the Moundville area, suspicious activity in the Nevada area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Milo area, and a check well being in the Nevada area...
Tickets from Oct. 23-27
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/08/08)
Oct. 23 Welton R. Burney, Schell City, Mo., no proof of insurancec. Ashley N. Gage, Nevada, two counts of dog running at large. Tyler A. Judah, Hume, Mo., defective equipment, and no valid operator's license. James D. Loyd, Nevada, driving while revoked, and driving while intoxicated...
Schmoozing Over Great Depression (Part II)
(Column ~ 11/08/08)
Uh-huh, Carolyn Thornton's recent column, "This is the Season for Giving," suddenly reminded me that, more than the season for "getting," as most of us materialistic North American fogies quickly learned to characterize the month of December, for the first 67 years of our lives, December should indeed be the season when we should all at least consider and then re-consider "giving," before the IRS steps in and decides for us...
You have to know what you are looking for to know when you find it
(Column ~ 11/08/08)
You have to know what you are looking for to know when you find it Hi neighbors. Another election is over! Whether your favorite team won or lost, we are all in the same boat for the next few years. Lucky for us, our forefathers built some life preservers into the Constitution...
Taste of Home Cooking School coming to Fort Scott
(Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Gather the elves, deck the halls, make a list, check them twice and everyone will be ready to ring in the holiday season with good cheer. The key to preparing for this festive time of the year is planning. Children are busily writing lists to Santa in anticipation of receiving treasured gifts. Adults can make the season bright by following their lead and create guest, gift and grocery lists, too...
Change from sea to shining sea
(Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Editor's note: Kyle Jeffery, 21, the grandson of Dorothy Robinson and nephew of Jim and Nancy Wilson, all of Richards, Mo., was at the Obama rally in Grant Park, Chicago, when the nation made history by electing a black man to the presidency for the first time. His account of the events follows...
'We had to be there' (Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Charlie Brown was drafted into the Army when he was 18 years old. On Oct. 11, 1944, he began basic training at Camp Robinson, Ark., near Little Rock. He was there for six weeks being trained for the infantry, and then sent home on furlough for 15 days before going straight overseas... -
Earp Park redesign would honor veterans (Local News ~ 11/08/08)
Earp Park, located just west of Nevada's Public Safety Building on Austin Boulevard, may soon be home to a new memorial for veterans from all wars, as well as the city's veterans' mural. The mural was located on the side of Ring TV and Appliance until it was damaged by a storm earlier this year... -
Historic Site admission free for veterans Nov. 11
(Local News ~ 11/08/08)
In gratitude for the sacrifice and courage of the men and women of our nation's armed forces, Fort Scott National Historic Site joins with other National Park Service areas in granting free admission for all military personnel-past and present-along with their families on Veteran's Day, Tuesday, Nov. 11. This will be the third consecutive year that the National Park Service has honored our nation's military in this fashion...