New Fort Scott Chamber president sees city's potential
(Local News ~ 03/20/08)
Fort Scott is a community with the potential to grow and prosper, according to new Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Vicki Pritchett. "The image I'd love for people to have of Fort Scott is that it's a progressive community, proud of its heritage and looking to retain its character as it grows to become a community for the future," Pritchett told The Fort Scott Tribune during a recent interview...
(Births ~ 03/20/08)
ALDIS- Nora Jane Aldis, a girl, was born at Shawnee Mission Medical Center in Shawnee Mission, Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 2:15 p.m. to parents Amanda and Ryan Aldis, Fairway. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Jane and Bob Krug, Garden City. Paternal grandparents are Sarah Gilman, Keller, Tx, and the late Stephen Aldis and Katie Aldis Lantana, Tx. Paternal grandparents are Kathryn and Bill Aldis, Fort Scott...
FITZSIMMONS (Obituary ~ 03/20/08)
Norman H. Fitzsimmons, a beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather passed away on Friday, March 7, 2008 at the age of 75. He will be greatly missed by his wife, Shirley, of 55 years, his daughter, Deborah and son-in-law, Roger Taylor, of Memphis, TN, his son, Steven, of Denver, his daughter, Kelly, of Littleton and his son, Alan, of Littleton. ... -
(Obituary ~ 03/20/08)
Dr. Harold Croan, age 90, retired Fort Scott Optometrist, former resident of 1615 Clairmont and more recently of Fort Scott Manor, died early Wednesday, March 19, 2008 in the Mercy Health Center Emergency Room. He was born July 28, 1917, in Mound City, Kansas, the son of Harvey B. ...
Tour stop (Local News ~ 03/20/08)
Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 03/20/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) Wednesday afternoon the people of the Hammond community gathered at the church and planted the church yard full of shade trees. There were present George Currier, H.B. Gordon, John Manning, Fred Alford, P.M. Orr, W.W. Wood, Chester Hodges and Wesley Johnson... -
Gang graffiti or wannabe writing? (Local News ~ 03/20/08)
Students, teachers offer solutions to test stress
(Local News ~ 03/20/08)
Although taking tests in school can be stressful for most students, a number of strategies exist to help students reduce the amount of stress that they endure during the test-taking process. As with many students, Christian Learning Center student Krysta Young said that she does not enjoy taking tests because having to take tests causes her to experience feelings of anxiety. However, Young has created her own strategy for relieving some of the stress, which comes with the tests she must endure...
Organizers pleased with home, farm, garden show results
(Local News ~ 03/20/08)
Public reaction and feedback from the March Into Spring 2008 Home Farm and Garden Show conducted Saturday and Sunday has been high, the show's coordinators said. Coordinator Tabatha Goodwin said about 1,500 visitors filed into Arnold Arena at Fort Scott Community College over the weekend to check out nearly 50 vendors and attractions set up at the show...
Chamber awards dinner Thursday at Liberty Theatre
(Local News ~ 03/20/08)
The 57th Annual Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Celebration Dinner and Awards Ceremony is expected to be an evening full of food, music and entertainment options, chamber officials announced this week. The event, which will feature an awards ceremony honoring several local businesses and businesspeople, and both live and silent auctions, is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. ...