Glance of area's Jewish history offered at local exhibit (Local News ~ 03/19/08)
Beginning Thursday, local residents will be able to learn more about the Jewish history of Bourbon County thanks to the efforts of several area students, one Fort Scott resident, and a local educational organization. Staff at the Lowell Milken Center, 4 S. ... -
(Obituary ~ 03/19/08)
Joshua L. Stuckey, 19, of Montpelier, OH, died March 16, 2008 University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, as a result of a single car accident on March 15, 2008. He was born on April 19, 1988, to parents Teresa A. Ramey and Daniel L. Stuckey. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Beatrice (Joe) Price, Nette Lake and Larry (Patsy) Ramey, Fort Scott...
(Births ~ 03/19/08)
Gabe Joseph Duncan, a boy, wsa born at Wesley Hospital in Wichita, Kan. on Saturday, March 15, 2008 to parents Doug and Nanci Duncan, Potwin, Kan. He weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Gene and Joyce Todd, Fort Scott. Paternal grandparents are Harold and Ellaine Beeman, Fortune, Mo. and Dean and Barbara Duncan, LaCygne. Paternal great-grandmother is Arlene Grecian, Wakeeney, Kan...
(Births ~ 03/19/08)
Dalton Jack Simons, a boy, was born at Mercy Health Center of Fort Scott on Monday, March 17, 2008 at 2:30 p.m., to parents JC Simons and Elizabeth Hester, Fort Scott. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Wayne and Rita Hester, Drexel, Mo. ...
(Births ~ 03/19/08)
Katie Nichol Bordelon, a girl, was born at Mercy Health Center in Fort Scott, at 12:05 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 to parents Geary-Paul H. Bordelon and Barbara Jean Truex, Fort Scott. She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces at birth. She joins a sister, Katarah Elisabeth Bordelon and a brother, Geary-Paul Henberd Bordelon II. ...
Look past myths, get nutrition facts
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
March is National Nutrition Month, a nutrition education and information campaign created by the American Dietetic Association. Each year, the campaign focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits...
Senior Swingers dance the night away
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
It was a nice evening with a fair turnout for the senior citizen dance at Buck Run Community Center Monday night. The rain had stopped earlier in the evening and it was a pleasant evening for this time of year. All went well and we had lots of action...
Easter services, breakfast, egg hunt
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
Easter services at the Diamond Community Church will consist of Sunrise services at 7 a.m., and breakfast will follow. Between breakfast and church services there will be an egghunt for the children. Church services will be at 9 a.m. that morning. The public is invited. If you have any questions, call 223-2536...
Memories spring eternal ...
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) Perkins & Smith's restaurant has just taken on a new suit of Sunday clothes, and they will be worn every day. The main part of the restaurant is carpeted with a fine new linoleum which promises to last several years, so thick is it. And in addition the walls and ceiling have been repapered and the appointments repainted and varnished. The restaurant presents a new and neat appearance and the proprietors are proud of the improvements...
Bourbon County Unit of Retired school personnel
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
The Bourbon County Unit of Retired School Personnel met March 8, 2008. The High School building was locked, so the group went to the Southern Baptist Church. Marge Stringer opened the church and made coffee. The social committee, Winifred Daly and Wayne Stringer furnished donuts...
Turner to take city manager post (Local News ~ 03/19/08)
The commission voted unanimously Tuesday to appoint Joe Turner, Parkville, Mo. city administrator, as the new city manager of Fort Scott. Turner will take office April 21. Turner graduated from Central Missouri State in 1979 and received his Masters in 1985. He began his professional career as an accountant... -
Arcadia Ham dinner, egg hunt bring large crowd (Column ~ 03/19/08)
Lilly Coonrod spent last week visiting relatives in Topeka, Kan. She had dinner with her niece and nephew, Mary and Ken Bath, then visited granddaughter Abbie Westhoff, who is from Manhattan, Kan. She was overnight for the week with her daughter Carmen Ange and granddog Max... -
VFW Auxiliary meeting, upcoming fundraisers
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
The March 10 meeting was opened by President Sharon Reed with 14 members in good standing present. There were no petitions for membership. The Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was filed subject to audit. Two bills were presented for payment...
Red Cross offers CPR, Disaster Classes
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
The American Red Cross is offering the following CPR class schedule: Tuesday, April 1, 2008- 6 p.m. Infant/Child CPR Wednesday, April 2, 2008- 6 p.m. Adult CPR Both CPR classes will be held at the Fort Scott Safety Building located at 1604 S. National Ave...
Spring Town-Wide garage sale
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
As a reminder, the Fort Scott Spring Town-Wide Garage Sale will be Saturday, April 12, 2008 starting at 7 a.m. The Chamber is currently accepting entries for garage sale listings. Entry forms are available at the Chamber Office, 231 E. Wall and Country Cupboard, 12 N. ...
Benefit chili feed and auction
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
There will be a benefit auction and chili feed for Lolita Mumbower, a resident of Devon, Saturday March 22, 2008. It will be at the Devon Community Center. The chili will start at 4pm and go until everyone's had their fill! Auction items will start going at 5 p.m. Please come join us for wonderful food and fun while supporting a neighbor in need...
Kramer receives nursing scholarship
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
Megan Kramer, daughter of Larry and Grace Kramer, Fort Scott has received a scholarship from the Nursing Scholarship Fund-Alumni. Megan is a Junior student at Pittstate and is persuing a degree in Nursing. She attended Fort Scott High School and Fort Scott Community College. She was a member of Phi Theta Kappa while she attended FSCC. Megan is currently involved in PSU Honors College and the Big Sister Program...
Fort Scott High School to host blood drive
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
Fort Scott High School FFA club will be sponsoring a blood drive, Friday, April 11, 2008 at the High School Commons Area from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. No appointments are necessary. As part of the blood drive, donors will be able to have their cholesterol checked for free...
Girlfriend charged with Monday murder of Fort Scott native
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
The girlfriend of John Barbieri, a Fort Scott native, has been charged with first-degree murder for allegedly killing the 37-year-old at his home on Monday. Barbieri, who worked for Vista Pharmacy in Fort Scott, was found by Kansas City Police officers at around 7 a.m. Monday. Officers responded to the 5500 block of Saide Avenue on reports of a distrurbance and shots fired...
Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 03/19/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) Perkins & Smith's restaurant has just taken on a new suit of Sunday clothes, and they will be worn every day. The main part of the restaurant is carpeted with a fine new linoleum which promises to last several years, so thick is it. And in addition the walls and ceiling have been repapered and the appointments repainted and varnished. The restaurant presents a new and neat appearance and the proprietors are proud of the improvements... -
Low cost tree, shrub seedlings for sale by Kansas Forest Service
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
The Kansas Forest Service is taking orders for the low-cost tree and shrub seedlings it offers yearly through the KFS Conservation Tree Planting Program and is targeting Kansans who've bought homes with large lots, as well as the state's farmers. Shipping will start next week as seedlings have better odds if they get in the ground by late March-early April...
New CRP effort announced, may help SAFE
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
Farm Service Agency officials have recently announced approval of a Kansas project under the Conservation Reserve Program's (CRP) State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) practice CP38E. The goal of the Kansas Upland Game Birds SAFE project is to improve populations of bobwhite quail, ringneck pheasant, greater prairie chicken, and other grassland associated wildlife by creating nesting/brood-rearing habitat on portions of crop fields. ...
Mapleton Area News
(Column ~ 03/19/08)
The Community of Christ in Mapleton hosted the community breakfast on March 9, with about 35 people in attendance sharing great food, great fellowship, and a wonderful start to a Sunday morning. The three churches in Mapleton take turns hosting this event on the 2nd Sunday of each month. ...
FSHS band raising funds for Chicago trip (Local News ~ 03/19/08)
Although the Fort Scott High School band has been invited to perform in Chicago, it is not just talent that will get them there. The FSHS band has accepted an invitation to perform May 25-30 as part of the 2008 Chicago Music Festival Tour. According to Fort Scott High School band director James Fox, the band will need to raise $47,000 in order to make the trip. Fox said that his musicians have been hard at work raising the needed funds... -
'Pennies for the Park' takes up record-seeking fundraiser (Local News ~ 03/19/08)
We find them on the street, throw them in a dish on our nightstand and lose them in couch cushions. Pennies; small, round, copper circles that do not seem to amount to much. One committee in Fort Scott thinks differently. This team is banking on the power of the penny and the community... -
Upcoming Pennies for the Park fundraising events
(Local News ~ 03/19/08)
Got Any Spare Change? Upcoming "Pennies for the Park" fundraising events: March 27 - YAT Hosting Chamber Coffee, FSCC, Heritage Room, 8 a.m. April 1 - McPenny Park Night, McDonald's, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., 20% of all proceeds go to Pennies for the Park. April 12 - City Wide Garage Sale, Buck Run Community Center parking lot. Bring items for donations Friday afternoon or evening to Buck Run old gym for sorting and pricing...