Tiger teams get big wins in JV tourney
(High School Sports ~ 12/07/07)
Both of Fort Scott High School's junior varsity basketball teams rolled to wins in their home junior varsity round-robin tournament Thursday night. At Buck Run Community Center, Tiger girls defeated Parsons by a 51-26 score. This came even though they could dress just six players due to the 20-game regular-season limit each player has and the fact that a few JV players had participated in the varsity games at last week's Willard Tri-State Classic...
Eagle teams suffer losses in semifinals
(High School Sports ~ 12/07/07)
YATES CENTER -- Uniontown's basketball teams both suffered losses in the semifinals of the Yates Center Tournament here Thursday night. Eagle boys fell to Yates Center, which is ranked No. 7 in Class 2A in the first Kansas Basketball Coaches Association Poll of the season, by a score of 50-34...
Volunteers step up to train for, staff pastoral services at Mercy (Column ~ 12/07/07)
This past month, six new and several current Pastoral volunteers at Mercy Health Center completed a lay practicum for visiting the sick. The classroom curriculum prepared them to visit patients throughout the health center and the community as well... -
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (Column ~ 12/07/07)
Memories spring eternal ...
(Column ~ 12/07/07)
100 YEARS AGO (1907) Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Madison, south of town, occurred the wedding ceremony uniting for life Mr. Gale F. Reynolds of Sparland, Ill., and Miss Mayme E. Madison. Rev. O.A. Newlin, president of the Collegiate Institute, was the officiating minister. ...
Mercy Health Center joins Spirit of Women nationwide coalition for women's health
(Local News ~ 12/07/07)
John Woodrich, president and chief executive officer of Mercy Health System of Kansas, has announced that Mercy Health Center has joined the Spirit of Women organization, a coalition of hospitals nationwide with the chief goal of promoting women's health...
Christmas in the Park draws about 2,000 despite light failure, parking crunch
(Local News ~ 12/07/07)
The annual Christmas in the Park event was a huge success, once again, as an estimated 2,000 people attended the three-hour celebration Saturday at Gunn Park. Children had the opportunity to consult with Santa Claus inside his workshop and posed for pictures with his trusty reindeer. Young people were also invited to decorate Christmas cookies and make tree ordiments...
FSMS students learn healthy living habits
(Local News ~ 12/07/07)
Fort Scott Middle School is taking steps to teach students how to have healthier lifestyles. According to FSMS school nurse Pam Brown, the middle school has formed a Wellness Committee that addresses the health and wellness of the school's students and staff. As part of this program, the school has applied for and received a $1,000 Healthy Habits for Life Grant, which was funded by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation...
Fort Scott Kiwanis Pancake Feed set for Thursday
(Local News ~ 12/07/07)
The annual Fort Scott Kiwanis Pancake Feed has been a local staple and the group's premier fundraiser for several decades. "It's worked for us in the past, so we've kind of just kept it going," event chairman and Kiwanis of Fort Scott member Bob Eckles said...
Donations provide van for family in need (Local News ~ 12/07/07)
Shae Dobbs is paralyzed from the waist down. Her family had to physically lift her up to place Dobbs in a vehicle. Not anymore. Through an outpouring of generosity by the community, Wanita Tate, Dobbs' caretaker and grandmother, received a specialized handicapped-accessible minivan... -
Christmas on the frontier (Local News ~ 12/07/07)
Jayhawk girls coast to win over Drexel
(High School Sports ~ 12/07/07)
Updated Friday, 1:55 p.m. with information about the Jayhawk-Linn boys' game.
Video Game Review: Guitar Hero 2 brings out your inner rock star
(Entertainment ~ 12/07/07)
With addictive gameplay, interesting visuals, and a rocking soundtrack, Guitar Hero 2 allows gamers to become the flashy guitarist we've all dreamed of becoming at some point.