Nevada man on third deployment to Iraq (Local News ~ 10/27/07)
By Nancy Malcom Herald-Tribune Kelsey Smith, 2003 Nevada graduate, is now serving his country in his third deployment to Iraq as a US Marine. His first tour of duty ran from February 2004 to September 2004. That time he was in Al Qaim in northwestern Iraq... -
Ghastly greeter (Local News ~ 10/27/07)
Fort Scott man pens Christian book
(Local News ~ 10/27/07)
Fort Scott, Kan. -- William E. Morris, of Fort Scott, has recently authored a book to be printed by PublishAmerica. Titled "One Man's Christian Redemption," the book tells the tale of two brothers, Woody and John, and how they grow apart throughout their lifetimes. John goes the way of fame and fortune, and Woody follow's the Lord's leading for this life, in a story that is reminiscent of the biblical prodigal son story...
Soccer field to be renamed on Nov. 1
(Local News ~ 10/27/07)
A rededication of a soccer field in Nevada, giving it a new name in honor of long-term soccer enthusiast Joe McHugh, who died in August, will be conducted at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 1, at Walton Park. The field will officially be renamed the Joe McHugh Memorial Field, at the suggestion of the Nevada Parks and Recreation Board, and with the approval of the Nevada City Council...
John Melvin Coffman
(Obituary ~ 10/27/07)
John Melvin Coffman was born Feb. 6, 1915, at home in Mountain Grove, Mo. He was the third child of James and Minnie Coffman. Melvin was united in marriage to Pearl Ellan Moseley, Feb. 21, 1938. To this union six children were born, who all survive: James Buckie and wife Wilma, Betty Lou and husband Ronald Dickerson, Daniel Ray and wife Kathy, John Paul, and Judy Ann and husband Dale Fischer; along with 13 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren, and eight great-great- grandchildren...
Dillan Wyatt Ellison
(Births ~ 10/27/07)
Theresa, Donald, and siblings Cassandra, Patrick, and Dustin, and Joshua Ellison and George McCartney III, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Dillan Wyatt Ellison. Dillan was born at 4:42 p.m., Oct. 17, 2007, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and measured 21 inches...
Depressed? Turn off the TV
(Column ~ 10/27/07)
Hi neighbors. Is it spring yet? I'm ready to hibernate! Although the cold rain wasn't pleasant, it is surely welcomed compared to so much of the country's drought. If global warming is inevitable, this is only the beginning of a very hot and dry decade...
Business technology group looks ahead to success
(Local News ~ 10/27/07)
NEVADA, Mo. -- Nevada R-5 Assistant Superintendent Christi Peterson spoke to the officers about to be installed in the Phi Beta Lambda chapter 13689 of the Family Career and Community Leaders of America class Thursday at the Bowman Building. Peterson talked about importance of education and goal setting in achieving success...
Concern about recent event
(Letter to the Editor ~ 10/27/07)
Dear editor: The recent events at Cottey College (promoting and embracing the homosexual lifestyle) compels me to respond. I am not a violent person. I do believe bullying is wrong. However, I believe bullying can be demonstrated in many forms. In the last several years the homosexual agenda in our country has bullied their way into our schools, teaching our children it's just "a choice;"into our universities, teaching our young people to "think outside the box;" into our television, teaching our society it's just "a way of life;" and even into our churches, teaching the ignorant "it's really no big deal to God". ...
Fathers and the empty nest
(Column ~ 10/27/07)
The following, concerning fathers and the empty nest, is from "Home with a Heart" by Dr. James Dobson. "The movie ‘Father of the Bride' is hilarious. But it's also a touching tribute to the love of a father for his daughter. When George, the dad, sits across from his daughter at the dinner table and learns that she's engaged, he takes the news hard. ...
Prairie Thunder
(Column ~ 10/27/07)
On Oct. 25, 1864. the thunder of artillery echoed down the Marais des Cygnes, Little Osage and Marmaton River Valleys and across the eastern Kansas prairie. The sounds of Union and Confederate cannons being fired and the explosion of their ammunition caused much consternation, worry and fear on every farm and in every town, including Fort Scott, where the sounds of the big guns were heard...
Greyhounds get first win at Garden City since 1991, will host first-round rematch
(College Sports ~ 10/27/07)
Breaking sports news: Greyhounds hold on to clinch home-field advantage in next week's playoff game.