Uniontown sweeps to gain 20th win
(High School Sports ~ 10/17/07)
PLEASANTON -- Uniontown swept a non-league triangular here Tuesday night to finish the regular season with a record of 20-15. The Eagles defeated Marmaton Valley, 25-18, 25-17, and Pleasanton, 25-7, 25-20. Abbie Smith recorded nine kills for the Eagles in the marmaton Valley match and four in the Pleasanton match...
Ericsons create family legacy in 4-H (Local News ~ 10/17/07)
A Bourbon County family was awarded the honor of 4-H Family of the Year in Kansas for 2007. The presentation took place on May 31 in Manhattan. Henry and Doris Ericson had been 4-H participants as children. In fact, according to the K-State Research and Extension Web site, the Ericsons met each other at a 4-H event. The two have created a 4-H legacy that their children and grandchildren have been following for years, the Web site said... -
Tatro: FSCC stacks up well compared to other community colleges
(Local News ~ 10/17/07)
Fort Scott Community College is staying competitive with other community colleges in Southeast Kansas and across the state, FSCC officials said Monday. During the regular FSCC Board of Trustees meeting, FSCC President Clayton Tatro presented an analysis comparing revenue generated at the college with that of four other community colleges in Southeast Kansas during the 2006-07 school year: Coffeyville Community College, Independence Community College, Labette County Community College, and Neosho County Community College.. ...
Smith (Obituary ~ 10/17/07)
Carolyn L. Smith, 63, Kansas City, Mo., passed away October 15, 2007, at Hospice House. Visitation will be held from 12 noon-1 p.m. followed by funeral service at 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 18, at Mt. Moriah & Freeman Funeral Home, I-435 and Holmes Rd. Burial in Mt. Moriah Cemetery... -
(Obituary ~ 10/17/07)
Charles E. Hendrickson 80, of Flagstaff, Arizona, died Saturday, October 13, 2007, at the Ovilla White Hospice Center in Flagstaff. He was born Nov. 18, 1936 in Mound City, Kansas, the son of Paul and Naomi (Dory) Hendrickson. He grew up in Fort Scott and graduated from Fort Scott High School. He served with the U.S. Army during W.W. II. On August 9, 1947, he married Barbara June Chamberlain. They made their home in Wichita until moving to Littleton, Colorado in 1973...
(Obituary ~ 10/17/07)
Funeral services were conducted Oct. 8, 2007 at Queen Angeles Catholic Church in Port Angeles, Wash. for Sandra Lee Hefton, wife of former Uniontown area resident Mac Hefton. Sandy passed away Oct. 3rd in Port Angeles one week before her 57th birthday...
Former Arcadian is Kansas Christian Home board chairwoman
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
According to Kansas Messenger, a Disciples of Christ newspaper, Sherry Strecker a former Arcadian, now a member of First Christian, Pittsburg, is the new chairperson of the Kansas Christian Home board. Her leadership might well be considered a family tradition. Her uncle, The Rev. Jim Tilsley, is recognized as the founding father of the Kansas Christian Home. The home is celebrating its Jubilee Anniversary in 2007...
VFW Ladies Auxiliary welcomes new member
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
On Sept. 29 several ladies from the local VFW post assisted with the Veterans Picnic in Lawrence. All enjoyed the music, the bingo games, the chicken dinner and the fellowship with fellow comrades. The Ladies Auxiliary decorated the tables. The guest veterans were from the Leavenworth Hospital and Nursing Home. Upon leaving for the day, the veterans were given goodie bags, bananas, and a hat...
Memories spring eternal ...
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
100 YEARS AGO (1907) Secretary Finch, of the Y.M.C.A., was invited to St. Louis tonight to attend the dedicatory services of a new $250,000 Y.M.C.A. Miss Helen Gould, perhaps the most universally loved of the multi-millionaires, will be there. She has given large sums of money to be used in building Y.M.C.A. homes and gave $5,000 towards the Fort Scott building to cost $30,000. Miss Gould and her brother George own the Missouri Pacific Road, which gave another $5,000 to build a Y.M.C.A. here...
Northwesters visit with families, travel on vacation
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
Lindsey Lewis had breakfast with her grandmother, Marjorie Lewis, before returning to St. Louis, Mo., where she attends George Washington University. Monday, Sept. 3, Dale and Betty Hixon, Fred and Eloise Wright traveled to Mapleton, where they joined seven others from their Motorcycle Chapter M, for breakfast. The ride back to town was very nice, and everyone enjoyed the nice weather...
Devon Ruritan members elect officers, plan Halloween party
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
The Devon Ruritan met for their monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 4, at the Devon Community Center. The meeting was called to order by President Joann Fowler and prayer was given by Jim Thurston. A delicious chicken and noodle dinner was served by the Devon United Methodist Women. ...
Tips for teen drivers, parents
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
So, your teenage son or daughter wants to drive! Suddenly, driving has become one of the most important things in your child's life. Scary, isn't it? Naturally, you may dread the increase in your auto insurance premiums. However, there is a lot more at stake than higher premiums. ...
Passing the gavel (Local News ~ 10/17/07)
FCE Council reviews service, plans Fall Follies program
(Column ~ 10/17/07)
The Bourbon County Family and Community Education Council met Sept. 26 to plan future educational programs for FCE members and the public. A note from Mercy Health Center thanked the Council for coordinating and assisting with the cardio risk assessment and the blood pressure screenings at the 2007 Bourbon County Fair...
Freeze pleads guilty to killing Schenker in 2004
(Local News ~ 10/17/07)
There will be no trial for Kohlby Freeze. The 20-year-old Tuesday pleaded guilty to the shooting death of his mother's fiancé more than three years ago. Freeze pleaded guilty to second degree murder. He was originally charged with first-degree murder on March 16, 2004, three days after shooting 55-year-old Karl "Rex" Schenker in the head with a large caliber rifle...
'Hound men picked fifth; women tabbed seventh
(College Sports ~ 10/17/07)
Despite having its best season since going 19-12 in 1999-2000 by matching that record last season, Fort Scott Community College's men were picked to finish one spot lower than last season in a coaches' poll released at the Kansas Jayhawk Community College Conference pre-season basketball media conference here Monday...