Snow inundates Bourbon County residents (Local News ~ 12/01/06)
Buried. That's what Bourbon County residents found themselves when they opened their front doors and witnessed the wake of the biggest snow storm in decades. Luckily, no injury accidents or fatalities were reported in the storm, which began around 3 p.m. Thursday and lasted until early Friday morning... -
FSCC continues capital campaign for fine arts center
(Local News ~ 12/01/06)
About $2 million in funding is still needed before construction can begin on the new fine arts center planned for Fort Scott Community College, FSCC officials said. Nearly $5 million of the almost $7 million in total funding needed to build the new fine arts center has been collected in pledged gifts and donations, officials said. ...
Cayden Lane Woods
(Births ~ 12/01/06)
WOODS -- Cayden Lane Woods, a boy, was born at 6:03 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, 2006 at Mercy Health Center to parents Megan and Brian Woods, Fort Scott. He weighed 7 pounds, 6.6 ounces at birth. He joins siblings, Mackenzie and Daulton Woods. Maternal grandparents are Lori and Darryl Culp and Charles Monroe, all of Fort Scott. ...
Storm alters Willard schedule; wrestling postponed (High School Sports ~ 12/01/06)
WILLARD, Mo. -- Although Fort Scott High's basketball teams were already here, the winter storm passing through the four-state region made it difficult for the two Arkansas schools to get here Thursday, resulting in the postponement of the first day of the annual Tri-State Classic... -
Memories spring eternal (Local News ~ 12/01/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) The funeral of former resident W.P. Dillard, who was shot and killed in his place of business in Oklahoma City Thursday, will be held in this city tomorrow afternoon at the A.M. Keene residence. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery. Pallbearers will be A.M. Keene, C.W. Mitchell, W.J. Calhoun, J.M. Goodsell, George Ware, J.M. Bright, John H. Mead, C.C. Crain and E.R. Chenault. The police have absolutely no clue who did the shooting... -
Northwest Scott Area News (Local News ~ 12/01/06)
On Nov. 18, Betty and Dale Hixon attended the Gold Wing Road Riders Asoociation monthly meeting at the Prescott Community Building. The Grace Baptist Tabernacle hosted a meal for all the Veterans and their families on Sunday, Nov. 12. David and Sheila Blubaugh, and her parents, Bob and Francis Fursman, Colony, traveled to Irving, Texas, Tuesday, Nov. ... -
Weather effects Candlelight Tour and Christmas in the Park events
(Local News ~ 12/01/06)
Friday's Candlelight Tour at Fort Scott has been canceled. However, Friday ticket holders may attend on Saturday from 5-9 p.m. The Stocking Stuffer event is still running as scheduled at Arnold Arena, 2108 S. Horton, Fort Scott Community College. A wide variety of gift items and crafts are available, in addition to baked goods and "Old Fort Barbecue." A feature of The Stocking Stuffer is the recent book, "Historic Reflections of Bourbon County." Local historians Fred Campbell Jr. ...