Broadway residents cite safety issues (Local News ~ 09/29/06)
In light of recent events, it probably comes as no surprise that residents who live on Broadway have expressed concern over safety issues pertaining to the heavily traveled trafficway. The Fort Scott Tribune on Thursday asked selected residents on Broadway what they think about its safety and whether they'd like to see changes implemented to improve safety conditions on that street... -
Stags just too good for Tigers (High School Sports ~ 09/29/06)
Bishop Miege is a .500 team. But soccer in Johnson County is much different than it is in southeast Kansas and that showed in the Stags' 8-0 win over Fort Scott High at Ellis Park Thursday afternoon. Miege dominated the flow of the game, holding the ball in Fort Scott's end of the field the majority of the match. The Tigers, 3-7-1, were able to possess the ball cleanly on the Miege side of the field only once in the first 20 minutes and didn't get their first shot away until the 32nd minute... -
Eugene Ware school honored (Local News ~ 09/29/06)
Last week, Eugene Ware Elementary School became one of five Kansas elementary schools to receive Blue Ribbon status from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. The No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon Schools program recognizes outstanding public and private schools making significant progress in closing the achievement gap among students in the highest and lowest groups. It also recognizes students who score at the highest levels on the state assessment tests...