DONALD EUGENE RAGAN (Obituary ~ 09/14/06)
Donald Eugene Ragan, age 29, a resident of Fort Scott, died Tuesday, September 12, 2006, as the result of a motorcycle accident. Donnie was born July 2, 1977, in El Dorado Springs, Missouri, the son of Ralph Ragan and Deborah Keys Allen. He married Angela Stuart on June 23, 2001, in Fort Scott. ... -
(Obituary ~ 09/14/06)
Norris N. "Brown" Attkisson, age 96, of Hepler, Kansas, died at 6:10 a.m. on Sunday, September 10, 1006 in Garden Terrace of Overland Park where he was a resident since February 4, 2005. He was born on November 29, 1909 at Hepler, the son of John "Jack" A. and Jennie Susan Byers Attkisson. He grew up north of Hepler and attended country schools and graduated from Hepler High School in 1929...
FSCC student to help honor unknown soldiers (Local News ~ 09/14/06)
Dwayne Hale is not just an average college technical student, because next week, he'll get to participate in something momentous. Hale, an Illinois native who now lives in Pittsburg, is a second-year student in the Fort Scott Community College two-year Harley-Davidson Technician Training Program in Frontenac... -
Fire training includes actual flames (Local News ~ 09/14/06)
Fort Scott and rural firefighters battled blazes inside a tractor-trailer rig, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, in a training exercise that simulated conditions they would encounter while fighting a fire in the interior of a structure. The University of Kansas Fire and Rescue Training Institute conducted the training during a four-hour, two-day seminar in the parking lot behind the Hawkins Public Safety Facility, 1604 S. National Ave... -
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 09/14/06)
100 YEARS AGO (1906) The Count of Monte Cristo, in the full splendor of his new environments, will make his appearance at the Opera House tonight. Mr. O'Neill, of course, will play the part of Monte Cristo. A big audience should greet him and his excellent company...