Buy-now-pay-later philosophy leads to colossal mess
(Column ~ 02/08/13)
Since September 28, 2001, our national debt has increased on an average of $3.80 billion per day. Suffice it to say, our country is in a heap of trouble. So are most American families, in spite of how we call ourselves a Christian nation and the Bible clearly teaches that it is foolish to owe more than we have the ability to pay. Had my mother been President, the United States would have operated on that principle, and we would not be in the colossal mess we are in today. Let me explain...
Announcements from Thu. Chamber Coffee
(Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Members of the weekly Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Coffee gave a "Dollar for Dolly" at the Thursday morning gathering, this week hosted by Bartelsmeyer Jewelry. Announcements of events in the community can be made, with proceeds helping fund Dolly the Trolley...
Floyd Shultz
(Obituary ~ 02/08/13)
Floyd Shultz, 53, passed away at his home in Muncie, Ind., Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013. Cremation will take place and a memorial service will be held at a later date. The Meeks Mortuary and Cematory, Washington Street Chapel, Muncie, is in charge of arrangements...
Harold Lynn Duerson (Obituary ~ 02/08/13)
Harold Lynn Duerson, 89, retired after 36 years as a machinist for Derby (Coastal) Refining, passed away of natural causes on February 6, 2013 at Presbyterian Manor. Services will be held on Monday, February 11 at 10 a.m. at Resthaven Mortuary Chapel with interment immediately following... -
Beverly E. Hicks
(Obituary ~ 02/08/13)
Beverly E. Hicks, 99, of Fort Scott, Kan., died at 3:10am Tuesday February 5, 2013 at the Medicalodge Nursing Home in Fort Scott, Kan., following an illness. Beverly was born November 30, 1913, in Council Grove, Kan., the daughter of Roy and Bessie (Jones) Miller. ...
Iva "Jane" Dancy
(Obituary ~ 02/08/13)
Iva "Jane" Dancy, 100, of Prescott, Kansas, died Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at Prescott Country View Nursing Home. She was born February 27, 1912 in Wheatland, Missouri, the daughter of William Sterling and Frances Elizabeth Robinson Jones. She married Newell Ireland in 1929. He preceded her in death in 1937. She later married Robert Neal Dancy in 1939. He also preceded her in death January of 1975...
Orchestral valentines offered by FSHS students
(Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Looking for a novel way to celebrate Valentine's Day or something unique and different for a gift? The Fort Scott High School Orchestra may have just the thing for you. The orchestra students have memorized four romantic tunes to be played as surprise serenades for individuals all over the community on Valentine's Day...
Spelling Bee resolved after 39 rounds (Local News ~ 02/08/13)
UNIONTOWN -- Twenty of Bourbon County's best and brightest from both West Bourbon Elementary and Fort Scott Christian Heights displayed their mastery of spelling on Thursday afternoon during the 2013 Bourbon County Spelling Bee at WBE in Uniontown. What resulted was 39 rounds of spelling, which included a 33-round stand-off between the two finalists, seventh grader Ben George and sixth grader Madelyn Ard, both of Uniontown... -
FCCLA students make toys for shelter dogs (Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Maddie, an older black lab, prances around the grounds of Lee's Paws and Claws no-kill shelter on Thursday, tail wagging, while chasing a new toy that was one of 10 donated to the shelter by the Fort Scott High School chapter of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America... -
Fort Scott Scholars' Bowl team going to State
(Local News ~ 02/08/13)
The Fort Scott High School Varsity Scholars' Bowl team is headed to State this weekend. Fort Scott finished as Regional champs last Thursday night, going 11-1 in competition. Comprising the team for Regional and State is Michelle Buntain, Krista Hightower, Jordan Hervey, Zadok Self, Mady McColm, and Mark Garner...
Local church celebrates 40th year (Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Community Christian Church, 1919 S. Horton, will celebrate it's 40th anniversary this Sunday. "We're not really planning a celebration of what we've done, but rather a celebration of what God has done through us and sometimes in spite of us," said Senior Pastor Kevin Moyers... -
Happy to give the gift of life (Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Editor search underway
(Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Editor Ruth Campbell has resigned her position with the Fort Scott Tribune to take a news management position with the Garden City, Kan., Telegram, a six-day daily newspaper. Her last day at the newspaper was Feb. 2. "Ruth did a great job for us," Publisher Floyd Jernigan said. "She was very committed to the community here in Fort Scott, Uniontown and Bourbon County. Her writing and especially her people stories and columns were always well received...
GPT meets goal; service will continue
(Local News ~ 02/08/13)
Through much assistance from the community, the General Public Transportation program has met its goal to keep the service running for the 2013-14 year. Members of the program's board of directors and other citizens have been working in recent weeks to raise about $9,000 for the GPT service, which is operated by Bourbon County Senior Citizens, Inc., a nonprofit organization...
Greyhounds swept at Neosho County
(College Sports ~ 02/08/13)
CHANUTE -- Fort Scott Community College's basketball teams were swept at Neosho County Wednesday night in Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division play. Neosho County's women defeated Fort Scott, 60-42. Only team results were available for the Greyhounds (0-11 East, 4-18 overall), who lost their 15th consecutive conference game. According to the stats compiled by Neosho County, the 'Hounds shot 28 percent from the field, making 11 of 38 field goals, and committed 23 turnovers...
Signing Day, Part II (High School Sports ~ 02/08/13)