(Column ~ 08/03/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) For several days there has been more talk about erecting street signs than ever before, and it begins to look as though Fort Scott streets would be named so that strangers would get a little idea of where they were. At the present time there are not many streets which have indicators to tell where they are, and makes it difficult to get around. ...
Faithfulness is a characteristic worth admiring
(Column ~ 08/03/12)
My granddaughter Amanda graduated mid-June from her high school in Henderson, Nev. It was a week-long celebration, but the best part was not listening to Amanda deliver a speech preceding the graduation walk, nor was it when she was handed her diploma. Rather, it was seeing what an extraordinary young woman she has become...
Popular gospel quartet slated to perform at local church
(Local News ~ 08/03/12)
The gospel music group The Blackwood Brothers Quartet will perfom at 6 p.m. Aug. 5 at First United Methodist Church, 301 S. National, Fort Scott. The Blackwood Brothers Quartet was formed in 1934 with brothers Roy, Doyle and James along with Roy's son, R.W., who was killed in an airplane accident in 1954. Roy and Doyle retired from the road in the late 40s. James continued to lead the group, making it the best-known name in gospel quartet history...
Battlefield Dispatches No. 328: Lacking rations; abundant refugees
(Column ~ 08/03/12)
It has been said for ages that "an army marches on its stomach," meaning it should be well fed and when on campaign, the troops should be provided with ample rations of food. This was and still is easier said than done. During the Civil War and in particular any campaign into the Indian Territory (present Oklahoma) from Fort Scott required a supply line of more than 125 miles or so to furnish the necessary rations and supplies to actively pursue the enemy...
CP-25 released for haying
(Column ~ 08/03/12)
Over the past couple of weeks, we have had numerous Conservation Reserve Program participants take advantage of the release of some CRP practices for emergency haying or grazing. However, not all practices have been available for release. This included the most predominantly used practice in Bourbon County -- the CP-25 Restoration of Rare and Declining Habitat practice. ...
(Births ~ 08/03/12)
Janae Willard and Deandre Cornelius, Fort Scott, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter DreAniah LaShay Cornelius at 5:13 a.m. Aug. 2, 2012, at Mercy. DreAniah weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce at birth. Maternal grandparent are Elizabeth Willard and James Willard, Fort Scott...
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/03/12)
Hassion Leronne Price, 32, Kansas City, Kan., was arrested at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office on two Bourbon County warrants and hold for other agency and is still being held at this time. Victor Artuor Valdez, 40, Fort Scott, was arrested at 10:09 p.m. Wednesday by the Fort Scott Police Department for disorderly conduct (domestic violence) and is still being held at this time...
(Obituary ~ 08/03/12)
Gary Edward Driskell, 68, of Gardner, Kan., formerly of LaCygne, Kan., died Tuesday, July 31, 2012, at Kansas City, Mo. Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012, at the Schneider Funeral Home & Crematory, LaCygne Chapel. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Friday at the chapel. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Gary Driskell Memorial Fund. Online condolences may be left for the family at www.schneiderfunerals.com...
(Obituary ~ 08/03/12)
Lee George Mashek, 58, of Deerfield, Mo., passed away on Tuesday, July 31, 2012, at Freeman Health System West, Joplin, following a sudden illness. He was born April 30, 1954, in Fort Scott, to James J. Mashek and Bernelda J. Custer Mashek. He and Patricia S. Nickelson were married on April 25, 2000, in Miami, Okla., and she survives of the home...
Local players named all-stars
(Column ~ 08/03/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) Secretary Benning of the Y.M.C.A. has a new wrinkle which is meeting with approval by people from the country who come here to shop. This morning the doors of the association were thrown open to the country shoppers and many took advantage of the offer. ...
Lots of memories
(Column ~ 08/03/12)
Perusing the daily newspapers reveals that a number of schools are celebrating reunions. Most reunions seem to center around the 25th or 50th year although every now and then you will see some high schools celebrating a 10th reunion. It has been my experience that reunions in the higher numbers are the most enjoyable because graduates no longer are interested in showing off the spoils of their lifestyle or prancing around like proud peacocks so we don't have to endure stories of fancy cars, estates in a seaside resort, or the latest promotion to a seven-figure job with a FORTUNE 500 company. ...
Mercy Health and Safety Fair coming up (Local News ~ 08/03/12)
The Mercy Children's Health and Safety Fair is set for 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Aug. 11, at Mercy Hospital Fort Scott. The clinic will provide health screenings, fitness fun, bike and car seat safety checks, prizes, school supply giveaways and refreshments... -
Voters head to polls Tuesday (Local News ~ 08/03/12)
Bourbon County voters, as well as those statewide, will head to the polls on Tuesday to cast ballots in the primary election. For local residents, races feature every post from committeeperson to county commissioner and county clerk. Hopefuls for state House and Senate and U.S. Representative will vie for those spots as well. Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. and a photo ID will be needed... -
Bridge move gets OK
(Local News ~ 08/03/12)
Officials with the National Register of Historic Places recently approved the relocation plan for the Long Shoals Bridge so it can stay on the register during and after its move to a new site across the Marmaton River. The Fort Scott/Bourbon County Riverfront Authority submitted the relocation request to the Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review in May seeking to move the bridge, located in the northeast part of county across the Osage River at 265th Street...
Police investigating vandalism (Local News ~ 08/03/12)
The Fort Scott Police Department is investigating several incidents of criminal damage that have occurred this week at a local church and other areas in town. One of the major cases took place sometime between Sunday and Wednesday, and involved vandals throwing bricks, rocks and a concrete block through several windows on the north side of United Missionary Baptist Church building, located at 16 N. Ransom... -
Lowell Milken Center awarded grant honoring Sendler (Local News ~ 08/03/12)
The Lowell Milken Center was recently awarded a substantial grant to benefit the Irena Sendler Award through the Life in a Jar foundation, Program Director Megan Felt said. The center received a $10,000 grant from the Frank Family Foundation Fund on Monday to benefit the "For Improving the World" award, named in honor of Sendler's work. ...