Battlefield Dispatches No. 320: 'Riding off to war'
(Column ~ 06/08/12)
At the beginning of June in 1862, the first contingent of the Indian or Southern Expedition departed from Fort Scott on its march to the "Indian Territory" or what is now northeastern Oklahoma. This contingent was the 2nd Brigade that was commanded by Col. ...
Warm spring brings an early arrival of produce
(Local News ~ 06/08/12)
The market season of 2012 will be one to remember. The spring (March) that some growers planted tomatoes, peppers and other crops, defied the odds of a freeze and got away with it. The results are evident by the early arrival dates of locally grown produce at the farmers' market. ...
Young actress tries to avoid typecasting
(Entertainment ~ 06/08/12)
In Theaters: Snow White and the Huntsman It happened to Pierce Brosnan after he played James Bond (and almost everyone else playing the same character) and Christopher Reeve after playing Superman. Typecasting is one of the biggest fears for actors...
(Obituary ~ 06/08/12)
Vernon Grant Holmes, 69, resident of Pleasanton, Kan., died Thursday, June 7, 2012, at Fort Scott Manor Nursing Home. Services will be announced by the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, Fort Scott.
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 06/08/12)
Cynthia Kay Cowen, 28, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 3:32 p.m. Wednesday on a Bourbon County bench warrant for violation of a protective order. She posted a $1,500 bond and was released at 6:50 p.m. the same day. Dustin Lloyd Willard, 20, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 11:32 p.m. Wednesday for possession of hallucinogenic drugs and drug paraphernalia. He posted a $2,500 bond and was released at 2:01 a.m. Thursday...
The importance of Christian fathers
(Column ~ 06/08/12)
Editor's Note Due to unforseen circumstances Patty Laroche's column was unavailable this week. This is a column from 2009. A Sunday school class of first-graders was asked to draw a picture of God. When the pastor stopped by to inspect their work, the children were happy to show him their drawings...
Bass leaps into boat
(Column ~ 06/08/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) The Y.M.C.A. Red and Blue membership teams were guests of the association. An excellent dinner was served in which everyone did credit After the last plate was scraped clean, Chairman Marble congratulated the teams upon the remarkable success they had in getting new members. The idea is for members of both teams carry blank applications. In this manner, the membership will be increased to 600 before the end of summer...
St. Mary's Mega Sale offers wide variety of items (Local News ~ 06/08/12)
Tools, bathroom fixtures, antique collectibles, signed artwork, World War II memorabilia and even a mini fooseball table are available at the St. Mary's School Mega Sale, set for today and Saturday at the Kennedy Gym, located around the corner from the school, which is at 702 S. Eddy St... -
Bourbon County cost-share sign-up slated
(Local News ~ 06/08/12)
The Bourbon County Conservation District will have a sign-up period for cost-share funds from the state Conservation Commission to assist landowners in installing enduring soil and water conservation structures. The State Water Resources Cost-Share Program for applying conservation practices is an asset in protecting the soil, water and related natural resources of Bourbon County, a news release said...
City finishing up 'burnout' of water supply, scouring mains
(Local News ~ 06/08/12)
Local residents who have noticed changes in their tap water may be wondering why this has occurred. This week, the city is working to complete a "burnout" of the water distribution system, which flushes the system and establishes a "free chlorine residual." The Water Treatment Plant is conducting the burnout to restore normal chlorination to the city's water. ...
Milken Center fellows impressed with its offerings (Local News ~ 06/08/12)
Two Lowell Milken Center fellows said they will leave with new ideas for teaching and learning picked up while in Fort Scott. And they also provided inspiration. Shekema Silveri, an 11th and 12th grade English teacher at Mt. Zion High School in Jonesboro, Ga., here with Milken Fellow Jeff Rudkin of Bloomington, Ind., working with the center this week on project-based education ideas, talked about her concept for the Silveri Service Learning Academy... -
Dream big: Read (Local News ~ 06/08/12)
Local senator interviewed about meetings
(Local News ~ 06/08/12)
TOPEKA -- The Shawnee County District Attorney's Office interviewed Sen. Bob Marshall for more than an hour Thursday afternoon in Topeka about private dinners he attended in January at Gov. Sam Brownback's official residence, Cedar Crest. District Attorney Chad Taylor's office subpoenaed seven Republican legislators late last month as part of Taylor's ongoing investigation into whether the gatherings violated the Kansas Open Meetings Act...
Hurricanes outscore Erie by 376 points
(Community Sports ~ 06/08/12)
The Fort Scott Hurricanes defeated Erie, 549-173, in a Southeast Kansas Swimming League dual at the Fort Scott Aquatic Center Wednesday night. This was the first meet of the season for the Hurricanes and the first one in the new pool. The Hurricanes will be at Coffeyville next Wednesday. They return home June 20 for a league dual against Iola...
Post 25 at 4-0 following sweep (High School Sports ~ 06/08/12)
Fort Scott American Legion Post 25 improved to 4-0 on the season with a sweep of Garnett Post 48 in a doubleheader at Ty Cullor Field Thursday evening. Post 25 improved to 4-0. Fort Scott swept Chanute Post 170 in the season opener at Ty Cullor Tuesday night, 4-2 and 14-4... -
(Obituary ~ 06/08/12)
Michael Eugene Larsen, 61, died Wednesday, June 6, 2012, in Decatur, Texas. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Michael was born Feb. 2, 1951, in Fort Scott, Kan., to Leonard and Wanda (Smith) Larsen. He was a retired cattleman. Michael enjoyed buying and selling cattle and he loved to make people laugh. He never met a stranger. Michael was a member of the Alvord Baptist Church in Alvord, Texas...