New scholarships created
(Column ~ 05/18/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) Memorial Day, a day set apart each out of each year to honor the memory of those defenders of the Union who have passed to the Great Beyond, will again be properly observed in Fort Scott this year. Honorable A.W. Smith, pension commissioner for Kansas and one of the wellknown old soldiers of the state, has been secured to deliver the address at the courthouse yard early afternoon. ...
Jeeves, bring the limo around
(Column ~ 05/18/12)
This is the time of year that planning is in full swing for June brides. Those of us who have been through that process know full well that nothing is left to chance. Following up on invitation responses, seating assignments, confirming the band or DJ, gifts for the wedding party, out-of-town travel arrangements for guests, and perhaps a final wardrobe fitting and a menu tasting provide just a glimpse into the many items on the bride and groom "to do list."...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/18/12)
To the Editor: The No. 1 industry in Texas is tourism. I think the No. 1 industry in Fort Scott should be tourism. I walk north on Judson and take a plastic bag with me. By the time I get home, I have a bag full of trash. I have picked up everything except money -- dirty diapers, empty cigarette packs, cups, napkins and a thousand dollars in cigarette butts. ...
(Obituary ~ 05/18/12)
Bonnie Mae Callahan, 93, Nevada, Mo., passed way May 16, 2012. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, May 18, 2012, at Lefler Cemetery, Schell City, Mo., under the direction of Konantz-Warden Funeral Home.
(Obituary ~ 05/18/12)
Faye Covey, 90, of Fort Scott, died Thursday morning, May 17, 2012, at Guest Home Estates. Funeral arrangements for Faye Covey are incomplete and will be announced later by the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home.
(Births ~ 05/18/12)
Rudy and Gina Mason, Pleasanton, and sibling Violet Marie Mason, announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Sophie Dawn Mason, at 3:34 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, 2012, at Mercy Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces and measured 21 1/2 inches at birth...
(Births ~ 05/18/12)
Teresa and David Eisenbrandt, Fort Scott, and siblings Damon Eisenbrandt, Morgan Easton, Natalie Easton, Daniel Eisenbrandt, Davyon Eisenbrandt, Jacob Eisenbrandt and Cora Eisenbrandt, announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Olivia Noel Eisenbrandt, at 8:15 a.m. Thursday, May 17, 2012, at Mercy Hospital...
Smith anniversary (Anniversary ~ 05/18/12)
Nathan and Donna Kay Smith, along with their children Kayla Smith and Nate Smith, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on June 6, 2012. They were joined together as man and wife on June 6, 1987, at the First Church of the Nazarene, Third and Margrave, Fort Scott, Kan., by the Rev. Robert Reynolds in front of many family members and close friends. If anyone would like to send them a card or letter, their address is 2152 Native Rd., No. 1, Fort Scott, Kan. 66701... -
Quilt presentation given at Northeast 4-H
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
Mallory Westoff gave a presentation on "How to Make a Jean Quilt" to 25 members and three leaders at the Northeast Scott 4-H Club meeting on May 9. John Emmerson and Wil Wunderly led the club in singing "The More We Get Together." It was announced that One Day Camp will be held June 22...
New business opening (Local News ~ 05/18/12)
Battlefield Dispatches No. 317: 'Simultaneous campaigns' conducted
(Column ~ 05/18/12)
In the spring of 1862, the commanding officer of the Department of Kansas was planning to conduct two campaigns at the same time. One campaign was identified as the "Southern Expedition," the goal of which was to defend the southern border of Kansas by occupying the northeastern part of the Indian Territory or present-day Oklahoma. ...
Relationship between haves, have-nots must be addressed
(Column ~ 05/18/12)
A businesswoman in Fort Scott told me about a welfare recipient who bragged he had been given an $8,000 tax refund -- yet he paid no taxes. An elementary school teacher's student missed a few days of class so that her family (who was on welfare) could go to Branson on their income tax refund. ...
Good Ol' Days adds new entertainment
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
The Fort Scott Good Ol' Days Festival committee has added new entertainment to the stages and the pavilion this year. "We have brought in some old favorites and some new bands to offer our festival-goers more music choices," Millie Lipscomb, festival chairperson, said in a news release. "We have a combination of rock and roll, gospel, bluegrass, country and music for teenagers," she added...
Hope Chapel sets gospel singing
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
The Hope Chapel Assembly of God, 1216 4600th St., will host a community gospel singing at 6:30 p.m. May 20. If you sing or know anyone who would like to sing at this service, you may invite them. The service will feature gospel music only. Call Pastor Raymond Yates, (620) 939-4828...
City picks up tons of trash
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
About 82 tons worth of items were collected during the recent sixth annual citywide "Spring Cleanup" program, according to information from Fort Scott Public Works Director Eric Bailey. Bailey reported on the success of the two-week program and provided final figures associated with the project to the Fort Scott City Commission during their Tuesday meeting...
Nurse pinning ceremony (Local News ~ 05/18/12)
Family is reunited after tragedy
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
It's said that tragedy can bring families closer together. That was certainly the case with Kathy Hahn of Fort Scott -- it just took a while. In December 2011, her son Kevin Thomason was killed in Kansas City. Figuring out he was a sibling, his brother and two sisters -- all put up for adoption by Hahn when they were small -- prompted the trio to search out their natural mother...
Pittsburg wins fifth consecutive Rohde Trophy; Fort Scott second
(High School Sports ~ 05/18/12)
For a record fifth consecutive school year, Pittsburg has won the Southeast Kansas League's Martin Rohde All-Sports Trophy, which is awarded to the school that performs the best overall in all league sports. Fort Scott High School finished second, becoming the first school to finish that high without winning a championship in any sport. ...
Two Fort Scott campuses get new principals (Local News ~ 05/18/12)
Winfield Scott Elementary School will soon welcome Zach Lemert as its principal. The USD 234 school board approved hiring of Lemert, currently a teacher at Westside Elementary School in Pittsburg, to replace Billie Jo Drake during their regularly scheduled board meeting Monday night. Drake, currently Winfield Scott principal, was one of four administrators who put in requests for early retirement in January and February... -
High-flying acts (Local News ~ 05/18/12)
City revokes license
(Local News ~ 05/18/12)
After a brief discussion regarding city property at Lake Fort Scott, the Fort Scott City Commission recently revoked a temporary license they approved last month granting local residents access to city-owned property at the lake. Commissioners voted unanimously on Tuesday to rescind a temporary license originally granted April 17 to Byron and Nancy Maze. ...