PSU adds hybrids to motor pool (Community News ~ 03/22/12)
The vehicles in Pittsburg State University's motor pool burn thousands of gallons of gasoline each year. Recently, the university added two new vehicles to its fleet that will help reduce its gas consumption, a news release said. This week, vehicle maintenance workers are preparing two 2012 Ford Fusion hybrids to hit the road soon after spring break... -
U.S. farm exports remain strong
(Column ~ 03/22/12)
Economic conditions in our country over the past several years have been challenging. Available jobs in most areas are scarce, and securing one of those jobs is a difficult task. This is perhaps the most "economically dismal" period that most of us can remember...
Window of opportunity nearing to plant strawberries
(Column ~ 03/22/12)
Strawberries are the most popular type of berry in the United States and are the first fruit to ripen in the spring. They are the only fruit where the seeds are on the outside instead of the inside. So when is the best time to plant strawberries? Right now -- the middle of March until the first of April...
Northeast Scott 4-H meeting held
(Local News ~ 03/22/12)
Thirty eight members and four leaders answered roll call by naming something green at the March 14 Northeast Scott 4-H club meeting. It was parents' night so Lynette and John Emmerson led the club in singing "Home on the Range." The club voted to have a clean-up day on Saturday, April 28, at 8 a.m. The club also voted to set up a booth and sell dog biscuits to help out the Paws N Claws animal shelter on April 21...
Uniontown quarter three honor rolls
(Local News ~ 03/22/12)
Uniontown Junior High Quarter 3 Honor Rolls "All A's" David Bradbury Ty Covey Danielle Riley Kaitlynn Sampson Kalen Simpson Colton Sutterby Ella Sympson Megan Blythe Zachary Davis John Reed "All A's and B's" Alexis Batchelder Cale Coyan Trevor Crossland...
JOSEPH J. "JOHNNY" VINARDI (Obituary ~ 03/22/12)
Joseph J. "Johnny" Vinardi, 83, a former resident of Hepler and Fort Scott, Kan., died Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at the Heritage Nursing Home in Girard, Kan. He was born June 22, 1928, in Hepler, the son of Joe Vinardi and Maria Mikeleti Vinardi. Johnny had lived in the Hepler area for many years prior to moving to the Hillside Guest Home in Fort Scott and later to the Heritage Nursing Home in Girard... -
CYNTHIA JEAN PAGE DOHERTY (Obituary ~ 03/22/12)
Cynthia Jean Page Doherty, 43, resident of Fort Scott, Kan., died Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at her home following a cancer illness. She was born Sept. 4, 1968, in Fort Scott, the daughter of James Russell Page and Edna Taylor Page. She married Brian Doherty... -
Garden club meets
(Local News ~ 03/22/12)
Fort Scott Garden Club held its March meeting at the home of Marie Wiley Monday evening. Eight members were present with all wearing green for the St. Patrick's holiday. Each member brought something green in a bag for roll call. Gifts ranged from seeds to plant stakes to wind chimes...
The 'Kansas Wonder'
(Column ~ 03/22/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) Since the announcement was made several days ago that the Y.M.C.A. was to install a root beer fountain and serve that drink, many people have gotten it into their heads that the "Y" has turned into a saloon. They expect to see mirrors placed around the wall with swinging doors in front. ...
U-234 slates screenings at preschool
(Local News ~ 03/22/12)
The last day to schedule an appointment for USD 234 school district and the Fort Scott Preschool Center's preschool screenings for children up to 5 years of age is March 30. The purpose of the screenings is to test for possible developmental delays to locate and identify children who may need special education preschool and related services, a news release said. The tests screen children's vision, hearing, speech and communication, motor skills, socialization skills and general development...
'Voices from the Quilts' symposium kicks off weekend-long celebration
(Local News ~ 03/22/12)
The weekend-long "Voices from the Quilts" symposium and exhibit kicks off at 7 p.m. tonight with an opening reception at the Old Congregational Church, 502 S. National Ave. Bernita Hill will talk about the role quilts and quilters played during the Civil War and how the lives of women were changed. Refreshments will be available and donations to Friends of the Fort are requested...
Longtime singer/songwriter to take the stage at Memorial Hall (Local News ~ 03/22/12)
When Leona Williams talks about having a long-running career, she isn't kidding. The 69-year-old Vienna, Mo., native, had her own radio show at age 15, "Leona Sings," on KWOS in Jefferson City. Broadcast every Saturday morning, it featured sponsors from her hometown... -
Kiwanis getting ready for egg hunt (Local News ~ 03/22/12)
Upcoming local events will give youth chances to enjoy the fun of hunting for Easter eggs and other related activities. The annual Kiwanis Club Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, March 31, at the field past Shelter House No. 2 inside Gunn Park. Hundreds of area youngsters typically participate in the event to hunt for plastic eggs stuffed with candy and other prizes... -
Rain, rain should go away by this weekend. (Local News ~ 03/22/12)
Rain in the Fort Scott area is expected to move on by tonight, making way for a warm, sunny weekend. A strong upper level low pressure system sitting across Texas slowly pushing east is the reason for the steady rain the past three days. "It keeps bringing moisture up from the Gulf. ... -
(Births ~ 03/22/12)
Anya Grace Sackett and Kevin L. Gilbert, Fort Scott, Kan., and siblings Darius, Dante and Amanda are pleased to announce the birth of their brother and son Seryozha Richard Gilbert on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at 10 p.m. at Mercy, Fort Scott. Seryozha weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces...