A poem shared
(Column ~ 12/23/11)
Jonathan Moyers, a former student and praise leader in a nearby church, wrote the following poem. He has given me permission to share it with you. Tis the season of tons of stuff, Hustle and bustle in the name of "love." Presents, trees, and baskets of cheese,...
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 12/23/11)
James Edward Cook, 19, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department about 1 a.m. Thursday for possession of halluciongenic drugs and minor in possession. He posted bond in the amount of $1,500 and was released at 2:40 a.m. Thursday. Grant Daniel Wells, 18, Copan, Okla., was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department about 1 a.m. Thursday for possession of marijuana and minor in possession. He posted a bond in the amount of $1,500 and was released at 2:34 a.m. Thursday...
Battlefield Dispatches No. 296: 'Christmas Angels'
(Column ~ 12/23/11)
During the Civil War, a few days before "Christmas" the soldiers of the blue and the gray often thought of hearth and home and of Christmases past. For the most part, on Christmas Eve and day combat stopped. There wasn't an official truce; however, the fighting just seemed to stop...
Christmas lighting winners
(Column ~ 12/23/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Today proved a record breaking day in the amount of mail handled through the post office here and the office remains piled high with packages of all descriptions, in spite of the fact that the numerous carriers have left the office with their arms loaded at every trip today. ...
City pet store offers sugar glider (Local News ~ 12/23/11)
Along with its hedgehogs, cockatiels, Honduran albino milk snakes and ferrets, Everything Pets now has a sugar glider for sale. Found in the forests of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and Indonesia, sugar gliders are so named for their affinity toward sweet food and their "ability to glide through the air like a flying squirrel," according to references... -
The chance of a lifetime; Local Gold Star Mother meets first lady and other surprises (Local News ~ 12/23/11)
Jennifer Jackman recently had the chance of a lifetime when she visited the White House and met First Lady Michelle Obama. The Elsmore resident and Gold Star mother was one of 136 volunteers and three Gold Star club members -- two moms and one wife -- from across the country who were recently invited to Washington, D.C., to work on the special Gold Star Christmas tree at the president's home and represent the organization in honor of this year's "Shine, Give, Share" holiday decoration theme at the executive mansion. ... -
Skate park gets a boost
(Local News ~ 12/23/11)
Three years and three months after the Fort Scott Skatepark Committee hosted its first event in the parking lot of Skubitz Plaza, the dream of building a skate park here has taken a giant leap forward with the promise of a sizable donation that would meet the group's $100,000 fundraising goal...
New opportunities, new frontiers
(Column ~ 12/23/11)
There is never a good time for good-bye, but for me that time has come. After nearly three and a half years with The Tribune, it is time for me to move on to bigger and better things. Effective today, my time as a reporter, photographer, and assistant editor for The Tribune will end. My time with The Tribune has been full of opportunity -- chances to see things I never thought I would, to meet people I never imagined and to accomplish things I never imagined...
No Snick(ering) here: Convenience store tops in candy sales (Local News ~ 12/23/11)
Although Snickers are not her favorite, the thought of the candy bar probably now brings a smile to the face of Pump 'N Pete's store manager Max Simhiser. In the last month, her store, at 1135 E. Wall St., sold 1,660 of the candy bars -- 34 1/2 cases -- earning her and the outlet's five employees a party. ...