Old county farm is sold
(Column ~ 11/09/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) The polls opened at 6 a.m., and by 4 o'clock this afternoon, only 665 votes had been cast in the five voting places in Fort Scott for congressman to succeed the late Hon. A.C. Mitchell. But a light vote was expected during the rest of the evening at each of the various wards and probably not more than one thousand votes will be cast in the entire city. Reports from the country districts are to the effect that voting there is lighter in proportion than in the city...
New meeting dates announced for 'Our Gang'
(Column ~ 11/09/11)
Correction: My apology to Rebekah Moyers of Fort Scott who is a student in Ozark Christian College in Joplin, not the dorm mom. The dorm mom is Judy Kakac, who visited her son in California while Ralph and Cindy Shead served in her place in Dennis Hall...
Why pumpkin pie needs to be refrigerated
(Column ~ 11/09/11)
Grocers display pumpkin pies on store shelves without refrigeration, yet cooks who make pumpkin pies at home are instructed to refrigerate the perennial fall favorites. "The difference in recommendations is due to the formulation of the pie recipes," Karen Blakeslee, K-State research and extension food scientist said...
Donation offered to children's home
(Column ~ 11/09/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Everybody likes to "play to capacity," and the hotel and rooming house keepers are not immune from enjoying such a situation. Last night, as is frequently the case, every room in the hotels and rooming houses was full and not a bed or pillow were to be had...
Lessons from televised trials
(Column ~ 11/09/11)
We have become a nation obsessed with watching criminal trials on television. Heck, there are even cable networks whose main focus is to cover trials 24 hours a day. For many viewers, it is the first time anyone has witnessed a trial from the comfort of a living room...
Elsmore Ruritan Club to hold pancake supper fundraiser
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Elsmore Ruritan Club will have its annual pancake supper Saturday at the Elsmore community building from 5 to 7 p.m. Club members will serve pancakes, sausages, eggs and a drink for a free-will donation. Tickets will be available for desserts which will be given out in drawings throughout the evening. ...
John Deere open house (Local News ~ 11/09/11)
USD 234 hosts board meeting
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
USD 234 board hosts special meeting Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met Friday for a special meeting. The board approved the request for a leave of absence from Donna Davis, special education teacher at Winfield Scott Elementary School. They also approved the hiring of Elizabeth Grantham as a high school paraeducator...
County courthouse, transfer station to be closed
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
The Bourbon County Courthouse and transfer station will be closed Friday in observance of Veterans Day. The transfer station will also be closed Saturday. Due to the holiday, the Bourbon County Commission will not meet Friday, nor will they meet Monday as the commissioners will be attending the Kansas Association of Counties conference...
County commission will meet with employees
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
The Bourbon County Commission will be meeting with the Bourbon County Public Works employees at 7 a.m. Wednesday at the county barn to discuss moving to the new rock quarry. While there be a majority of commissioners present, the commission will not open a meeting and no action will be taken...
City offices to close for Veterans Day
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
The city of Fort Scott will be closed on Friday in observance of Veterans Day. Offices will reopen on Monday, Nov. 14. The city's tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Saturday for the Veterans Day holiday. It will reopen from 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15...
Diabetes support group to meet
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Registered nurse and certified diabetes educator Alice Helton will facilitate a Diabetes Support Group at 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21, in McAuley Room A&B at Mercy Health Center. The public is invited and individuals with diabetes or caregivers are encouraged to attend...
FSCC student earns top honors in meats judging (Local News ~ 11/09/11)
The American Meat Science Association each year names eight All-Americans for their efforts in the classroom and judging. The eight are picked after their cumulative GPA and their best three places in the six contests are entered into an equation. The grade point average is weighted at 25 percent and their judging performance is 75 percent... -
Free bereavement program to be offered here
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
People who will be trying to cope with the loss of a friend or loved one this holiday season may get some help through an upcoming local workshop. Cheney Witt Funeral Home is sponsoring a free bereavement program presented by Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice titled "Coping with the Holidays." The program will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, at the Carriage House, 301 S. Main St...
Right on the Button; District food service director Robin Button achieves high level of state certification.
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Gone are the days of mystery meat in school cafeterias, and Robin Button is working to make sure they never come back in Fort Scott. Button, USD 234's food service director, recently achieved the Certified Child Nutrition Manager 2 distinction by completing a total of 120 hours of training in the Child Nutrition Academy by the Child Nutrition and Wellness, Kansas State Department of Education. ...
Will Rogers visits (Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Kid Wrestling parents' meeting set for Tuesday
(Community Sports ~ 11/09/11)
The Fort Scott Kids Wrestling Club will have its parents meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15 in the commons at Fort Scott Middle School. Parents that have boys or girls 4 years old through 8th grade are encouraged to attend as this meeting will cover important information for the upcoming season. The club asks that only parents attend...
Butler escapes 'Hound upset bid (College Sports ~ 11/09/11)
Fort Scott Community College's men came oh-so-close Tuesday night. But in the end, Butler was able to make some clutch plays and went on to a 60-56 victory over the Greyhounds in non-conference play at Arnold Arena. Fort Scott (0-4) took just its third lead of the night -- its first since the 7 1/2-minute mark of the first half -- when Desean Miles hit a bank shot with 1:47 remaining in the contest, making it 53-52... -
D.J. and Jake Anderson, Fort Scott, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kaidence Dawn Swisher-Anderson on Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, at 4:23 p.m. at Via Christi Hospital, Pittsburg, Kan. Kaidence weighed 5 pounds, 8.9 ounces and was 17.5 inches in length... -
(Births ~ 11/09/11)
Barbie Wicker and Mark Bush, Arma, Kan., along with siblings Mackenzie and Jade Bush, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter and sister Jaycee Dalton Bush on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott, Kan. Jaycee weighed 8 pounds, 3.5 ounces...
Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/09/11)
John Wesley Brown, 34, 1511 215th St., Lot 15, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 2:58 a.m. Sunday for theft of services. He is still being held at this time. Ashley Michelle Boultinghouse, 29, 205 S. Hill, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 1:57 a.m. Sunday for domestic battery. She is still being held at this time...
80th birthday
(Other Record ~ 11/09/11)
The family of Delores Wilson is honoring her with an 80th birthday celebration/card shower. Everyone is invited to join in the festivities from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13, at the Elsmore United Methodist Church in Elsmore. No gifts please. Cards may be sent to Delores Wilson, 800 N. Main, Elsmore, Kan., 66732...
Bronson Ruritan elects new officers for 2012
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Bronson Ruritan met Oct. 24 at the Methodist Church Annex. Seventeen members answered roll call and turned in their work hours. President Terry Johnston opened the meeting with Julia Ann Rhoton leading the song "America," and Terry giving the prayer. Vice President Alan Stewart called on committee reports. Louella Fuhrman gave the secretary's report for September, the minutes of the October board meeting and, in the absence of Treasurer Joyce Wilkins, the regular treasurer's report...
'House Concert' old concept brought to life again
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Harold and Bobbi Kemna entertained with a "House Concert" at their home with about 30 of their friends and their guest musician Christian Orellona, who is from Peru originally and now lives in California. Some readers probably wonder, just what is a house concert?...
Culture Club celebrates Thanksgiving, readies for Christmas
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Betty Camac was hostess of the Bronson Culture Club. Her home was decorated with fall colors. President Julia Ann Rhoton called the meeting to order with Erma Eastwood leading the collect and Elizabeth Lundberg the flag salute. The thought for the day was "never harbor grudges; they sour your stomach and do no harm to anyone else."...
Gospel bluegrass music at Hope Chapel Sunday
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
Hope Chapel Assembly of God, invites you to come and listen to the Gospel Bluegrass Music of the Cole family, Sunday, Nov. 13, at 10:30 a.m. at Hope Chapel Assembly of God, three miles east of Moran on Highway 54. Everyone is welcome to attend. A freewill offering will be received for the Cole family...
Fulton Community Center members discuss fundraising
(Local News ~ 11/09/11)
The Fulton Community Center met Oct. 27 with five members present. Fern Brown called the meeting to order. Virginia called the roll and minutes were read and approved. Due to the absence of the treasurer, Harv Waltmire read the treasurer's report. It was read and approved. There was discussion about a money-making project. Reservation was brought up to date. The next meeting is Nov. 17 at the Fulton Communtiy Center at 7 p.m...