Knopp wins high jump at Paola
(High School Sports ~ 04/12/11)
PAOLA -- Senior Griffin Knopp won the boys' high jump at the Paola Invitational here Friday, clearing 6 feet, 6 inches to win the event by 6 inches. It was just one of three individual wins for the Tigers here as the boys dropped from a first-place finish the week before at Labette County to seventh place here. Fort Scott girls were also seventh as a team...
No. 17 Cowley takes series (College Sports ~ 04/12/11)
Seventh-grader wins county spelling bee
(Column ~ 04/12/11)
100 YEARS AGO (1911) Charles H. Cooper, who had been in the employ of the Frisco Railroad for the past 26 years, died this morning at his home, 13 N. Broadway. Mr. Cooper was one of the best-known and most liked men in the city. He had been a clerk in the bridge department of the Frisco for the past 26 years. ...
Letter to the Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/12/11)
To the Editor: The Tribune recently printed an article on the Voice of America contest. This brought back vivid memories to me and I am sure to others in the community. In 1946-47 shortly after VE Day when Europe was liberated from Japan, there were many service men and women who were lucky to make it back home. ...
Every move matters for healthy bodies
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
Many of us spend a large portion of our waking day sitting behind a desk, in front of a computer, or behind the wheel. Opportunities to be physically active in our daily routines have diminished over the years. We drive, rather than walk or bicycle. Our homes and workplaces are automated. We have labor-saving devices at work and home and we spend a lot of time in sedentary activities, such as computer and television use. Children, too, are less active...
Starlite FCE hosts area author during meeting
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
The F.C.E. Spring Follies was held April 5, 2011, at the Yeager Building, Bourbon County Fairgrounds. There were 28 F.C.E. members and guests present. Delicious appetizers and refreshments were served. Deborah Vogts of Erie, Kansas, was the guest speaker. ...
Warren Buffet interview yields words of wisdom
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
I received the following from an e-mail friend. I found it most informative and interesting. Enjoy. "There was a one-hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the world's second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Following are some very interesting aspects of his life...
Barnstormers 4-H meets, receives check (Community News ~ 04/12/11)
The Barnstormers 4-H Club received a check for $2,500 from Beverly Furman Farms. The March meeting was "parents" night. Mr. Pitts talked about choosing a show pig. Mr. Crystal did a project talk on sheep. Members attending were Chance Furman, Alexa Furman, Kole Wagner, Tanner Howard, Kaitlyn Hanks, Jackson Pitts, Jake Harvey, Jessie Carmac, Jacob DeLaTorre, Braden Griffiths and guests Delta George and Beverly Furman. The club changed its meeting time to 7 p.m. beginning in May... -
Hope Faith Miller
(Births ~ 04/12/11)
Monica and David Miller, of Nevada, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Hope Marie Miller. Hope was born April 7 at 6:62 p.m. at Mercy Health Center in Fort Scott. She weighed 7 pounds 6.5 ozs. at birth. Maternal grandparents include Jean M. Smith of Nevada, Mo., and Randy E. Dugan, of El Dorado Springs, Mo...
Wilson anniversary (Community News ~ 04/12/11)
Donna and Kevin Wilson will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary today (April 12). Cards may be sent to: Donna and Kevin Wilson, 508 Main St., Fort Scott, Kan., 66701. -
Mildred Elizabeth Allen
(Obituary ~ 04/12/11)
Mildred Elizabeth Allen, age 97, a resident of Bronson, Kan., died Monday, April 11, 2011, at the Moran Manor Nursing Home in Moran, Kan. Funeral services will be announced by the Cheney Witt Bronson Chapel, Bronson, Kan.
Ronald Gene Holder (Obituary ~ 04/12/11)
Ronald Gene Holder, age 60, a resident of rural Redfield, went to meet his Lord and Savior on Sunday, April 10, 2011. He was born Jan. 15, 1951, in Grand Island, Neb. As a youth growing up in Kearney, Neb., Ron was mentored through the Boy Scouts of America and achieved his Eagle Scout badge the same day he graduated from Kearney Senior High School. ... -
Homer L. Grimes (Obituary ~ 04/12/11)
Homer L. Grimes, 78, of Climax Springs, Mo., passed away on Sunday, April 10, at 10 a.m. after a long two-and -a-half-year battle with cancer. Homer was born May 20, 1932, in Alton, Kan., a son of Carl and Anita (Perfect) Grimes. He married Barbara M. (DeLange) Grimes on June 18, 1961 in Girard... -
Local garden club holds meeting
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
Twelve members and one guest, Connie Mayder, met at the home of Marie Wiley. Everyone wore green. The president opened the meeting. Roll call was answered by giving a green food. Other officers gave their reports, plans were made for the annual yard sale. The meeting closed by repeating the club collect. The hostess served delicious snacks in green...
Daughters of the Nile gather
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
At the March 28 meeting of the Fort Scott Daughters of the Nile, members voted to amend the club by-laws to read: A framed Stepping Stone will be presented to the family of a deceased member. (Article VII, Section I). The first one will be presented to Leah Lewis, whose mother-in-law was a longtime member...
NE Scott Club congregates
(Community News ~ 04/12/11)
At the March meeting of the NE Scott 4-H Club, Tanner and Riley Wunderly presented an illustrated talk. Kevin and Kolby Seastead did a project talk. The date was set for the Hammond Community Center clean-up. --Submitted by Amber Wunderly
Law enforcement reports
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
William Darrell Nowak, 42, of 517 Couch, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office on April 8 at 5:20 p.m. to serve a 48-hour sentence and was released on April 10 at 6:15 p.m. John Wayne Evans, 29, of 1545 215th St., Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department on April 10 at 7 p.m. for criminal damage to property and was released the same day at 8:24 p.m. on a $1,250 bond...
Kiwanis Club egg hunt set Saturday
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
The Kiwanis Club Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, April 16 on the fields near the Second Shelter House at Gunn Park. Pre-school youngsters start at the top of the hill and first through fifth-graders at the bottom of the hill.
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
The name of one of the students honored at the recent Plus 5 dinner was misspelled. It is Kaitlin Barker. The Tribune regrets the error.
Mine Creek Battlefield to delay opening
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
The Kansas Historical Society has announced that Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic Site will delay the opening of its visitor center exhibits due to maintenance issues. The site will now open Wednesday, April 27 for the spring and summer travel season. ...
Brownback signs rural opportunities bill
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
Gov. Sam Brownback stopped in three Kansas counties and at a university campus Monday for ceremonial signings of Senate Bill 198, also known as the Rural Opportunity Zones (ROZs) bill. Members of the Governor's Growth Team, state legislators, local elected leaders and college students joined Brownback...
A pleasant dog and people outing (Local News ~ 04/12/11)
Golf course improvements under way (Local News ~ 04/12/11)
'Bark for Life' spotlights canines; Dogs recognized for role as caregivers to people with cancer (Local News ~ 04/12/11)
Dogs took their owners out Sunday for a day in the spotlight as part of Bourbon County Relay for Life's first-ever Bark for Life. Held at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds, Bourbon County Relay for Life Community Manager Rhonda Dewitt said it attracted approximately 13 canines and 50 people -- organizers were hoping for 20 dogs. ... -
School board OKs tennis plan; Members approve particiaption plan to refurbish courts if other entities are with them.
(Local News ~ 04/12/11)
The USD 234 Board of Education approved the district's participation in a plan to refurbish two tennis courts located on the municipal golf course property, provided other entities are on board with the proposal. During their regular meeting on Monday, the board heard details of the plan from Superintendent Rick Werling, who said the district is interested in renovating the courts for use by the Fort Scott High School tennis teams next year. ...