Hiattville 4-H Club news
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
The Hiattville 4-H Club met Wednesday, Oct. 6. Members answered to the roll call of "What I want to be when I grow up." Members were reminded of upcoming dates including Club Banquet, Oct. 23 and County Banquet, Nov. 5. Hannah Fry announced that for 4-H Sunday, club members would attend the Hiattville United Methodist Church...
Ruritan clubs meet together
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
On Sept. 23, Ruritan Clubs in zones one, two and three met in a combined Zone Meeting at the Redfield Community Building. Members from nine clubs from these zones were represented at the meeting. Shaune Campbell, zone two governor, presided over the meeting following the meal served by the Redfield Club. Governors from each zone reported on activities of the clubs in their zone...
Bronson Culture Club October news
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Bronson Culture Club had Hobo soup day, Oct. 5, which was enjoyed by 10 members at the home of Erma Eastwood. Geri Reeder and Retta Smith received secret pal birthday gifts. Smith called the meeting to order with: "Never be afraid to try, rember: Amatures built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic."...
(Obituary ~ 10/27/10)
Don Hays Sayles, 85, of Blue Mound, Kan., died Saturday morning, Oct. 23, 2010 at the Prescott Countryview Nursing Home. He was born Sept. 5, 1925 in Kansas City, Mo., the son of Donald and Jessie Lorena (Hays) Sayles. He is survived by his brother-in-law, Darrel Sullenger of Tulsa, Okla...
(Obituary ~ 10/27/10)
Paula J. Isaacson, 80, of Fort Scott, died Monday evening, Oct. 25, 2010 at the Mercy Health Center. Funeral arrangements for Paula Isaacson are incomplete and will be announced later by the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, Fort Scott, Kan. 66701.
CADEN JAMES LEWIS (Births ~ 10/27/10)
LEWIS -- Jim and Susan Lewis, Scottsdale, Ariz., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Caden James Lewis. Caden was born at 6:05 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2010 at Shea Medical Center in Scottsdale. He weighed 8 pounds, 6.4 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mick and Lynn Spangler, Bronaugh, Mo... -
FCE learns about arthritis
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Hostesses Jan Patterson and Estalee Simpson served cookies and a beverage to 14 Starlite F.C.E. members and 13 guests who met at the Presbyterian Village on Thursday, Oct. 21. President Joan Isaac called the meeting to order by welcoming the room full of guests and members. Jan Patterson introduced our special speaker, Dr. Greg King, who presented interesting information about arthritis...
Fort Scott Daughters of the Nile
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Members of the Fort Scott Chapter of the Daughters of the Nile met Oct. 25 in the community room of Presbyterian Village. Pam Lyons and Koyle Link were hostesses. Members voted to donate $200 to the Galveston Shriners Children's Hospital for Christmas items. Individual members also plan to give gift cards. These must be given to President Jackie Warren by Nov. 10...
CARE Halloween party held
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
CARE (Community Advocates and Resources for Equality) sponsored a Costume Halloween Party on Oct. 23 at the First Christian Church, 101 S. Judson. The Tri-Valley clients were invited guests. The evening was spent visiting, dancing and eating. Everyone enjoyed the evening...
(Obituary ~ 10/27/10)
Bonnie Luker Cornwall, former resident of Denton, Texas, died Oct. 13, 2010. She was born on Aug. 30, 1942, in Uniontown, Kan. She is survived by her husband, Robert; a daughter, Carla George; two sons, Jeff Christy and Thomas Cornwall; nine grandchildren, one great-granddaughter, one brother, Eldon Luker; and three sisters, Lois Wynn, Lucille Ward, and Phyllis Randal...
(Births ~ 10/27/10)
ALLISON -- Parents Nathan and Katie Allison, along with big brother Jasper, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Korbyn Brylynn-Annette Allison. Korbyn was born at 8:44 a.m. on Oct. 7, 2010, at Mercy Health Center in Fort Scott...
Artful reflections
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
The Bourbon County Arts Council will host the Ninth Annual Evening of Artful Reflections at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, in the lobby of City State Bank, 1012 U.S. Highway 69. Local ceramic artist Bobbi Kemna will be the featured artist for the event. Entertainment will be provided by USD 234 orchestra students. Local auctioneer Marty Read will auction "one-of-a-kind" art pieces and other items...
Trial verdict expected
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Bourbon County 6th District Judge Mark Ward said Wednesday the jury is expected to deliver a verdict today in the sexual abuse trial of Fort Scott resident Douglas Page. Court will resume at 8:45 a.m. today with closing statements expected before noon, Ward said...
Mercy Mammography Marathon deemed successful
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Mercy Health Center's 24-hour Mammography Marathon attracted some 49 people. "We normally do nine or 10 a day, so we ended up doing 29 extra. We stopped at midnight and started up again at 4:30 in the morning," Director of Imaging Services Becky Williams said...
'Life in a Jar' book signing scheduled here next mont
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
The Life in a Jar project has come full circle with the publication of a book about several Kansas students who discovered Irena Sendler. The four founders of "Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project" will be at the Country Cupboard, 12 N. Main St., from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 13, hosting a book signing event for the first book, by the same name, printed in English about Sendler...
Change coming: Forum explains new health care legislation
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
About 30 people turned out to a public forum Wednesday at Mercy Health Center to hear more details on federal health care reform legislation signed into law earlier this year by President Barack Obama. Keynote speaker at the forum was Mercy Regional Director of Revenue Management and Reimbursement Karen Endicott-Coyan, who presented details on both the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law on March 23, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, signed into law March 30. ...
Vote here (Local News ~ 10/27/10)
New City Hall (Local News ~ 10/27/10)
Governor endorses McKinney to remain state treasurer
(Local News ~ 10/27/10)
TOPEKA -- Gov. Mark Parkinson Wednesday announced in a news release his strong support for Dennis McKinney in his bid for State Treasurer. "Dennis has demonstrated a remarkable ability to work across party lines and a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility. ...