Pair of Jayhawks going to 3-2-1A State (High School Sports ~ 02/23/10)
ROSSVILLE -- Jayhawk-Linn senior Eli Walrod won the 285-pound bracket while classmate Quincy Hodges took fourth place at 160, ensuring both athletes berths into the State Class 3-2-1A State Tournament, which will be held this coming weekend on the campus of Fort Hays State University... -
3 Tigers advance to State
(High School Sports ~ 02/23/10)
CHANUTE -- Three members of Fort Scott High School's wrestling team will take part in the Class 4A State Tournament this weekend in Salina. Seniors Denzell Davis and Justin Sharp and freshman Tyler Sharp are the Tigers' qualifiers. They advanced from the Chanute Class 4A Regional Tournament, which was held here Friday and Saturday...
East leaders beat 'Hounds, 75-50 (College Sports ~ 02/23/10)
A 23-4 start during which Fort Scott Community College's women scored only one field goal propelled Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division leading Labette to a 75-50 victory over the Greyhounds in their final home game of the season Saturday at Arnold Arena... -
At long last: Greyhounds break 21-game losing streak; Barner, McCoy step up (College Sports ~ 02/23/10)
ERMEL (Anniversary ~ 02/23/10)
More from Class of '49
(Column ~ 02/23/10)
This is the fourth column in a series. It has two stories: The first by Joe Bailey, Class of 1949. The second story by Garland Sellers, Class of '49. Hi Marilyn, I spent my entire "growing up time" in Fort Scott. Like many of the rest of you, I was not aware that we were "deprived." My dad supplemented what he grew in a garden at my grandmother's farm west of town by hunting and fishing. ...
Meyer Family Gospel Band to perform Saturday
(Column ~ 02/23/10)
Guest minister in Arcadia Christian Church on February 21 was former Pastor Bob Cable from Nevada, Mo. His Mother, Willa Cable, Redfield, led the singing. His Father, Charles Cable, also former pastor, is recovering from recent surgery. Best wishes to him...
New credit card rules bring many changes
(Column ~ 02/23/10)
New credit card rules implemented this week offer new protections for consumers. If you have a credit card account, some of the key changes to watch for include the following. What your credit card company has to tell you When an increase in the rate or other fees is planned, a credit card company must send a notice 45 days before...
ABNER D. JOHNSON (Obituary ~ 02/23/10)
Abner Delbert Johnson, 90, of Uniontown, Kansas, died Sunday evening, February 21, 2010 at the Moran Manor Nursing Home in Moran, Kansas. He was born April 17, 1919 in Garnett, Kansas the son of Delbert and Katie Beulah (Wilson) Johnson. He married Grace 'Josephine' Handrahan May 24, 1942 in Uniontown, Kansas. She survives of the home... -
Pittsburg State sets spring enrollment record
(Local News ~ 02/23/10)
Pittsburg State University has set a record for spring enrollment with a total of 6,752 students -- a 2.4 percent increase over the spring 2009 semester. PSU reported the numbers to the Kansas Board of Regents for the annual spring 20th day count of the six state universities...
Tiger forensors continue multi-event success
(Local News ~ 02/23/10)
For the second week in a row, the Fort Scott High School forensics team was in action in more than one location. On Friday, two Public Forum Debate teams and four Lincoln-Douglas debators made their way to Topeka-Seaman High School to compete. According to coach Brian Weilert, the long trip was made to compete against not only different, but larger Class 5A and 6A schools. Fort Scott is a Class 4A school...
Jamboree hopes to remain open (Local News ~ 02/23/10)
The local favorite Fort Scott Jamboree is struggling to keep its doors open due to weather and a decreasing attendance. The Saturday evening shows consists mainly of country and bluegrass music and features co-manager Shawn Pittman as the host and fiddle player, and his wife Collette on vocals. Pittman said the weather has certainly had an effect on the audience which consists mainly of senior citizens... -
Local K-State student only freshman chosen for presentationBy (Local News ~ 02/23/10)
Diligence and high aspirations are beginning to pay off for one former Fort Scott High School student. On Jan. 16, Kansas State University freshman Sterling Braun was chosen as one of eight university students to deliver a speech and PowerPoint demonstration at the 8th Annual K-INBRE Symposium... -
Downtown business holds grand opening (Local News ~ 02/23/10)
Jenkins visits Fort Scott, gets feedback
(Local News ~ 02/23/10)
United State Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R.-Kan., visited Fort Scott Thursday to get a feel for what going on in the district she represents. Jenkins visited the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Coffee at Shelter Insurance, then toured Fort Scott Community College and made a stop at the Fort Scott Rotary Club Loaded Potato Feed before heading off to the next location. ...
(Births ~ 02/23/10)
Parents Eric and Darcy Baldanado, Fort Scott, and sister Anna are proud to announce the birth of daughter and sister Elena Dalyn Baldanado. Elena was born at Freeman Health System, Joplin, Mo., at 1:05 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010. She weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces at birth...
FSMS Math Team takes honors in regional contest (Local News ~ 02/23/10)
On Saturday, the Fort Scott Middle School Math Team, coached by Josh Gier, attended the regional MATHCOUNTS competition in Pittsburg. After taking two individual tests, a team test, and passing another round of competition, FSMS team member Mark Garner, an eighth grader, walked away with the trophy for first place in the individual category. Winning first place earned Garner a... -
City, county have different views of Kansas Senate Bill 405
(Local News ~ 02/23/10)
Fort Scott and Bourbon County officials have opposing views on Kansas Senate Bill No. 405 which would change the way governing bodies publish legal notices. Introduced into the Committee on Ways and Means on Jan. 21, the bill was created to help relieve some of the financial burden some cities and counties face across the state concerning the publishing of legal notices in the newspaper by offering the alternative to post notices on the city's, county's, or school district's Web site...
FSCC sign fundraising nearing goal (Local News ~ 02/23/10)
A fundraising committee at Fort Scott Community College is nearing the end of its first major campaign that began nearly a year ago. A group of several FSCC employees, called the Hound-Tron committee, has been working since early 2009 to raise money for an outdoor electronic one-color LED sign and billboard that would be installed on the college's main campus. ... - KORIE JADE GATES (Births ~ 02/23/10)