Fort Scott Rotary Club service projects
(Column ~ 04/25/08)
What do the words, "Service Above Self mean to you?" Well, to the Fort Scott Rotary Club and Rotary International, the words explain are objective to serve our community and the world by volunteering our time, energy, and money. Rotary's official Web page. ...
Fort Scott Christian Heights 42 annual auction, garage sale
(Local News ~ 04/25/08)
Fort Scott Christian Heights will be having their 42nd annual Country Store and Auction, Saturday, May 3, 2008. It will open at 9 a.m. and all proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for the school. There will also be a special feature, the Grand Evening Auction, which will begin at 6 p.m. ...
Fundraiser for Uniontown High school student
(Local News ~ 04/25/08)
There will be a lunch fundraiser to help Breanna Esslinger and family with medical expenses. Breanna recently was ill with double pneumonia and this fundraiser is to help her family with medical expenses incurred while she had a lengthy hospital stay and surgery...
Jolly Circle Club, 'Do everything in love' (Column ~ 04/25/08)
The Jolly Circle Club met with Hesta Bridges, April 17. Hazel Gulliford, pres., conducted the meeting. Songs sungs were "The Little Brown Church" and the clubs theme song "The More We Get Together". All repeated the pledge to the flag. Eight members answered roll call with a white elephant exchange. ... -
Plans for Community Breakfast will be May 1
(Local News ~ 04/25/08)
The Fort Scott Pioneer Kiwanis Club has announced plans for this year's Community Prayer Breakfast that will be held May 1 at the Fort Scott Community College cafeteria, 2108 S. Horton St. The breakfast is held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. The event is sponsored by the Pioneer Kiwanis Club, the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce and the Ministerial Alliance. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the breakfast...
Memories spring eternal ... (Column ~ 04/25/08)
100 YEARS AGO (1908) An exciting announcement is made of a bunch of mirth-makers and songsters to be seen at the Elks' Minstrels. Just seventy-five cents for a thousand laughs. Pictured in their respective roles: W.H. (Billy Duck). Father and promoter of local minstrelsy, under whose direction the "Grander and the Greatest" will be given.--Freeman Martin, soloist. ... -
(Births ~ 04/25/08)
HURD-- Elsie Annalynn Hurd, a girl, was born at Mercy Health Center in Fort Scott at 6:52 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 to parents Douglas and Theresa Hurd, Fort Scott. He weighed 9 pounds, 1/2 ounce at birth. Maternal grandparents are David and Sharon Klein, Overland Park. Paternal grandparents are Rick and Shirley Hurd, Fort Scott...
Bourbon County receives federal funds for emergency uses
(Local News ~ 04/25/08)
By Jason E. Silvers The Fort Scott Tribune Bourbon County has once again received federal grant money that will be used to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the area. Local officials recently announced that Bourbon County has been awarded $5,727 in federal funds under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program. ...
City officials warn against code violations (Local News ~ 04/25/08)
By Michael Glover The Fort Scott Tribune As the garage and yard sale season fast approaches, the city codes department advises not to post homemade signs on utility poles or it could mean a codes violation. Not only is it illegal to post signs on electric poles but it's a codes violation if the sign is posted on a sandwich board or a saw horse and located within the "site triangle" that surrounds the pole... -
Fort Scott signage gets an upgrade (Local News ~ 04/25/08)
Baseball at Nevada cancelled
(Local News ~ 04/25/08)
Fort Scott High School's baseball games this afternoon (Friday) at Nevada have been cancelled, according to an e-mail sent this afternoon by FSHS Athletic Director Larry Fink. There was to have been one varsity and one junior varsity game. Also, the JV baseball tournament at Girard scheduled for Saturday morning has also been cancelled. The Fort Scott JV was entered...