Adams feels code enforcement should be priority (Local News ~ 03/30/07)
When asked what is the most pressing problem Fort Scott currently faces, Jim Adams said codes enforcement should be a priority. "We need to tear down houses that are beyond repair," Adams said. "We have to be the most well-run small city in Kansas to attract business, and I think the codes enforcement is the No. 1 thing. I can give you a list of people who recently moved here and said they were shocked at the appearance of houses close to their homes... -
ARTHUR EARL CRAIG (Obituary ~ 03/30/07)
Arthur Earl Craig, age 77, a resident of Fort Scott, died Wednesday, March 28, 2007, at the Mercy Health Center. He was born March 12, 1930, in Fort Scott, the son of Elmer Earl Craig and Margarette Clements. He married Carol Reed in 1983 at Miami, Oklahoma. She preceded him in death in 1997. He was a veteran of the United States Army and a member of the V.F.W. He worked for the Aspen Tree Service and in his free time enjoyed dancing and playing pool... -
Memories spring eternal (Column ~ 03/30/07)
100 YEARS AGO (1907) The local Odd Fellows will tonight go down to Pawnee to institute a chapter of the order there. On Monday evening the Pawnee lodge men will be brought here and given the degree work and tendered a banquet. The doctors of Fort Scott are preparing to entertain their visiting professional brothers here Tuesday. ...